The Outlook

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*the image smiles as it tosses a very real kush at him* I am well. How are you? Better than when last we spoke i hope.
"Some days are better than others my friend, this passed weeked sucked big donkey balls." he says with a shrug. sitting down and plopping Thyri in his lap not letting her go.

"I actually left before you reappeared." he said with a squeeze to her.
"Some days are better than others my friend, this passed weeked sucked big donkey balls." he says with a shrug. sitting down and plopping Thyri in his lap not letting her go.

"I actually left before you reappeared." he said with a squeeze to her.

sounds familiar. i am glad you have returned. i have been absent myself.
"Some days are better than others my friend, this passed weeked sucked big donkey balls." he says with a shrug. sitting down and plopping Thyri in his lap not letting her go.

"I actually left before you reappeared." he said with a squeeze to her.

Well, you came back, that's what matters.

*Snuggling up in his lap, an arm around his neck, stroking his back softly.
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He nods, he catches the Kush and throws it back, "I don't know if I'm going to be around much still or what... but I'm here for now." he shrugs.

Well, you came back, that's what matters.

*Snuggling up in his lap, an arm around his neck, striking his back softly.

what she said. and I won't be around a whole lot either, my time is run thin with the younglings, but I had to have the release of writing my stories and I missed having adult conversations. lol.
what she said. and I won't be around a whole lot either, my time is run thin with the younglings, but I had to have the release of writing my stories and I missed having adult conversations. lol.
I haven't written much lately. I find it difficult to get started..."
heh. I never even bothered to try to write to ours since Tina said you couldn't write for it.

yeah, that punishment was very effective because she knew i really wanted to write that one. you are still on my list of writers to get a hold of though. *smiles* i think you will be an awesome writing partner.
yeah, that punishment was very effective because she knew i really wanted to write that one. you are still on my list of writers to get a hold of though. *smiles* i think you will be an awesome writing partner.
Are you still not allowed to write for that? really? after all this time? if I didn't have such a good damned memory I wouldn't be able to remember what the whole thing was about anyway...
i don't know. Mistress is not here for me to ask her. If i am able to write for that I would jump on it. I am still subscribed to it.
And so the evening comes silently as does she, walking along the shore, her feet splashing through the water where it meets the shore. As ever, she is barefooted, red tresses pinned up with tendrils that refuse to be confined. Pensive though her thoughts are, she takes pleasure in the solitude.
that does not sound like you are too interested in it though. lol.
That's not the case, I am just appathetic about life, and don't want to have to fight for it, if you can, then if I can get motivated I'd write with you on it... does that make any sense?
That's not the case, I am just appathetic about life, and don't want to have to fight for it, if you can, then if I can get motivated I'd write with you on it... does that make any sense?

it does. it was a good story line, but if not then i have another one in mind for you that is in the christine feehan world but apart from the cannon.
Well i am off to bed. Have a good night, Glad. Hopefully you will join my corporeal form in the Library soon.
Wolf comes wandering, her lap top safely ensconced in a water proof bag. Her bare feet trod easily upon the cool sand, the water barely brushing her toes. She had had much pleasure this week end and removing herself from the people and things that had hurt her, had done much to help her refocus on what SHE wanted, needed to be happy and content, in this make believe world. Some people were seasonal people. She knew it...but had had to be reminded.

Things were better, clearer than they had been in over a week. Her thoughts turned toward her newest story with Sasha. She moved away from the water's edge and clambered up onto her favorite outcropping. Small hands tugged out her lap top. She booted it up and waited for her information to load....Finally, she was ready to write, something for her newest friend. She allowed her brain to drift into the world she and Sasha were building. Hesitantly, and then more quickly, her fingers began to type.
She paused as she watched the lights wink out in the Outlook proper. Gazing upward, there were various lights on in the bedrooms of the guests. A slight nod of her head, a smile playing around her lips, she walked on.

There were a lot of things on her mind tonight. She was pleased. She got some writing done and did her creative thing, which needed updating again. She’d do that tonight before she went to bed. Right now, the company of the moon and stars were a welcome thing.

She knew she’d have an embarrassed archangel on her hands when they next met up. She’d try to make him feel at ease about it, if she could. He had taken her by surprise that was for sure.

She was happy that she and Glad could find some place to start. She wasn’t a hundred percent comfortable but that was to be expected. They’d manage well enough so long as they made an effort to.

It wasn’t her habit to look at the ground when she walked, but she did now. Watching the small waves roll in and sweep over her feet.

She had come to some decisions tonight. Implementing them was going to be hard but she knew it was the right thing to do for her. She didn’t like the feeling in the pit of her stomach she had.

She missed certain people. But, as ever and true, they had to do what was right for them. She understood that. Just as she needed to do what made her happy. We can’t sacrifice ourselves to make people happy. But sometimes, it hurt. On both sides.

For all things there is a purpose and time under the sun. A time to weep. A time to mourn. A time to laugh. A time to love.

And love always found its way home. Always.

It was time to go home.
The evening found him sitting on a rock on the beach. Once again his thoughts directed inward. He had long come here to do his thinking. the soothing waves helping settle him. He hoped it would work yet again for him.
The evening found him sitting on a rock on the beach. Once again his thoughts directed inward. He had long come here to do his thinking. the soothing waves helping settle him. He hoped it would work yet again for him.

She watched him, from the shadows of the trees. Wondering what had him so pensive. In times past, she would have gone to him, asked...

Now she was not so sure. Instead.. she turned to retreat being as quiet as she could so as not to disturb.
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