The Trolling of America

Because 1) Trump cheats at everything and 2) everybody who plays golf cheats.

We weren't cheating! Speed Golf is a legit game right up there with 20lbs Medicine Dodge ball (I honestly can't believe my 8th grede stupid ass failed to crack a rib or break a finger doing that stupid shit. and Jungle Ball which is half professional wrestling and half focusing on the ball and pretending you didn't enjoy giving the Rock Bottom to that prick from Biology class.
A field guide to understanding who is at the center of the Jan. 6 probe

December 6, 2021

A month from now-
the United States will mark its first anniversary of the attack on the U.S. Capitol.

The insurrection, incited by former President Donald Trump, cost damages over
$1 million to the complex alone, left several dead and hundreds injured

The committee’s debut public hearing unfolded this July when a handful of police
officers who fought off the mob for hours testified about their harrowing experiences.
Starting early next year, the Jan. 6 Committee is expected to recommence its public

The probe thus far has been kept tightly under wraps as investigators have spent
months piecing together how the siege was organized and financed, who was
involved in its coordination, and just how many people inside of Trump’s orbit
may have worked with the 45th president to propagate his pervasive but widely
debunked lie that he won the 2020 election.

- Daily Kos

The attempt to subvert democracy was nearly successful -

many Republicans in the House and Senate have labeled the commission
as a political cudgel unmoored from legislative purpose

The January 6th committee has pushed back fiercely against such claims.

Brandi Buchman
Twitter › Brandi_Buchman

@January6thCmte says if Mark Meadows won't cooperate and sit for depo tomorrow
then contempt proceedings it is.

48 minutes ago
Intelligencer ✓
Twitter › intelligencer

Donald Trump’s current hunt for a veep with blind loyalty greatly diverges
from his 2016-17 reality-show-like casting call

(link to NY magazine)

1 hour ago

Jonathan Chait ✓
Twitter › jonathanchait

People have wondered if Devin Nunes's slavish loyalty to Trump
was cynicism or genuine lunacy. Now I think we have an answer.

(link to Intelligencer via NY magazine)

23 hours ago
Predictable, that someone would pile on Joe Biden's back, for a piggy-back ride,
ahead of the tele-summit with Putin.

No major news network would broadcast a treasonous jerk tearing down a sitting president.
MAGA Nonsense Newsmax did it, though.

and Liz Harrington used her twitter account, to provide an echo -

President Trump on Biden vs Putin:

"That's not a fair match. That wouldn't have been a fair match in prime time.
The Election was Rigged and it was Stolen, and this is what we got.

"Take the New England Patriots playing your high school football team,
that's what you have."

— Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) December 7, 2021

Cheerleading for Putin !
Someone has been taking piggy-back rides on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's image

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ✓
Twitter › RepAOC

It's simple. If you threaten or incite racist rhetoric against a colleague in Congress,
you should not get to sit on committees. We must hold Rep. Boebert accountable.
When we inconsistently apply consequences to bigotry, we invite more people
to test these boundaries.

4 hours ago

The same person taking unwelcome piggy-back rides, is trolling the US families.
relatives, friends, of murdered students.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took that person to task.

- NY Daily News
MAGA garbage in, MAGA garbage out, every day

Orders from the top authorities of MAGA - Do something awful, say something awful:
Keep MAGA in the headlines, and fill the newsfeed with garbage and flood out positive.
Out of millions of Americans, it is MAGA that is promoted by the media and press.
Negative sells! Hate sells! Turmoil sells! Fear sells! If it bleeds, it leads (in headlines).

MAGA sells!

December 9, 2021

U.S. Capitol Police arrested a congressional staffer Thursday after he walked into
a legislative building with a gun in his bag. A 57 year old employee with the House
Chief Administrative Office carried an unlicensed weapon into a Capitol building,
as DC prepares to honor Bob Dole.


