The Public Comment Dilemma

Re: for Brightly....

sack said:
I seem to remember leaving a comment on your poem....did it not go through?


Not yet. I'm having 31 flavors of trouble with PCs lately.
Re: Re: Oh, and I understood the "dumb" comment

twelveoone said:
yeh, I thought I had more than 200, at 100 "awesome"'s, 2 or 3 punctuations; and 150 same as what someone else said.


Good to know I'm not the only one that looks at my PCs that way. I'd prolly leave a lot more if I didn't feel like my comments weren't as good as everyone else's.
those "awesome" poems....

Lately, I've been trying to say what exactly makes the poem "awesome" for me. (or "excellent", "well written", etc.) A little more work, but hopefully more helpful to the poet.

Brightly's poems

I just checked Brightly, and both my PC's are posted. And now, may I give a shameless plug to Brightly's two poems. Very finely constructed, and a joy to read.

First thing I look for, if critiquing, is what I would have wanted the poem to do had I written it myself. If I can't imagine wanting to write a poem, I fall back on boring, harsh, but still valuable deconstructionist techniques like scansion.
Re: Brightly's poems

sack said:
I just checked Brightly, and both my PC's are posted. And now, may I give a shameless plug to Brightly's two poems. Very finely constructed, and a joy to read.


Shameless plugs make the kitty purr.
*purr* :cathappy:
thenry said:
First thing I look for, if critiquing, is what I would have wanted the poem to do had I written it myself. If I can't imagine wanting to write a poem, I fall back on boring, harsh, but still valuable deconstructionist techniques like scansion.
This I find, is a bad choice of words here "deconstructionist", it implies, and is most often used in a quite different manner. Unless, of course, you are being ironic, very tough to tell, this "ironic" sometimes.
Re: Re: Re: Oh, and I understood the "dumb" comment

minsue said:

Good to know I'm not the only one that looks at my PCs that way. I'd prolly leave a lot more if I didn't feel like my comments weren't as good as everyone else's.
and you are a consumer, the poem is a product. Your reaction is the right reaction, for you at that moment in time. I only suspect it is not a real reaction, when I see 10 of them lined up saying the same thing, with no reference whatsoever to what is written.
Damn, how clever of the author to touch the same 10 people the exact same way, and stun them into speechlessness. No questions. Moo, moving, moving, moving.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Oh, and I understood the "dumb" comment

twelveoone said:
and you are a consumer, the poem is a product. Your reaction is the right reaction, for you at that moment in time. I only suspect it is not a real reaction, when I see 10 of them lined up saying the same thing, with no reference whatsoever to what is written.
Damn, how clever of the author to touch the same 10 people the exact same way, and stun them into speechlessness. No questions. Moo, moving, moving, moving.

Hi 1201. :rose:

How's the wasteland doing?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Oh, and I understood the "dumb" comment

tarablackwood22 said:
Hi 1201. :rose:

How's the wasteland doing?

I found a friend, blasted me, and told me why,(when I asked) almost, almost as good as you.
:rose: :rose: :rose:
I would have left one for him, but, well he's a guy.
Speaking of...two days ago, I almost sprung for "The Wasteland" the original with the notes, the deletions, corrections. I didn't, it was paperback, wanted to check to see if it was published as a hardback.
Next pay check.
Criticism Versus Comments

One of the problems with comment on the internet is that it is so immediate. It isn't considered criticism really. Not many of us have the capacity to hold back for a moment and reflect before saying our piece. Most of us from time to time will in these circumstances say something which will make us cringe later.

Anyway the mechanism tends to make delay rather awkward.

I suspect that I am an example of a fairly common species; a person who lurks around this site and reads a tremendous amount but does not comment much. Recently I have taken to re-reading the whole or at least a major part of of certain poets whose work I like. I started with the 'A's more specifically Angeline. It struck me very quickly that, whilst she writes fine individual pieces, one gets a much better impression that this lady's work is very very special when the whole corpus is considered. I have now read a number of poets in this way and found it very rewarding.

This leads me to the suggestion that in addition to the brief comments, have "The poets " ever considered writing a considered critical assessment of the whole of a particular poets work and publishing a series of such essays? Say one every month or two.

