We're both hoping to get along to the London Munch this Friday evening. As we understand it, there won't be play there but it will be a bigger gathering than our previous experiences.
The only disappointment with the workshop was that it wasn't very well attended (only eight people) and it won't be viable to keep it running unless numbers pick up. That's a shame as we found it extremely friendly and a great environment for us to learn and practise the techniques, the safety precautions and some effective mindsets for rope play.
Yey!! See you at the London Munch
Rope Workshop - oh, I hope more people go then! I do plan to go to a rope thing at some point, just to be a rope bunny (love that expression!) and see all the pretty creations. Master does some rope work so you can swap notes

Hi all, hope you had a good weekend, certainly sounds like itPity the weather seems to be on the turn though, doesn’t feel like there’s been much summer. Still, it does make the thought of cuddling up under the duvet much more appealing
Dad had a pretty good weekend, eating at least two meals a day since Thursday (which was interesting, since the consultant had asked us to go in Thursday to discuss how much we wanted them to intervene if he got worse, and he’d shocked them all by waking up and eating everything in sight!!), trying to pull himself about, and spending a little bit longer awake on Saturday and Sunday. Thankfully, he's a tough old bird, and never did know when to quit.
SV - oh yes, I have had to get out the second duvet for when I am alone. When with Master I can just cuddle up to him, as he always seems to be warm.
Glad to hear your Dad is eating well - always a positive thing!