Finishes off the coke. "I really should ... I can't think of a good reason not to ... But here I am still. I'm too tired to really explain why at the moment though."
Smiles and takes his empty glass and puts it in the dishwasher and then pours him a fresh coke. "So what brings you to the wonderful world of literotic?"
In general or specific? Either way I guess their kind of the same. I tend to have a lot of fun here and its a good distraction from other things in life. I also tend to crave variety and this is a wonderful place for that as well. I don't have a specific reason for being here right now really, though I did find a thread starting to keep myself amused. I just couldn't/didn't want to sleep.
*nods* Very cool, hopefully the thread is enjoyable for you and gives you some entertainment while your trying to stay awake...I am just working on some signatures and hanging out in this place *smiles*