The Trolling of America

Finally, we are seeing the point of MAGA goons and gremlins scaring school board
members so much, the decent community-based, civic minded residents quit.
(death threats and violent confrontations have a tendency to frighten people that don't
have government assigned body guards.)

The positions on the school boards are filling up with Extremist Right Wing members,
that support MAGA, ect. People that would happily back up the desire of Florida State
Rep. Bob Rommel, to install surveillance cameras and microphones in every classroom.

A return to teaching reading, writing, and simple mathamatics, for teachers. No politics.
Private, for-profit schools are sure to promise geography teachers and history teachers.
Pay up front, and take your chances. (Just like Trump University, you might not get
what you paid for, because they have more money and lawyers than their victims have.)

Free speech and federal funding for Jesus schools, full of White Supremacists.
STFU for minority communities, and community schools surviving on scraps
from what gated communities leave behind. Gov. Ron "DeSatan" De Santis is
providing the blue print, on how to grind down public schools into submission.

Florida Lawmakers Wants To Put Microphones On Teachers

January 14, 2022

The assault on teachers in this country by Republicans continues as a new bill
proposed by Florida State Rep. Bob Rommel would allow cameras in the classroom
as well as put microphones on teachers to monitor what they say.

- Crooks and Liars

former-Republican's intentions to legislate the right to learn the truth, to death ?
(They legislated a woman's right to a safe and legal abortion, to death.)
Troll Fest 2022 Florence, Arizona

Ahead of Trump's rally in AZ, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) talked out of all sides
of his mouth. He caved in to Trump, because of fear - MAGA crazies in Utah.

After the gathering of the Looney Lunacy party in AZ ?

Manu Raju ✓
Twitter › mkraju

Mitt Romney says on NBC that the Jan. 6 select committee - which McCarthy says
is illegitimate - is an “important and legitimate effort”

7 hours ago

No live TV cameras from major media networks, or national coverage ?

Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN) took One America Network News place,
because OANN lost their Direct TV contract. (Cancelled !)

MAGA came to Country Thunder festival grounds to troll, and troll they did.

A representative for the Looney Lunacy party assured Trump's crazies
that the Trump that gave the speech was not a body-double.

TFG#45 started off his trolling with the lies that MAGA loves -

January 16, 2022 12:12PM

“We had a tremendous victory in Arizona that was taken away,” Trump told them
when he eventually took the stage, after arriving midway through the event by

(Nope, AZ voting clean, according to officials.)


Arizona Republicans submitted bogus election certification documentation,
falsely claiming that Trump won Arizona.

Arizona's GOP Chair Kelli Ward joined Nancy Cottle, Loraine Pellegrino, Tyler Bowyer,
Jake Hoffman, Anthony Kern, James Lamon, Robert Montgomery, Samuel Moorhead,
Greg Safsten and Michael Ward signed papers falsely declaring themselves as Arizona's
Electoral College electors - for Trump.

Joining their colleague Gosar, other Trump loyalists in attendance at the rally included
U.S. Representatives Andy Biggs and Debbie Lesko. Three Republican lawmakers have
have pushed the 'Stop the Steal' narrative and voted in Congress to reject Arizona results.
State Representative Mark Finchem and Arizona state senators Kelly Townsend,
alongside Wendy Rogers joined them Saturday.

Audience participation ? "Lock him up!" (Dr. Fauci) Who was hired to lead the cheers ?

“They always talk about the Big Lie,” Trump said of the media. “They’re the Big Lie.”

One full day before Trump arrived in Florence, Arizona

Maggie Haberman ✓
Twitter › maggieNYT

Trump now leaning into false-flag conspiracies
about the FBI and Jan. 6.

22 hours ago

Maggie Haberman ✓
Twitter › maggieNYT

The former president who says everything he doesn't like is "fake"
had supporters who sent in faked certificates declaring Trump won states
that he'd lost

(link to CNN)

8 hours ago

Dear Leader promoting a new hoax to his white nationalist base.