Washington paid tribute to Bob Dole in a very VIP ceremony in the Capitol rotunda.
- Politico
1 hour ago
Raw Story ✓
Twitter › RawStory

Fox News host delivers 7 minute lie-filled rant calling Democrats
a ‘cult in a never-ending fight with reality’

33 minutes ago
Fuck, yeah, Our Nation has chinks in the Armor That Defends Democracy
We Have Gentlemen's Agreements built in to ease pressure, allow fresh air,
and provide an emergency hatch. Trump abused, misused, and perverted
every emergency provision. If there was an angle, that could provide for
a blade to slip into a chink, Trump's lawyers and operatives would seek it.

Even if the only purpose, was to troll Democrats, with the possibility.

Trump’s White House Emailed About a PowerPoint on How to End American Democracy

- December 9, 2021

- Rolling Stone

The House Select Committee to Investigate the Jan. 6 Attack on the Capitol -
has obtained a trove of electronic messages from former Trump Chief of Staff
Mark Meadows, including an email referring to a PowerPoint suggesting Trump
could declare a national security emergency in order to delay the certification of
the results of the 2020 election.

The PowerPoint presentation -
which spanned 38 pages and was titled “Election fraud, Foreign Interference & Options
for 6 JAN,” was part of an email sent on Jan. 5, the day before the attack on the Capitol.

Mark Meadows discussed the same plan, which was described as a
“direct and collateral attack,” in a separate email.
As if, the murder of President Abe Lincoln, the assassination of JFK,
the killing of Bobby F. Kennedy, the death of John-John F. Kennedy Jr.,
were not enough.

Did it occur to you, that someone might have tried to bring a murder weapon to a funeral-
America's current official President, Joe Biden, voiced the eulogy, as Bob Dole's body,
Lies in State, under the Capitol Rotunda.

Every gun that Trump's trolls carry into the Capitol buildings, is a tool of trolling,
using the fear of violence and murder to disrupt, disturb, upset, and interrupt.

Shower Cap aka John Luzar
Twitter › CapShower

Longtime readers know I’m absolute trash at blog titles,
but by gum, I got this one right.

(link to Shower Cap Blog)

60 minutes ago

I Know of No Reason Why the PowerPoint Treason Should Ever Be Forgot

bodysong comment -
American Democrats are having the equivalent of a Gunpowder Plot moment.

The terrorist rioters of January 6th brought in weapons of every kind - automatic, too.

There were explosives kept nearby, because plans for escalating the violence were made.

There won't be bonfires, on the anniversary of the attack on Democracy, because America
is currently having an ecological disaster. Enough of America has suffered from burning.

Perhaps, paint filled balloons, could be launched at a Trump piñata.

TFG#45 is America's version of Guy Fawkes.

Who are the other twelve piñata models, hanging next to Trump's piñata ?
"I walked back down to the Map Room, where our analysts were reporting good news
from social media. The Twitter traffic was all trending in the right direction,"
Meadows described the scene at around 10:30 p.m. that night.

He continued: "Then, out of nowhere, I heard a loud series of screams and expletives
from the next room. Fox News had called Arizona for Joe Biden."

- from Mark Meadows' book - "The Chief's Chief"

- November 3, 2020

(that had not supported a Democratic presidential nominee since Bill Clinton in 1996)

bodysong comment -
Despite every secret agreement, all corruption, all pressure applied, money exchanged,
reality slammed back at the Trump Alliance - almost 90% of America rejects Trump.

FOX TV might give talking heads a free hand at petting and soothing MAGA,
but reality insists on sticking to the truth. FOX TV retained a few sane people,
that would report the truth.

Mark Meadows said it was "infuriating" when Fox News called Arizona for Biden on election night.

Meadows quickly called Fox News editor Bill Sammon, forcefully tapping the numbers on his phone.

"I'm surprised I didn't crack the screen of my iPhone," the former Trump aide wrote
in his new book.

bodysong comment - MAGA went so far, as to dump vote ballots, at the same time
they were accusing Democrats of that. In the end, it was found that the only vote cheats,
were Republicans, adding extra votes for Trump.

The only consistent claim of MAGA , "There is vote fraud!" What MAGA does not say,
is that vote fraud exists, because they are the ones that are doing it.

FFS, did MAGA forget to add the figures of mail-in ballots, and the effect it might have ?

(Post Master Louis DeJoy fucked the mail service up, and fucked up ballot delivery.)

