The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments were given by the God of the Jews to the Jewish people as commands. Read the Old Testament. That God had no intention to be worshipped by everybody. He had his tribe (well, Twelve Tribes, if you want to get all picky about it) and they were his, but other people could do whatever the heck they wanted. How many times does it say in the OT, "These other people do X (e.g. temple prostitution, sex with people of the same sex, eat pork), but don't YOU do X"? A heck of a lot of times.

I'm not Jewish. I have no Jewish relatives. I am not bound by the commands of the God of the Jews. I am a Pagan theist who attends a Unitarian Universalist church. My scripture is the sound of birdsong out my window, the sunlight shining on the porch, the clear blue sky and white clouds, and the green of the grass. It has nothing to do with the Jewish scriptures. And I'm ding-dong glad of it. :nana:
What seems to be missing here is the whole of the New Testament. In the sacrafice of Jeusus, the need for other sacrafices were no longer needed. He is the one sacrafice that can save us all if we believe.

By His grace and mercy we are saved, and thus are in His good stature. In taking on the acceptance of Christ, we become Christians, meaning Christ like. In the nature of Christ the desire to do the wicked deeds, the ones namely in the 10 commandments, will fade. Good deeds and deeds that are pleasing to Christ become pleasing to us. In His holy name we look to fortify oursevelves, our minds, and our spirits. In His holy name our trust is place and we believe that we are one with God through the son Jesus Christ. I really should say at this point I believe...sorry.

My point, I believe that the commandments are a guidline that should still be followed, but ultimately a daily commune with God is the best way to live life. Ask God if a troubling issue comes up and help is needed. Look to Jesus for examples of how to deal with certain situations. With grace and mercy God will hallow His holy name. That's the point. Put God first in the daily life, and all will fall into place naturally. That's my philosophy. And I'm sticking to it. :)
I guess it's just me...

If I were there creator of ALL in the way the 'Christian' faithful buy into... how else would you expect that type of being to behave?

Now, if you believe in a NON-omniscient deity who cannot see the future and who set thing in motion and is as much along for the ride as we are... then we can talk.

Omni-potence and Omni-scient!

For one second THINK about that those words really mean and the different frame it puts you in.

Am I the only one that is like... "People, you don't want me to have a LITTLE power, nevermind be ALL-POWERFUL... cause I'm breaking shit!"

elsol said:
I guess it's just me...

If I were there creator of ALL in the way the 'Christian' faithful buy into... how else would you expect that type of being to behave?

Now, if you believe in a NON-omniscient deity who cannot see the future and who set thing in motion and is as much along for the ride as we are... then we can talk.

Omni-potence and Omni-scient!

For one second THINK about that those words really mean and the different frame it puts you in.

Am I the only one that is like... "People, you don't want me to have a LITTLE power, nevermind be ALL-POWERFUL... cause I'm breaking shit!"


Read the last post on the first page.
Dranoel said:
These are laws written by a man to keep order amongst his people and to unite them as one people. In order to have any effect those laws had to appear to come from a higher being. A being that could be used to lay blame for the bad things that befall you. “You broke the law. God is angry. That is why your cow was attacked by lions.” And to give credit for the good things that befall you. “Your crops grow full and bountiful. God is smiling upon you.” This has been the same since the first primitive man saw some natural occurrence that he couldn’t explain, for instance lightning striking his favorite fig tree.

Without these laws he would have lost control of them, especially those that were born outside of slavery. If not for that control they would have all perished in the desert while he wandered around lost for 40 years.

While many of these laws are mere common sense for a civilized man, the larger part of them is simply to keep the people in fear, and thus, under control.

“...for I the Lord thy God am
a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of
the fathers upon the children unto the
third and fourth generation of them
that hate me; And showing mercy
unto thousands of them that love me,
and keep my commandments.”

Says it all doesn’t it? Why would I follow you after that?

1-4 These are the claims of a spoiled, arrogant, childish bully. Not a “Benevolent God”.

1. (Read: I am king of the hill and you can’t beat me so now you’ll do what I say.) But you said you are the one true god and there are no others. If there are no other gods, how could I hold one before you? If they don’t exist why would you worry about them?

2. (Read: Don’t take my picture, it will steal my spirit.) “I want you to bow down and worship me but I don’t want you to know what you are worshipping. Follow me blindly, for you would not follow me otherwise.” Kinda reminds you of an AOL chat room doesn’t it? Hmmm…. “.Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath… But in a few years I’m gonna send you my son, (as far as you know) and I want you to plaster his image all over everything. He’s going to be crucified, so I want you to place crosses all over the land for everyone to kneel down and pray to.” But you said…

3. (Read: “I don’t want you just throwing my name around behind anything and everything because then it will become a joke and lose its power.” ) My name is Martin and you had best hold that name in reverence out of respect for me or bad things will happen to you. There. Now I’m a god.

4. (Read: Everything you do in your life you shall attribute to me. But every Sunday you will spend the entire day on your knees, bitch.) And you will suck my dick, and your daughters will suck my dick and your men will fuck each other in the ass whether they like it or not. And you will like it because I command it.

5, 6 and 8 These are common sense but are contradictory to the “God” of the bible.

5. (Read: Listen to your parents, they’re trying to get you to adulthood in one piece.) And in the process they will ram me down your throat until it chokes you.

6. (Read: Don’t take it upon yourself to kill people, that’s my job.) Do as I say, not as I do. I’m your master and if I want to wipe out all civilization and start over I will. (Noah’s Ark) If I see a city as evil I will destroy it myself by raining fire and brimstone (known to scientists as meteors) down upon it. I did it to Sodom and Gomorrah and I’ll do it again when the notion strikes me. But keep your hands out of it unless I tell you to wage holy wars and crusades and inquisitions in my name.

8. (Read: Get your own damned stuff don’t take mine.) Does this count extortion? I mean, does, “You will give me 10% of everything you produce because I demand it.” count?

7, 9 & 10 To protect the men who weren’t men enough to protect themselves.

7. (Read: Leave my wife alone, go get your own) I don’t want my wife to find out I’m no good in bed, because then she’ll dump me like a bag of puke and I won’t be able to get any for years.

9. (Read: Mind your own business.) Personally I like this one. But for what it really says, not the reason it was added. What it’s saying is that if it does not concern you it’s none of your fucking business. The reason it was added was: “Now I wrote these commandments to keep you in control, but I am above them so I don’t want you seeing what I’m doing and telling everyone. They would get the wrong idea. So if you tell on me, I’m gonna say you’re lying, point to this law and have your tongue cut out. Your wife says you don’t know how to use it properly anyway.

10. (Read: Don’t be eyeing my shit.) Because if you see how I tricked you out of everything good and you decide you deserve it more, then you might break commandments 6,7,8 and 9. And where would that leave me?

Fuckin' Amen! And Hallefuckinlujah!