It's a hoax explicitly intended to stoke white racist anger, and is a preview
of how Trump intends to push the party even farther into radicalism.

- Daily Kos
- January 16, 2022

on Saturday in Florence, Arizona, former (Presiderp) Donald Trump claimed
that white people are being discriminated against in the allotment of COVID-19

"The left is now rationing life-saving therapeutics based on race, discriminating
against and denigrating, just denigrating white people to determine who lives
and who dies," Trump said.

"You get it based on race. In fact, in New York state, if you're white, you have to go
to the back of the line to get medical help. If you're white, you go right to the back
of the line."

The former president referenced a recent Wall Street Journal* opinion article
titled "New York's Race-Based Preferential Covid Treatments."

The article says that COVID-19 treatments such as monoclonal antibodies
and oral antivirals are in short supply and that New York state has published
guidelines outlining how to allocate them to those most in need.

Trump's Covid and Election Falsehoods at Arizona Rally

- NY Times

8 hours ago

Jan. 16, 2022.

*Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal has been pumping out misinformation
Clowns Like Sen. Rand Paul Should Stop Trolling the Adults
Determined to Get Us Through the Pandemic

- Houston Chronicle Editorial Board

January 16, 2022

Some key paragraphs:

“…Although he often speaks with a straight face and assertive tone, he lacks seriousness
at a deeply serious time in this nation’s history.

He could be using his position as a second-term United States senator to help defeat
the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, Paul spends his time downplaying a worldwide
crisis that has killed more than 840,000 of his fellow Americans, and spreading lies
and conspiracy theories about Dr. Anthony Fauci, the president’s chief medical adviser
on the coronavirus.

Paul is a physician - We would like to think a doctor — who is also the son of a doctor -
would be looking for opportunities to work in conjunction with Fauci and colleagues
to help end the exasperating grip that COVID continues to hold on our daily lives.
Not Paul.

As an infuriated Fauci pointed out last week while testifying at a Senate hearing,
Paul is not only making scurrilous charges but raising campaign money off them,
providing boxes on his website for supporters to contribute $5, $10, $20, $100,
right next an apparently motivating message: “Fire Dr. Fauci.”

Sadly, Paul’s petulant trolling of a public official on the front lines
of fighting this pandemic isn’t rare these days. (...)

"...elected officials such as Paul and our own Gov. Greg Abbott use these dedicated
(education) professionals as politically convenient (political) footballs."


After two years, our medical professionals are exhausted, burned out, frustrated.

France’s Health Ministry reported that the number of first vaccinations against
the coronavirus had tripled a day after the president’s (Macron) indelicate remark.

Dr. Peter Hotez of the Baylor College of Medicine is no stranger to trolling from the
anti-vaxxer crowd and has been the target of threats, death and otherwise, as he has
gained more and more visibility among public-health specialists trying to guide us
through the pandemic.

"...hundreds of millions of doses of a COVID-19 vaccine developed at Baylor
by Hotez and longtime collaborator Maria Elena Bottazzi are being distributed..."

Many thanks @HoustonChron Editorial Board for your support
this Sunday morning! Deeply appreciative p

(pic of Rand Paul from newspaper page)

— Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD (@PeterHotez) January 16, 2022

Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD ✓
Twitter › PeterHotez

(graphic - pic of Rand Paul)

Many thanks @HoustonChron Editorial Board for your support
this Sunday morning! Deeply appreciative

15 hours ago
Mother Jones ✓
Twitter › MotherJones

Mother Jones ✓
Twitter › MotherJones

The latest in Trump's efforts to overturn the presidential election:
A draft memo dated December 16, 2020 would have directed
the secretary of defense to seize voting machines

2 hours ago
The GOP has exactly one black Republican senator - Not voted in, by popular vote.
The formerly -Republicans maneuvered to shoehorn him into the office, because
the Republican demographic is so full of racists, they took the vote of the hands
of their own pool of Republican voters. The senator's own name runs under the radar.