Post-election, the purpose that their "election fraud hunt" served to invade the privacy
of the voting booth.
/ bodysong comment

Trolling the voters of America - "Look how much damage we can do, and no consequences!"
Last edited:
It’s unclear exactly what Trump’s new media venture will consist of.
It claims to be creating a social network, but Bloomberg news service
columnist Matt Levine has noted, “so far there is almost no sign that
TMTG is actually building a social network or a streaming platform
or anything else.”

Also, a company called Digital World Acquisition Corp., which was created
strictly to acquire other companies and has merged with the Trump venture,
is under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Devin Nunes, who has no experience in technology, may be getting out of Congress
because he fears defeat in next November’s election, political observers suggest.

Devin Nunes' record on LGBTQ+ rights is dismal; he has a string of zeroes
on the Human Rights Campaign’s Congressional Scorecard.

December 7, 2021
House Jan. 6 committee votes to hold Meadows in contempt,
details texts from Trump allies who wanted him to call off rioters

December 13, 2021

Some of the most dramatic evidence presented Monday night involved texts
from allies of the president urging Meadows to get Trump to stop the rioters.

On Sunday night, in a 51-page report, the bipartisan committee revealed that it has
documents showing that Meadows said the National Guard “would be present
to ‘protect pro Trump people’ ” on the day of the attack.

Election denier who circulated Jan. 6 PowerPoint says he met with Meadows
at White House

Phil Waldron, retired U.S. Army colonel, was working with Trump’s outside lawyers
and was part of a team that briefed the lawmakers on a PowerPoint presentation
detailing “Options for 6 JAN,” Waldron told The Washington Post.

A version of the presentation made its way to the White House chief of staff,
Mark Meadows, on Jan. 5.

That information surfaced publicly this past week after the congressional committee
investigating the insurrection released a letter that said Meadows had turned the
document over to the committee.
Dolly Parton told President Trump to go away—twice

December 13, 2021

In an NPR story posted over the weekend, we discover that Dolly Parton
turned down Donald Trump. She didn’t do it once, she turned the former
president down twice in his offer of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
She was scheduled to be honored for many reasons, including her funding
efforts toward finding a vaccine for COVID. Thanks in part to her generous
donation, the Moderna vaccine was developed.

- Daily Kos

TFG#45 took this opportunity to have Dolly Parton's songs as part of rally music
for his recent fail event in an Orlando, Florida arena, without her permission.
The Trolling of a Nation

The January 6th Insurrection was never meant to do anything, more,
but delay the count of ballots, and nurture the support of a legal move.

Maybe, The Insurrection was not meant, to accomplish and complete that small goal...

January 6th, a spectacle of the biggest trolling, ever accomplished- Theatrical Cast of Thousands!
Wonder of the Whole World! Broadcast Across the Globe! Neener, Neener, You Cannot Stop This!

And the gremlins, goons, and minions, rejoiced! In your Face! We did all of these things!

...but, to provide the perception, that in unity, they were striving for that goal.

Some, perhaps had private side quests, to benefit Trump -

"...removed documents from a U.S. Senate desk..."

"a group of rioters, ransacking the Senate chamber on Jan. 6, finds a document
in Sen. Ted Cruz's desk..."

A video reveals the anger of that, particular , small group of terrorist rioters
directed at Sen. Ted Cruz, after they read official government papers
on Ted Cruz's desk, on the Senate floor.

(What was it, that Ted Cruz was saying and doing, behind the terrorist rioters's backs ?)

John Boehner dubs Mitch McConnell "Stealth Vader"

"Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is "Lucifer in the flesh, the most miserable son of a bitch
I ever had to deal with."

- John Boehner
Apr 13, 2021

(Why does everyone in the GOP hate Ted Cruz ? Ted is a two-faced sneak ? All know ?)

I miss the good old days of peaceful protests. Burn innocent people's businesses down. Beat people up. Destroy public property. Put bullets in the heads of peace officers.

Oh, the salad days...

(Why do dems hate America)?
I'd like a new chainsaw, rifle, rangefinder and some bullets.

Mehbe a smash and grab against people that are trying to earn an honest living?

Fuck them, amirite?

