The true gift

Re: I've enjoyed watching/reading this thread

lark sparrow said:

I agree with you Miss Taken, on trust being able to be rebuilt. Particularly in the case of a miscommunication or lack of communication that leads to misunderstanding, and at least the feeling or fear of a breach of trust.


Perhaps I may have been misunderstood. Mistakes,...errors,...faults,...miscommunication, does not equal *betrayal* in my book. Others may view this differently,...and rightfully so.

For *me*,...once someone has *betrayed* my trust,...I may forgive them their betrayal,...but I will never forget it,...and *no*, can never be earned back,...and I damned sure am not *giving* it again.

YMMV :rose:
Agrees with you too Art

I was responding to her faith that sometimes trust can be rebuilt, especially in those cases as listed, for me personally. I didn't see any mention of betrayal, only break down in communication in her post.

In the case of glaringly obvious betrayals in personal relationhips, I agree with you, Art. It would have to be a very long standing, and generally great relationship for me to even consider trying to rebuild the trust to the level before it was broken. Even then, forgive and forget seems long and unlikely.