Tim Scott

bodysong comment - President Joe Biden voiced his intent to have the next
Supreme Court Justice to be appointed to the SCOTUS bench, to be a black

FFS, Republicans backed Clarence Thomas for SCOTUS despite the testimony of Anita Hill.

Clarence Thomas's wife has gone full blown MAGA -

Senate Republicans and conservative commentators have repeatedly criticized Biden
for committing to selecting a Black woman to fill Breyer’s seat, with Sen. Roger Wicker
(R-Miss.) suggesting in a local radio interview on Friday that whomever the president
picks will be a “beneficiary” of affirmative action.

MSNBC Tweets Stand-Alone Slam on ‘Conservatives’ Favoring ‘Affirmative Action’
For Their ‘Preferred Demographic’

Conservatives don’t mind affirmative action hires
so long as the people hired fit their preferred

— MSNBC (@MSNBC) January 29, 2022

A while after that, MSNBC tweeted a video of Elie Mystal appearing with Chris Hayes
making the same assertion in slightly different words.

“The hypocrisy of these people literally knows no bounds": Elie Mystal comments
on right-wing response to President Biden's U.S. Supreme Court vow.

— MSNBC (@MSNBC) January 29, 2022

“They are happy to play identity politics when it works in their favor,” said (Elie) Mystal.

So while it is not an opinion unheard of on the network, in this case the network
tweeted the claim directly, without attribution.
Strange combination -some of the the top weathiest 1% of the nation join with
the most corrupted politicians of the nation, to fund Trump's foot soldiers,
in a culture war, to tear the nation apart.

1% of each American town, city, region, is bullying the 99% of America.

(It is not, as if we have not been warned.)
/end bodysong comment

'We are going to win by killing people’:
Morning Joe warns that ‘fascist’ Trump made his plans clear
- Raw Story
8 hours ago

Maggie Haberman ✓
Twitter › maggieNYT

Trump, gearing up for likely 2024 run, dangles pardons to Jan 6 arrestees.
Some of those arrestees have been mentioned in court papers saying they
believed they were doing what Trump wanted

(link to NY Times)
1 day ago

Confederate Flags, Conspiracies, and the Ghost of JFK Jr.:
What I Saw at Trump's Bananas Texas Rally

It’s part roadshow and part religious revival, but the show is a grift
and the religion being revived is fascism

- Steven Monacelli

Dozens of politicians from across the state and country turned out for the rally,
seeking to ride on Trump’s political coattails -
Governor Greg Abbott,
Lt. Governor Dan Patrick
Attorney General Ken Paxton
State Senator Dawn Buckingham

"We were in one of the reddest counties in one of the reddest states, and it showed:
When I arrived at the press check-in station, the first thing I saw was a merchandise
vendor with a Confederate flag —
the banner of a nation that lasted only 4 years before being routed out of existence —
that says “Come And Take It.” It was set up directly across from a wooden cross.

Trump speaks in Texas -
Less than an hour into his speech, the crowd started to thin out.
I’d heard it all before, so I decided to follow suit.
(Indeed, it was more than an hour into his rambling speech
when Trump offered something new:
teasing a 2024 presidential run and dangling pardons
for Jan. 6 rioters if he retakes office.)

- Rolling Stone
Jan 30, 2022
Blaming Democrats for the damage done to America and the Capitol building,
on January 6th, gave MAGA hours of amusement.

Democrats are being blamed for imitating neo-Nazi - a fine time had by MAGA, trolling.

January 31, 2022

Florida House Democratic Leader Evan Jenne at a press availability said there’s no truth to any suggestion Democratic staffers were behind the demonstration, and Pushaw knows that.

“We know it’s completely false,” the Dania Beach Democrat tweeted. “Her immediate deletion of that tweet shows she was just talking trash. No more or less.”