It's all about me.
Dolly Parton told President Trump to go away—twice

December 13, 2021

In an NPR story posted over the weekend, we discover that Dolly Parton
turned down Donald Trump. She didn’t do it once, she turned the former
president down twice in his offer of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
She was scheduled to be honored for many reasons, including her funding
efforts toward finding a vaccine for COVID. Thanks in part to her generous
donation, the Moderna vaccine was developed.

- Daily Kos

TFG#45 took this opportunity to have Dolly Parton's songs as part of rally music
for his recent fail event in an Orlando, Florida arena, without her permission.

I'd say a one trick pony but good hell, you masturbate to Trump many times a day.

Thanks Vera!
FUX TV trolls America, with court theatrics

Judge Denies Fox News Move to Dismiss Dominion’s Defamation Lawsuit:
‘Intended to Avoid the Truth’

December 16th, 2021

Dominion Voting Systems, a company subject to a torrent of conspiracy theories
from President Donald Trump and his allies seeking to overturn the results of the
2020 election, filed a lawsuit against Fox News for $1.6 billion, alleging
the network falsely claimed Dominion rigged the 2020 election.

Fox News filed a motion in New York Supreme court to dismiss this defamation suit,
as well as the one filed against them by Smartmatic.

Law & Crime’s Aaron Keller reports more details:

“For purposes of the Motion, the Court must view all well-pled facts alleged
in the Complaint as true and in a light most favorable to Dominion,”
wrote Delaware Superior Court Judge Eric M. Davis.

“If the plaintiff offers ‘some direct evidence’ that the statement ‘was probably false,’
the Court can infer that the defendant ‘inten[ded] to avoid the truth,’”
the judge continued.

Oh, My! Why would FUX TV ever try to avoid the truth ?
ewww, the attitude of MAGA is disgusting!

Trolling, On A Grand Scale

Louie Gohmert sued Mike Pence to try to force him to go along with coup

December 16, 2021

In the last days of December 2020, Politico noted a decidedly odd story.
That’s when Rep. Louie Gohmert, along with a group of would-be
Donald Trump electors from Arizona, filed suit against Mike Pence—
not for violating the 1887 Electoral Count Act, but for following it.
And if that doesn’t sound strange enough already, Gohmert was likely
acting as a stand-in for Trump.

The suit against Pence seems to have been a proxy fight in two ways:
First, the suit from Gohmert put more pressure on Pence

Second, it was a direct attempt to get the Department of Justice to weigh in
on the constitutionality of the Electoral Count Act.

Despite claims that the plan presented to Republicans by Phil Waldron was not
the same as the “official” plan that Mark Meadows, Trump, and attorney
John Eastman pressed on Pence in the Oval Office - it’s clear that the critical points
of the plan are the same.

There was only one coup plan: Have Pence refuse to count enough electoral votes
for Joe Biden so he could either claim that Trump was the outright victor
or make a case that the election was “in dispute,” giving Trump the pretense
to call for a do-over election under military supervision.

Well before Jan. 6, Republicans were out there in public, explaining that scheme
in court.

It’s just that no one in the media took them seriously.

- Daily Kos
ewww, the attitude of MAGA is disgusting!

Trolling, On A Grand Scale

Louie Gohmert sued Mike Pence to try to force him to go along with coup

December 16, 2021

In the last days of December 2020, Politico noted a decidedly odd story.
That’s when Rep. Louie Gohmert, along with a group of would-be
Donald Trump electors from Arizona, filed suit against Mike Pence—
not for violating the 1887 Electoral Count Act, but for following it.
And if that doesn’t sound strange enough already, Gohmert was likely
acting as a stand-in for Trump.

The suit against Pence seems to have been a proxy fight in two ways:
First, the suit from Gohmert put more pressure on Pence

Second, it was a direct attempt to get the Department of Justice to weigh in
on the constitutionality of the Electoral Count Act.

Despite claims that the plan presented to Republicans by Phil Waldron was not
the same as the “official” plan that Mark Meadows, Trump, and attorney
John Eastman pressed on Pence in the Oval Office - it’s clear that the critical points
of the plan are the same.

