The Old China Pearl Inn

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Throw a few ideas into the Writers seeking thread yourself... You never know what might catch someone's attention. *taking a sip of my water* Just a thought, I've not had much luck with my ideas, but they have started a few conversations.
Throw a few ideas into the Writers seeking thread yourself... You never know what might catch someone's attention. *taking a sip of my water* Just a thought, I've not had much luck with my ideas, but they have started a few conversations.

*bonks HF on the head*

And here I thought you liked repeat offenders... I mean collaborators...
*breaks into a minor victory dance*

Wooohoooo! I finally dusted all the stories off from the August break... Granted I'm still behind in responses but at least everyone has been touched again.

:eek: :eek:

What I mean is that all the stories have had at least one reply....

*shakes her head ruefully*
*Smiling* That's quite all right. Though, *smiling as I take a sip of my drink* between head bonks and paddles... I'm wondering if your Evil Twin might have a Dom streak? :eek: :devil:
The elf nods, "Yes, I do know how to find new partners, its just not easy to find that one." he grins, "Maybe I'm getting picky in my old age. "But, if I truly decide I have time to write I'll throw some ideas out there... for now I am keeping my eye out."
*Smiling* That's quite all right. Though, *smiling as I take a sip of my drink* between head bonks and paddles... I'm wondering if your Evil Twin might have a Dom streak? :eek: :devil:


*gives HF her best evil eye*

I'm the oldest of 5 and the only girl...that explains the head bonks...

*winces at some distant memories best left to the past*

I take the 5th on the paddles...
The elf nods, "Yes, I do know how to find new partners, its just not easy to find that one." he grins, "Maybe I'm getting picky in my old age. "But, if I truly decide I have time to write I'll throw some ideas out there... for now I am keeping my eye out."

*Smiling* Forgive me, I know you've been writing for a long time. I get in the habit of reminding myself and others to focus on the fundamentals all day and sometimes that spills over. Quality over quantity is always a good move. *Raising my glass in toast*
*sighs softly*

Damn... I didn't realize how late it had gotten. My alarm is going to be going off way earlier than I want so I had best be heading to bed...

*offers all the fine gentlemen kisses on their cheeks*

Sweet dreams, y'all...
Goodnight Angel... I don't think I'm too far behind you. Glad... it was great to see you again sir! Dragon... be careful with those chickens.
"No worries hf... I find with little time I want to be sure of the partner, you know? I often take on new writers just not sure I'm in the mood for that, but you never know I might find someone great." he smiles. "Goodnight angel, sleep well. And yes, it was good to see you as well fun!" he says with a small wave as he too lets his reel world claim him.
The elf enters and stirs up the fire as there's an early autumn chill in the air this morning. He sees he's the first to arrive today. He quickly makes coffee just encase anyone comes and wants something to drink. He then makes his way into the kitchen to begin cooking.
*slips into the Inn and settles onto her couch with her legs curled to the side*

Evening to all that might be about...
He comes out of the kitchen where he's been eating most of the day, it was just one of those days. He comes baring two ice cream cones. He hands one to Angel. "For you m'lady." he says sitting down, lifting her legs into his lap so he can sit beside her. He begins to eat his ice cream. "Well I made my first rp post in a long freaking time. It turned out ok I think."
Oooooh, I shouldn't eat this since I skipped my work out tonight, but it looks so good....

*gives the ice cream a small lick and shivers in delight*


*smiles excitedly at Glad*

Ooo, sounds like I need to do some peeking then!
"That's the good thing about e-calories, they don't go to your hips." he winks and takes a lick from his ice cream smiling as he watches her eat hers. He crunches on the nuts on the top of his eating away the chocolate coating to reveal the ice cream beneath.

"You're welcome to read it. it wasn't bad for a first attempt in a while."
Spoken like a man... Even e-calories have to be counted. ;)

*her words don't stop her from enjoying her frozen treat, although she is a little self conscious about the way he watches that enjoyment*

And too late... Already did. :D Am looking forward to see you guys advance it.
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