While Jenne said he appreciated that Pushaw’s tweet was quickly taken down, he said DeSantis himself still needs to weigh in with forceful words to condemn the hateful message.

“Call out that we don’t want neo-Nazis in the state of Florida. It’s not that difficult a statement to make,” Jenne said.

“I would hope the Governor would say he does not support neo-Nazis’ agenda or beliefs. That was not difficult for me to do right now, nor should it be difficult for the Governor’s press secretary. I think she realized she probably over-stepped when she deleted that tweet. We still need a more positive statement saying exactly where the Governor stands. I believe he would be against neo-Nazis, but the people of Florida need to hear that.”

The Governor’s Press Secretary’s tweets, including the one offering a potential denial of Nazi involvement, came after a gathering of about 20 demonstrators reportedly lined a bridge in eastern Orange County over the weekend, hanging the swastika flag and banners — including a banner with the pro-Donald Trump slogan “Let’s Go Brandon” — and yelling profanities and antisemitic slurs at passing cars.

Elected leaders in Florida slammed the presence of Nazi symbols and hateful messages.

“The neo-Nazi rallies in Orlando this weekend were a disgrace,” said U.S. Rep. Stephanie Murphy, a Winter Park Democrat. “Central Florida is home to patriots of every political stripe — and we have no tolerance for these anti-Semitic and racist groups.”
MAGA and formerly- Republicans refuse to drop the other shoe - perpetual liars, hypocrites

Manu Raju ✓
Twitter › mkraju

More GOP reaction on Biden’s plans to name first Black woman justice. Sen. Rounds:
“He limits their ability to be identified clearly as the best possible candidate…
Other people think well, 'They're being nominated only because [of that],
and not because of their competencies.'"

1 hour ago

GOP's stance -
"It is offensive, that Biden is restricting his potential Supreme
Court nominees to a small sub-set of the population, in order to
please a narrow faction (Ruling Elite, Political Radical Evangelicals ?)
of his base (Trump's active base amounts to 1% of the American population,
that excludes all of the wannabe MAGA, that did not kill people,
and push their way into the Capitol building on January 6th -did not
attack and kill Capitol police officers, did not travel to DC on January 6th,
at all - but stayed home and watched TV) Trump began to cultivate the crazies
during the 1980s -
Now Trump's Crazies walk the halls of the House of Representatives, as politicians.
U.S. States House of Representatives now has MAGA members making decisions.
(The Crazies quickly lost their chairs in committees, and positions that held authoriy.)

The current GOP has not openly declared war on Democrats, but every action taken
by formerly-Republicans and MAGA is a attempt at ending Democracy in America.

The arrival of "The Squad"- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib,
and Ayanna Pressley, presented a contrast to the white cloud of Republican faces.

Trump's contribution -

Snarling "Boof" "I love beer" Kavanaugh - His Sexism does not promise impartial judgements

"Handmaid" Amy Coney Barrett - using a Dying Christ figure cross for a gavel

"Are they, too, going to complain that this pick was designated for a Black woman, after
not complaining about Trump designating one for a woman? Or is this merely the only
thing professional pundits have to work with at this point? — an effort to rile up the
conservative base, without much follow-through."

"We shall see."

- The Fix

List -
Ronald Reagan
George H.W. Bush

Let’s Be Real: The Supreme Court Is Political and Always Has Been.

Clarence Thomas, Barrett and Breyer have all recently denied that politics play
a primary role at the court. (Sure, and there’s no gambling happening at the casino,
either.) Barrett’s effort — “Judicial philosophies are not the same as political parties,”
she said — convinced nobody because if judicial philosophies are not the same
as political parties, then why do their rulings track so closely with the positions
of the parties whence they came?

The public sees through this rhetorical fog.

In a recent Marquette Law School poll, 54 percent of respondents described
the Supreme Court as “conservative,” a percentage that rose over the past
couple of years as Donald Trump built his 6-3 conservative majority.