There was only one coup plan: Have Pence refuse to count enough electoral votes
for Joe Biden so he could either claim that Trump was the outright victor
or make a case that the election was “in dispute,” giving Trump the pretense
to call for a do-over election under military supervision.

Well before Jan. 6, Republicans were out there in public, explaining that scheme
in court.

It’s just that no one in the media took them seriously.

- Daily Kos

I presume this suit was dismissed?
Rep. Scott G. Perry from Pennsylvania

For First Time, Jan. 6 Panel Seeks Information From a House Member

December 21, 2021

The committee is requesting testimony and documents from Representative Scott Perry
a Pennsylvania Republican who was deeply involved in efforts to overturn the election.

- NY Times

January 6 committee sends letter to GOP Rep. Scott Perry,
asking to interview him


Jan. 6 panel seeks interview, records from Rep. Scott Perry


House Freedom Caucus elects GOP Rep. Scott Perry
as next chair
Nov 16, 2021

TFG#45's last White House chief of staff told supporters
at the April 24 House Freedom Fund reception and dinner at Trump's Palm Beach
Florida resort club Mar-A-Lago why they did not have to worry about House Minority
Leader Kevin O. McCarthy (R-CA-23) taking the gavel in the next session of Congress.
“The House Freedom Caucus is choosing the next speaker,” said former North Carolina
congressman Mark R. Meadows.

Joining Meadows as the special guests for the event were:
Trump, HFC founder and former chairman Rep. James D. “Jim” Jordan (R-OH-04)
Current HFC Chairman Rep. Andrew S. Biggs (R-AZ-05), Senate candidate Rep. Morris
J. “Mo” Brooks Jr. (R-AL-05), Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO-03),
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA-14), Rep. Scott G. Perry (R-PA)
and former senator and Chairman of the Conservative Partnership Initiative
James W. “Jim” DeMint.

- April 28, 2021

During the attack and invasion of the Capitol building, on January 6th
Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-Del.) offered clean masks to the senators
and congress critters in a safe bunker sactuary - Reps. Andy Biggs (Ariz.),
Rep. Doug LaMalfa (Calif.) and Rep. Scott Perry (Pa.) refused to wear
a mask in the crowded space.

Six House Republicans were captured on video refusing masks
offered by a colleague during the US Capitol insurrection.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene did not wear a mask when locked in a secure room
with other House members

November 19, 2021

Democratic leaders in the House heralded the 220-213 near party-line vote
on the administration’s Build Back Better bill

The lone House Democratic holdout was Maine’s Rep. Jared Golden.

All nine Democratic members of Pennsylvania’s Capitol Hill delegation voted
for the bill. Eight of nine Republicans, including U.S. Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick,
who backed the Democrats on the administration’s infrastructure bill, but opposed
the domestic package, voted no. U.S. Rep. Scott Perry (R-York), who is quarantining
after contracting COVID-19, was marked non-voting, according to an official House
roll call.

The Lincoln Project ✓
Twitter › ProjectLincoln

On Christmas Eve in 1776, George Washington led his men across the Delaware River
and changed the tide of history. On this eve in 2021, their Legacy is under attack.
We must unite & rise to meet this moment just as they did more than 200 years ago.
Merry Christmas.

2 days ago
Trump and his Alliance, busy during the holidays, with the production of sound bites.

Legitimate media outlets stick to essentials. Do not see much of Grandpa Joe Biden.

The usual pictures of Grandpa Joe Biden and First Lady Dr. Jill, where they are expected.

Perhaps, one day, some the predictions of Blade Runner 2049 will become a reality.

Blade Runner 1982 tried to predict 2019

Even the replicants can make you sick, in 2021.
Dr. Fauci's back must be getting sore - MAGA politicians jumping on for piggy back rides

Senator Marshall was a practicing Ob-Gyn doctor.

Kansas Sen. Roger Marshall is also a supporter for Anti-Abortion, even after all the
mistakes that Mother Nature sent to him, to clean up -

Medical document shows Marshall's notes from terminated pregnancy

- Kansas Reflector

Oct 6, 2020 ·
Document shows U.S. Senate candidate Roger Marshall,
a physician opposition to abortion, terminated a dangerous
ectopic pregnancy in 2000.

