The New Isolated Blurt BDSM Thread

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I know I'm making a bigger deal of this than it really is and if it were just the immunes that's one thing. But where they've obviously misplaced paperwork (I took it in personally and watched her photocopy it) then I can't help but wonder if the immune issue arises from the paperwork issue... and that makes me mad
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*crawls in and collapses*

Fifty minutes on the treadmill. Only my awareness of the utter abandonment of my exercise routine (okay, and my current state of pudginess :D) over the last couple of months is keeping me moving.

Must. De-pudge. Must.

Have you tried a self hypnosis or meditation ( or yoga nidri)? There are lots free on you tube, loads are......not relaxing for me, but well might suit others. :confused:. I return to some often. When a mind is very busy they don't help much.

There are also lots of self hypnoses for sexual response on youtube. I find it interesting that those drawn to create these often are not blessed with particularly engaging voices. ( none I have tried work for me)

I trained in Transcendental Meditation back when it was first popular in the U.S. and we were told to separate meditation and sleep. On the other hand, Thich Nhat Hanh strongly recommends a form of meditation for falling asleep. I have tried his method with little success. Most recently I had my best sleep after gorging on lobster macaroni and cheese, but that's not a practical sleep aid.
I want the weather to start cooling off. I love sweaters and cozy things. :sigh: To be able to wear layers or cardigans and light scarves or even my hooded cape...
Oh, gosh, I'd love one of those. I even saw one on etsy I have been circling round for a while. But I said to G that I think I'd look like not little red riding hood in a cape, but like the wold who ate her grandma, her and the woodsman all. I changed twice today....changey weather :(

For a limited time.

I made it for a little red riding hood costume, and have since longed to wear it without the need for Halloween.
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Is that you? You are Beautiful!

And the costume is super! You are so clever Meek me!

Thank you for sharing that, huge hugs of appreciation . X

That was me. :eek: Beautiful? :eek::eek: Thank you.


It was a fun costume, I should really think of something for this year.
(^_^) I don't think it will be as elaborate, that hood gave me the worst pain and took a long time to crochet.
I trained in Transcendental Meditation back when it was first popular in the U.S. and we were told to separate meditation and sleep. On the other hand, Thich Nhat Hanh strongly recommends a form of meditation for falling asleep. I have tried his method with little success. Most recently I had my best sleep after gorging on lobster macaroni and cheese, but that's not a practical sleep aid.


I'm...shocked! With the, errr, curmudgeonly nature and all I would have expected you to, "Ba humbug," meditation, much less taking training in the subject.

Color me impressed. :cool:

I'm...shocked! With the, errr, curmudgeonly nature and all I would have expected you to, "Ba humbug," meditation, much less taking training in the subject.

Color me impressed. :cool:

Meditation had a much more mainstream air back in the days when one's mainstream included friends who did acid. ;)
Meditation had a much more mainstream air back in the days when one's mainstream included friends who did acid. ;)

LOL I used to be the babysitter for parties like that.

I learned TM to try to help with migraines. No love. But it did help when my hummingbird brain would run amok.
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