If the public regards the court as partisan, what’s keeping the smart men and women
on the court from doing the same?

Sandra Day O'Connor 1981 (First woman to serve on the Supreme Court)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1993 (A true SCOTUS judge, that stuck to the rules of SCOTUS)

Sonia Sotomayor 2009

Elena Kagan 2010

"god/God Rules My Life, Above All" Handmaid to a Cult, Amy Coney Barrett 2020

Almost 60 years, ago- A Texan appointed the first black man to have a seat on he bench
of the Supreme Court.
Republicans twist themselves up trying to rewrite Ronald Reagan’s Supreme Court history

February 01, 2022

"...the right-wing of the country is stretching itself to complain that the potential nomination
of a Black woman to the Supreme Court is reverse racism.*

The argument goes that in campaigning on and promoting one’s intentions
to put a woman of color on the Supreme Court, President Biden is discriminating
against all of those white people willing to do the bidding of the Federalist Society.

Of course, many news outlets are pointing out that the pope of the GOP, Ronald Reagan,
made a similar promise back when he was doing sketchy shit to win the presidency
of the United States. This has forced right-wingers along the entire spectrum
of the GOP, from the duplicitous and craven Sen. Susan Collins to the scary
fascist Sen. Josh Hawley, to distance themselves from, and set themselves
at odds with, their last made-up example of a successful Republican

*The term “reverse racism” is an acknowledgment
that the person claiming it is an ignorant racist.

- Daily Kos
Pillow Guy salesman, Mike Lindell

Mike Lindell seeks publicity, just as Trump does - He attempted to piggy back on
the public attention paid to the Truck Fuckery in Canada

Mike Lindell's pillows-for-truckers ‘convoy’ hits snag after Canada rejects
his unvaccinated crew

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell this week sent a truck full of pillows up to Canada
in a show of solidarity with anti-vaccination mandate protesters. However, it seems
that the plan to reward Lindell's anti-vaxxer allies with free pillows hit a snag...

Raw Story ✓
Twitter › RawStory

Mike Lindell’s pillows-for-truckers ‘convoy’ hits snag
after Canada rejects his unvaccinated crew


3 hours ago

If The Pillow guy salesman really meant for the Anti-Vaxx and Anti-Mask protesters
in Canada to have the pillows, why send truckers that are not vaccinated ?
Billionaires toss pocket change to fund distraction event, to block MAGA from seeing
Trump facing serious charges for crimes

- A data leak revealed over 92,000 donors who shelled out more than $8 million
to the Freedom Convoy.

GiveSendGo - WTF does this have to do, with funding Evangelical Christian missionaries ?

GiveSendGo is a for-profit business and the site has experienced
“year-over-year growth” since its inception, said Wells, who added
that he hoped to “hit $1 million” in revenue in 2021. He said the site
processed more than 10 million payments last year.

“We operate on the generous donations from our Campaign Owners and Givers,”
according to its website. “You will never be asked by us to make a payment.”

When users attempt to donate, the site defaults to a $1 suggested “gift”
for GiveSendGo to help defray costs.

Honk if you love Jesus — Why so many Evangelical Christians have joined
the 'Freedom Convoy'

Canada Trump Fuckery Hyped by Lies
Canada's National Post gives My Pillow guy Mike Lindell a chance for publicity -

The MyPillow CEO and a videographer were intercepted at the Port Huron-Sarnia
border crossing on Tuesday evening on their way to Ottawa

- Independent

Lindell was reportedly turned back because he was not fully vaccinated
and did not bring a negative PCR test with him.

- The Week

Driver turned back, intercepted before crossing the Ambassador Bridge into Windsor,
Ontario, reports the National Post. That vehicle was turned back because the driver
also did not bring a negative PCR test, per a Canadian government official.

- The Week
MAGA effort to bring MAGA circus into court rooms, since Trump is sinking in his own mire.