That natural "accident" would have needed more than a simple D&C

(Dilation and curettage (D&C) is a procedure to remove tissue from inside the uterus.)

When Roger Marshall was just a mere congressman, he joined the GOP Doctors Caucus,
effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

March 3, 2017

During a Senate hearing on Omicron, Kansas Senator Roger Marshall brought his
dog and pony show and a poster that looked like a gigantic banl check.
Sen Marshall found it a fine time, to attack Dr. Fauci and his salary -
Sen. Marshall - my staff could not find it! Dr. Fauci's attitude -
You could not find your arse with both hands. It is public record.
Find it!

"What are you talking about?" Fauci interjected. "My financial disclosures are public
knowledge and have been so."

Dr. Fauci couldn't contain his disgust at the ridiculous questions
from Sen. Marshall pertaining to the right-wing's "gain of function"
conspiracy theories...
- Crooks and Liars

US Officials Defend Omicron Response at Senate Hearing

January 11, 2022

Lawmakers accused top Biden administration health officials of neglecting
virus testing and mangling key messaging around the pandemic.

- NY Times

Damning clip resurfaces of Rand Paul lecturing Fauci about 'virtually 0% chance'
of breakthrough COVID-19 infections

January 11, 2022

In a heated exchange during a Senate hearing this Tuesday -
Dr. Anthony Fauci fired back at GOP Sen. Rand Paul's accusations
that he used his alleged media connections to smear scientists who disagreed
with his approach to tackling the Covid-19...

Viewers stunned as Dr. Fauci takes down Rand Paul for profiting off attacking him:
'He has the receipts!'

8 hours ago

At the Senate hearing Tuesday, Anthony S. Fauci accused Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.)
of incessant and false attacks on him to raise campaign funds.

A spokesperson for the Department of Health and Human Services, Ian Sams,
denounced Marshall’s comments about Fauci in a statement on Tuesday evening.

“At a time when America is seeing rising COVID cases,” he said, “it’s disappointing
and frankly unacceptable that Republican Senators chose to spend a hearing with
the country’s leading public health experts spreading conspiracy theories and lies
about Dr. Fauci, rather than how we protect people from COVID-19.”

Capitol Hill testimony has long been a venue where Fauci has sparred with Republican lawmakers.

Earlier Tuesday, he engaged in a heated exchange with Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) —
Fauci’s loudest GOP critic on Capitol Hill — arguing that the senator’s critical rhetoric
“kindles the crazies” who threaten him and his family.

Fauci also accused Paul of using the pandemic for political gain.
Daily Kos version -

January 11, 2022

On Tuesday, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who serves as the director of the National Institute
of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), testified during a Senate hearing
held by the Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions.

(Who is on this committee ?)

Calling someone a hero is a big label, but I’d wager that Fauci deserves it for his work
and advocacy during the ongoing global coronavirus pandemic

As you might recall, Fauci had more than a little bit of a rough time dealing with
the Trump administration, and though Trump is out of office, it seems certain
conservatives can’t stop attacking Fauci. As Fauci pointed out during his testimony,
Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul has been encouraging threats against his life
by launching public attacks that are both antagonistic and without a
“shred of evidence.”

Rand Paul pushed some absolutely wild anti-vaccine, anti-science conspiracy theories -
about COVID-19, including recently referring to the omicron variant as
nature’s vaccine” during an interview with Fox News. Yikes!

More recently, on Tuesday, Fauci said Rand’s actions essentially “kindle the crazies”
against him and his family, including his children.

You might remember, for example, when police arrested a Maryland man for allegedly
threatening to beat Fauci and his family to death.

Dr. Fauci has had enough
- Marissa Higgins
- Daily Kos

bodysong comment -

It seems to me, that everyday death threats to Democrat politicians, began with Trump.
Am I wrong ?
Waiting to see if Trump shall keep his promise, to travel to a rally...

(He can always claim bad weather forced him to cancel.)

In the meantime, Trump has taken his opportunity to be heard on Public Broadcasting.
National major media networks seem to be avoiding him.

Trump is currently riding piggy-back on Senator "Moscow Mitch" McConnell's back.

NPR and Steve Inskeep are fools, for letting TFG#45 near their microphones.