The Old China Pearl Inn

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"Does it come with a hug?" he teases, "But yes sure, I believe there's some fine homemade root Beer back there nice and cold just how I like it, I'd take some of that." he smiles. "No worries, pretty much what I expected considering I graduate in less than 2 months now."
*walks over and gets the homemade root beer as indicated, bringing it back quickly to make up for her temporary distraction*

Here you go...

*gives him a quick hug and steps back, waiting to see if he needed anything else while she was up*
He returns the hug before taking a long draw from the Soda smiling, "Thank you so much. Tis good just as I hoped." he winked, leaving it up to her if she took his meaning to be his drink or her hug. "How have you been?"
*cocking her head to the side, unsure of his meaning but chalking it up to the soda*

Let's just say there are more and more days where I regret being my old manager's gift bear... But, a pay check is better than no paycheck....until I find myself a sugar daddy

*grins at him playfully*
Ah yes... But I already suffered through two Master's degrees... *shudders at the memories*
"You think you woulda learned after the first." he teases.

"I am so tired... but not sure I want to sleep yet."
I know, right?!? Apparently I'm a glutton for punishment. ;)

As much as I'd hate to see you go, if you're should listen to your body.
"Yes, it feels like I've ben in school forever."

He shakes his head as he drinks more of his soda, "No, I'm not ready to go yet... you're stuck with me a little longer."
*giggles like a schoolgirl over having missed a T in glad's last post*

Almost spit my drink out... :D
Wasn't commenting on your spelling, but rather my poor "reading"....

Look at your last phrase and take away the t in the only word with a T in it

So close them and we'll play a little game called who's in my mouth." he snickers wondering if she'll catch the reference.
As inviting as that sounds, my hubby is making noises about me coming to bed. Who knows... I might get lucky tonight!

Keep your fingers crossed.... :D
he laughs, "No worries. I too should head for bed. but with my gf having some sort of stomach problem, I will not be getting lucky, but fingers crossed for you... goodnight, dear." he hugs her before vanishing into the ether.
I wake to a brilliant blue azure sky laced with puffy white clouds playing around the crests of the mountains. A cool morning with just a refreshing hint of a chill in the clear mountain air. I smile knowing these glorious temps will give way to much warmer ones later in the day as the sun rises higher.

I make my way to the battered old coffee pot and pour a mug of hot strong black coffee, savoring its rich seductive aroma.

Morning to any who may be about or hiding in the shadows.

With my coffee in one hand and pen and paper in the other I head to my old leather chair to answer a rather sensual post.
I look up from my writing at the sound of a sweet and very familiar voice

Morning Mari. I do know that the siren call of fresh brewed coffee must be answered.

I trust your weekend is going well.
Morning Angel you look rather happy and pleased with yourself this morning.

I am working on a response to your last post. might be a bit shorter as alot will depend on your sweet young Miss's next move.:rolleyes:
*offers Cg a quick peck on the cheek, smiling*

Pleased that for once I'm all caught up on my replies, Cg... I'm usually behind on at least one. :)

Happy? I think you might be mistaking the caffeine buzz I'm currently under for 'happy', but I'm okay I guess.

And no worries from me on overly long posts. While I prefer something to work with so I'm not shooting in the dark for content, you don't have to risk carpal tunnel for me. ;)
*hears the distant call of kids too lazy to find their own breakfast*

Sugar snaps! That's my cue... Will be back later.

*gives Cg a quick hug and is gone in a flash*
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