Personally I do not have the technical ability to undertake such a task but would be interested to see the opinions of others. :)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Public Comment Dilemma

twelveoone said:

What is the time frame on this, BTW?
That list refers to comments made during the last 30 days. ;)

I have no other comments to make with regard to this thread, other than "why the hell don't you all go write some poems?" :eek:
in addition to the brief comments, have "The poets " ever considered writing a considered critical assessment of the whole of a particular poets work and publishing a series of such essays? Say one every month or two.

Well, I'm not one of The Poets, but would be willing to do something similar. However, the inevitable hoopla is probably not worth the trouble, although I do feel I could do a reasonably good job!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Public Comment Dilemma

Lauren Hynde said:
That list refers to comments made during the last 30 days. ;)

I have no other comments to make with regard to this thread, other than "why the hell don't you all go write some poems?" :eek:
I'm still trying to figure out what is the purpose of these damn smiley things are.
Perhaps, a thread on...
Re: Re: The Public Comment Dilemma

Liar said:
Sometimes I even apply linguistic cluster analysis on the little bastards. But don't tell anyone. I don't want to look more anal retentive than I already do. ;)#L

I had to look up "cluster analysis," damn you! *LOL*
Re: Criticism Versus Comments

ishtat said:
have "The poets " ever considered writing a considered critical assessment of the whole of a particular poets work and publishing a series of such essays? Say one every month or two.

sack said:
Well, I'm not one of The Poets, but would be willing to do something similar. However, the inevitable hoopla is probably not worth the trouble, although I do feel I could do a reasonably good job!


I disagree that you could do anything resembling a good job.

You have already taken one poem of an advanced and complex nature and broken it down like a novice. The fact that you do not admit that makes me question your sincerity, and makes you look like an attention whore.

And in doing so, you passed off sour grapes as critique, and tried to defend awkward statements by covering your tracks and turning people's eyes elsewhere, which also makes me question your veracity.
sack said:
There seems to be a general feeling that a newer poet should not be commenting on an "established" poet. However, there are many facets of a poem which fit nicely under the category of "common sense". Since a poem is essentially a dialogue, I always give it the "read aloud" test, and this is something anyone can do. As you read aloud, ask yourself these questions:

1. Do the sentences flow well from one line to the next?
2. Are the line breaks logical? Too choppy? Not enough breaks?
3. Is the vocabulary something a typical English speaker would use? I do not like a poem with a lot of esoteric vocabulary words that one out of ten-thousand people use in ordinary conversation. That just takes the poem away from more people, and defeats the purpose of writing it.

Another very simple thing anyone can do is ask yourself if the poem makes sense. A metaphor here and there is OK, but if you are left scratching your head after several readings, something is very, very wrong. Poems need to communicate, and if they are weighted down by their intellectual poundage, that's something the poet needs to know. The best poems speak simply, eloquently, and with as few words as possible. Eccentricity disguised as originality ruins many poems, and as a commenter/critic anyone can react to that phenomenon as well.

Bah, bah and humbug.

Now let me say this:

1) I have a BS in Secondary Education/English and am certified to teach English in grades 7-12.

2.) I am a member of the International Honor Society of HS Journalists as I was one of four editors on my WEEKLY completely self-published (from writing to typesetting to printing) high school paper.

3.) I am a published poet.

Now, that said, write what you feel. If people don't like it, tough.
Do you think I care if people post on my poems "this sucks"?
No. They are entitled to their opinion.
But I didn't write my poem to impress Anonymous in South Texas.
So heck with him/her.

As a teacher, I would say nothing you ever write is wrong. If you have something to say, say it. If no one wants to hear it, that is their loss.

And as for judging a newer poet, that should be done with care. You do not know them. William Shakespeare was a new poet once. Perhaps he posted on literotica and was told his work was juvenile and lacked cohesion. If you have something constructive to say, do so. But nicely. Remember what mom always said:

"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."
Re: Re: The Public Comment Dilemma

lindiana said:
Bah, bah and humbug.

Now let me say this:

1) I have a BS in Secondary Education/English and am certified to teach English in grades 7-12.

2.) I am a member of the International Honor Society of HS Journalists as I was one of four editors on my WEEKLY completely self-published (from writing to typesetting to printing) high school paper.

3.) I am a published poet.

