The Secret Diary of Janey Jones

*twirls for a new year*

wonderful wishes your way

swallows in the hay
*twirls for a new year*

wonderful wishes your way

swallows in the hay
:heart: *gets back in the new year loop*
Merry New Minute N.,
There are new lists to make that I try not to break.
I am still here saying goodbye to the #13. It couldn't stay 2013 forever, math just doesn't work that way.

I miss that little red ranger with sand bags in the bed weighting my ass end, no sense fish tailing down the snow road to the hills made for a sled. The corrugated plastic blanks work the best, better than a garbage bag.

Stay warm and wishing New Year Princess. :heart:
Jack Frost knows I am a sucker. He left his cold pointy cocks on my roof tops for a blow melting winter. The before come is dripping with anticipation for the hot mouthed snow angel.



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We are small. The snow is big, and we slide down the hill on thick contractor bags. It's a hot climb up the hill and we sweet sweat under layers with red cheeks, chapped lips and dry throats from the cold air scream joy. It's the fear fun we will chase forever.

He slides on girls backs with a boner you'll never feel with four fluffy pant barriers in between. We build our own houses in the drifts of wet snow because even kids are contractors. He throws rocks at houses and breaks down freeze pops that we suck inside our cold hole. This love is so perfect.

We shovel snow for five dollars and clear the whole street but the old men scream: Get that rock salt off my steps! You're gonna crack my concrete! We run away laughing getting home to our ice house and count up the booty like snow pirates. The treasure is in our chests.



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The therapist encouraged meaningful relations and connections in my life, so I stopped giving BJs on first dates.

What is the meaning of meaningful? I am doubting the theory of this experiment.
Missed Connection: I was the cute woman sitting two chairs away wearing red lips, cuffed jeans, black box shoes, and white ankle socks at the psychiatrist office. I wouldn't stop watching you playing pick with your dry, cracked work hands. I figured if I could lick those fingers I could easily lick the dick.

I asked: Do you want to go play in the kiddie section with me? They have lots of toys.
He said: That would be more fun than sitting here.
I said: There's probably lots of germs in there.

And then the Doctor called for him. I was left all alone, waiting for my turn.
We are the good shoes breaking down on broke back porches. These are frozen feet on cold winter days in the leaves left without rakes. We mulch our hearts with rust and rock, it's the concrete steel of our lives.

We wait for love to grow here because we have seen the weeds grow back every year, after year. I can be the dandelion, and you can be the dirt. All the kids make wishes on our hope.



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At Christmas time she gifted me a little bird feeder and seed. I filled it up and hung it under a tree. I forgot all about it. I never looked for birds, and I don't even know if the seed feed is empty.

It's kind of like doing something nice for someone and forgetting about it. There is no expectation of return. Kindness isn't an investment in a pit for life's stock market.
There they are, and there they will stay these snowshoes that last for four seasons waiting to be worn like cold wet love again. The love that hurts with clog frozen heels and soaked socks.

A lover stays like these well made shoes, and they stay and they say, the weather can't touch your leather and wood, but my heart will whip your soul.



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The snow comes and goes like a love show.
Ice blocks like little glaciers fall off the metal roof when the sun melts our heart crystal. It changes the landscape of my love dear, dear un-love. The cold shoes are hard but the red she said sneaker is soft.

I am both of these adjectives.



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We get through life by making stuff up and creating things that work for the moment. The moments turn into minutes, hours, months, and years. Sometimes all we need is a plastic coat hanger, a roll of toilet paper and a pot to piss pee into.



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The Word Hooker

It is a cold red long lonely blizzard in my head. I don't feel alone. The spring color will be pink or blue. I will probably choose pink because it looks nice with black. It's a color themed season for this life.

The shelf is empty. There is no market for crazy so I shredded my price tag. I will be the antique in the garage.

I sit at my desk, edit and rewrite someone else's advanced nursing research papers for five hundred dollars cash. I thought about the academic ethics regarding this work, for one second. I am the high priced call write girl, and my trick is a friend. I know she is smart, much smarter than me--just like that guy who could have any girl in the world suck his dick. The thing is I am easy.

I will keep the work in my computer. If I go back to school one day it's a prepaid A+ in the paper bank. I keep my mouth clean too. I don't want anybody, but my ass hurts from sitting.

So, I am getting my rock bottom off by flirting with the Respiratory Therapists. Do you have a boyfriend for me? No, you are fucking crazy. ahahahaahhahahahahaha
I've just come across this thread. What a gem! Reading this is like music to my ears. Consider me drawn in...
I've just come across this thread. What a gem! Reading this is like music to my ears. Consider me drawn in...
I am happy to draw you in with my paper and pencil. I can shade between the lines and color music notes in your ear all day.
We work like men, and love like women. The shoes are hard, and so are cocks. Somebody has to walk in these, and suck on them. This is where we come from, and we still drink coffee cupped from a big hot go-to-the-job thermos. We don't camp, we work and fuck. Sometimes we drink and then we grow up. We drive trucks with shift dicks and we ride them, all day and all of the night.



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