The Second Career(closed)

"God you're so fucking sexy!" Steve said as he continued to snap away with the bulge in his pants becoming more evident as poses became more provocative.

It was lucky that the camera came with a large SD card because the volume of pictures he'd taken would likely have destroyed a smaller card.

"I think we've got enough for today." he said, letting the camera fall to his side as he walked over to Steph and planted a passionate kiss on her lips. "You're amazing!"

Moving back into the house he downloaded the images onto his laptop and sifted through them picking out a handful of the best while discarding many of them for various reasons. In the end he pulled up three that he felt like were the best representations of the shoot. The first was in her original dress pulled taught across her body as she held the skirt out to the side letting the light pass through it as she stared upward toward the sky. The second of the wet dress clung to her body with her head dipped concealing her face and the third, her most provocative pose in the second dress, again with the hat concealing her face.

"What do you think of these?" he said calling her attention to the array of photos across the screen.
Seeing the buldge in Steve trousers gave her a little ego boost and as they wrapped up, she would have done something about it, but looking at the time, she had barely the time to change before Beverly would be here, for wine and gossip.

Looking at the pictures Steve had selected, she nodded.

"Yeah they look good."

She said as he posted them on his photography forum. Then looking at the clock she noticed that they were both running late, which sucked as she wanted to see the rest of the pictures Steve had selected.

"Don't you need to get ready for Tennis with Dennis?"

She said as she started to set op the media room so she wouldn't have to get off the sofa to much
Steve had found that he'd gone down the rabbit hole again then looked at his watch. "Shit, yeah I guess I need to." he said before getting up from the table to get changed.

It was something he was prone to. Once he got into something, he stayed hyper focused on in for what most would consider an unhealthy amount of time. It was primarily how he'd made his business a success and it seemed like his latest pursuit would be his new obsession.

He was half tempted to cancel on Dennis but he knew the reason Steph had reminded him was because she wanted him out of her hair when Beverly came over. He understood it and supported her having time with friends without him around. Finally changed into his tennis shorts and a tee he stopped by the kitchen one more time before heading out.

"Holy shit! Those are blowing up!" He exclaimed as he saw the number of comments and also an indicator that he had several PMs in his inbox. "Will have to check that out after." he said before giving Steph a kiss on the cheek then racing out the door.
Steph waved Steve out and was about to head back in to check the comments, but as she closed the door she saw Beverly's car drive up. So instead she let the door open and walked to the kitchen to fetch the wine knowing Bev knew the way.

As the girls caught up, the hit the wine fairly hard as they exchanged updates about their lives, Bev told her the latest adventures of her and her husband swinging and Steph shared about Steve's new hobby. Off course once that was discussed Bev wanted to see the pictures and Steph did not say no because she wanted her friend to see them.

"You dirty little minx."

She said giving her that calculating look Steph knew all too well, but for some reason she held the invitation to swap back, knowing the answer would not change. The her eyes lit up and she called up someone.

"Hey Terence, is your next workshop already sold out?"

She nodded and turned her phone to face the laptop.

"And if she comes to model for it, think you can open up a spot for the guy who took this pic?"

She nodded and jotted something down in her notes. Hanging up she smiled at Steph.

"You just got your husband in one of the worlds most exclusive photography workshops. Now what about we have some more wine and read some of those delicious comments."
"So wait, you're posting these things online?" Dennis said as they toweled the sweat from their brows after the tennis match.

"yeah, it's pretty hot!" Steve said, as he took a drink from his water bottle.

"I bet, let me see."

"What? No way man!" Steve said shoving Dennis away from him.

"So you're gonna show them to random online people and not me?" he asked incredulously.

"Basically, yeah. It's one thing to do it anonymously but it's quite another having your perverted ass looking at her pictures. That's just weird and I know Steph would not be ok with that."

"Ouch, don't be a dick." Dennis shot back before heading to his car. "See ya next time."

As Dennis pulled out of the parking lot he made a note to spend some time looking for photography sites to find which one's Steve's been posting to.

"What's up ladies?" Steve said when he walked back into the house giving Steph a kiss then walking over to Bev to give her a sweaty hug. "You're looking beautiful as always Bev"

"Get off me you're gross!" Bev exclaimed as he pushed him away and Steve let out a laugh.

"I thought you like sweaty guys all over you."
"Only when they have their dicks in me, you prick."

She said laughing it off. Then knowing when to make herself scares she gave Steph a kiss on lips and a hug, whispering "remember, you own me one." Before going home.

A bit tipsy Steph pulled Steve close and turned the browser towards him, where Bev had opened up a couple of the comments that were a bit wild even for her.

"Here, have a read..."
"That's what she'll look like when I drench her in cum?" Steve said shaking his head then looking at Steph "That's a lot of cum."

He kept reading as some of them got a little more graphic making him somewhat uncomfortable.

"Maybe we'll have to think about whether this is really the venue to share those on." he said before clicking into his PM inbox and reading a couple messages.

"Some of these people seem relatively reasonable and are asking where they might order prints." he said as he read through them then paused for a moment. "I guess I really haven't put enough thought into how I'd prefer to monetize all this. How would that make you feel knowing someone had a print of you hanging somewhere?" he asked, genuinely curious what her reaction to that thought might be.
"So how does it feel to be married to 'what ever her name is, she needs more cock in her live, and I volunteer! #freethefolds' from nikonboner69"

She said slurring her words a tad bit as she opened up another DM from someone who claimed to be a decorator for a large luxury hotel suit, linking a printing service shop, with the request of setting all three of today's pictures on it.

"It's kind of weird, but it's not like all of them are going to jerk off to it..."
Steve looked at the comment and shrugged "I mean, he could have worded that a little more artfully but he's not entirely wrong. I'll be sure to add a little more cock into your life tonight." he said before focusing in more on the PM about hotel suit.

"How cool would that be!" he said making a note to figure out if this person was legit or not.

"I mean, the reason we did it was because we thought it was artistic and compelling so I guess we shouldn't be surprised that people are responding to it. Are some of them perverted jackasses? yeah, but a good number of them just appreciate the beauty." he said as he pulled her onto his lap.

"What do you say, do you need a little more dick in your life right now?" he continued as his hand slipped into her panties.
"Well just make the prints expensive and we shall see who buys them."

She said nonchalantly. Spreading her legs for Steve who found her to be dripping wet, which was not unusual for her after a night of hard drinking and listening to Bev's wild stories.

"Well you know I am a sucker for a good hashtag"

She giggled as her hands reached for his shorts and quickly dropped them to the floor.
“Damn, I’m going to need to keep that comment section open if it gets you this wet.” Steve said when he realized how wet she was already.

He knew it was likely a combination of things but it seemed clear that reading what people wanted to do to her wasn’t a huge turn off for her.

Steve woke in the morning with his arm draped over Steph’s naked body. The night, once Bev left was a blur of lust and desire that carried them from the dining room table up into the bedroom. It was a far cry from the hectic days when he was consumed by work and it almost made him wish he’d sold the company earlier.