Now, that said, write what you feel. If people don't like it, tough.
Do you think I care if people post on my poems "this sucks"?
No. They are entitled to their opinion.
But I didn't write my poem to impress Anonymous in South Texas.
So heck with him/her.

As a teacher, I would say nothing you ever write is wrong. If you have something to say, say it. If no one wants to hear it, that is their loss.

And as for judging a newer poet, that should be done with care. You do not know them. William Shakespeare was a new poet once. Perhaps he posted on literotica and was told his work was juvenile and lacked cohesion. If you have something constructive to say, do so. But nicely. Remember what mom always said:

"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."


I am sorry all.. but this thread to me looks and feels like alot of people with writers block or plain old nothing in life to bitch that said...
why can we not just comment on each others work.. we all have our style.. mine is different than others and others are different than mine....

Hell... I am not so egotistical and Queenly that I demand all to love me... or what I write... how false is that when... I don't like other people sometimes.. or what they write... that is life.. we can comment.. in a kindly fashion... without brutality. And the ones that say hey Du Lac .... you suck... lol.. I smile widely.. and reply..."Why thankyou! I have worked long and hard... to become a master at that sucking technique..... lol... so happy you see one of my gifts!" HA! My own work varies.. sometimes simple sometimes very very mind twisting.. it is me... do I expect everyone to understand it? NO! And thank God they don't! How boring would that be? So dear ones... commenting in important... do it with grace and dignity of self respect... those who are Vulgar hold no self respect there fore.... I smile and say.. "oh poor soul... you don't know how to suck!" I then giggle and wish them GREAT SEX... one so they learn to suck.. and two.. because what comes around goes around.... hmmm a tad bit selfish but hey...
I love to suck HA!
have a good day
Re: Criticism Versus Comments

ishtat said:
One of the problems with comment on the internet is that it is so immediate. It isn't considered criticism really. Not many of us have the capacity to hold back for a moment and reflect before saying our piece. Most of us from time to time will in these circumstances say something which will make us cringe later.

Anyway the mechanism tends to make delay rather awkward.

I am glad you said this! I was just wondering a few days ago, "If I ever stop spending so much damn time playing at Lit and actually finish the novel I have been working on, will I be depressed the day after publication because I have not yet received feedback?":confused:

I probably will. I am addicted to instant gratification. and I'll cry, too.:(

But then I'll just e-mail all of you and tell you run out and buy it and give me feedback!:D

Syn :kiss:
I GOT A Comment

Who cares what people think. I don't read most of the stuff
here, if you ain't a girl ...I don't read you. If I have, it was a
mistake or a girl told me too. I'm shallow, vain, lazy, and only
comment on things I like. If I comment on your work that means
I like it. If I don't comment, it doesn't mean I hated it. It
means...who cares? ............Don't make this shit harder than
it is. Look back on threads started started over the years
fixing something that wasn't wrong. Those people aren't
here anymore. Go with the flow..... it's headed to the beach.
Re: I GOT A Comment

sandspike said:
Who cares what people think. I don't read most of the stuff
here, if you ain't a girl ...I don't read you. If I have, it was a
mistake or a girl told me too. I'm shallow, vain, lazy, and only
comment on things I like. If I comment on your work that means
I like it. If I don't comment, it doesn't mean I hated it. It
means...who cares? ............Don't make this shit harder than
it is. Look back on threads started started over the years
fixing something that wasn't wrong. Those people aren't
here anymore. Go with the flow..... it's headed to the beach.
In honor of my newly opened grook thread, I'd like to comment Sandspike's post like this:

        - Piet Hein

        Some people cower
        and wince and shrink,
        owing to fear of
        what people may think.
        There is one answer
        to worries like these:
        people may think
        what the devil they please.


- Piet Hein

Some people cower
and wince and shrink,
owing to fear of
what people may think.
There is one answer
to worries like these:
people may think
what the devil they please.

Just wonderful Liar.. thank you
Re: I GOT A Comment

sandspike said:
Who cares what people think. I don't read most of the stuff
here, if you ain't a girl ...I don't read you. ....
Because the girls are better poets?
Because you only understand girls' poetry?
Because reading a girl's poetry is a little bit like fucking her, and if you read and like a guys poetry it might make you gay?
Help me out, here.