The Person Below Me Game

I need a ton of help with that sometimes.

TPBM has varied musical tastes.
guilty. They stink this year though.

TPBM hasn't had any alcohol today yet.
Having a Sunday beer watching NFL right now.

TPBM didn’t expect to form real personal connections when they joined this site
Sorry for skipping you!

I learnt never to have expectations!
I planned on relaxing today.

TPBM journals.
Not that kind of journal :p

TPBM enjoys every moment as they come

Take care--I need to head off :kiss:
I wouldn't say disciplined but more regimented (I'm an accountant everything must balance)

TPBM is one who likes to live on the edge
Meh, it depends on the situation

TPBM carefully plans their weekends
Sometimes I do.

TPBM got a teabagging. In some depraved sexual orgy.
I totally misread that and thought about teas and got very very confused

TPBM occasionally mishears lyrics/suffers from mondegreenism.
I totally misread that and thought about teas and got very very confused

TPBM occasionally mishears lyrics/suffers from mondegreenism.
That's when I look up the lyrics to see whether I am right or not, or just wait for Weird Al to do a polka where he sings them so they're easy to understand.
🤗 🤗 FB

TPBM enjoys a chest meal once in a while.
That's when I look up the lyrics to see whether I am right or not, or just wait for Weird Al to do a polka where he sings them so they're easy to understand.
🤗 🤗 FB

TPBM enjoys a chest meal once in a while.
I'm more of a back drink, to be fair, Azul baby ;) :p

Hope all is well?

TPBM is looking forward to the weekend
Absolutely not, I gotta be ready for shit to pop off, I cant be battling intruders with my junk all wild and free

TPBM is as bored as I am currently
What, you're genuinely missing out. It's so comfortable and convenient to sleep naked, and what do you mean you can't battle off intruders with your junk all wild and free? If I'm breaking into someone's house and I see a naked man charging at me, roaring at the top of his lungs, that's scary af

Fuck, does this mean I'm bored? Maybe.

TPBM wants to be naked right now.