Service/Love As Worship

The recent documentary on Netflix about the Bill Gothard Cult that the Duggar family was part of interviewed a woman who had escaped a very abusive marriage in that world. She said her husband insisted she call him “My Lord.”

I agree that the kind of thing I’m imagining would tend to attract assholes and sociopaths. The woman that I served, that I developed these sorts of feelings about, we had a fairly healthy relationship at the time. She was the one that really encouraged me not to be ashamed or embarrassed by my submissive urges, to open up about them to her, and to see my submission as a thing of beauty. In some ways, later, I started to feel as if she shaped me, or made me into the submissive I am, and started feeling these desires to pray to her, to worship her, to call her a deity.

I honestly don’t know how healthy this sort of thing would be in real life. I have my doubts. Once you’ve decided someone is a literal god, you don’t have much space to negotiate or question. But it makes for a powerful fantasy. I would imagine if someone wanted to try it, it would be better to start with a conventional dom/sub relationship and, over time, and enough trust building, work the idea of worship into it.
Yes, it's abusive when done the wrong way. I'd have no problem calling my Dom/me My Lord, Mistress / Master, Goddess / God, Empress / Emperor , or Queen / King. Even Your Grace, Your Majesty or Your Honour is fine. The only real issue is when we're not playing or I use the safe word and they still force me to do that. When they don't know how and when to stop, it's dangerous.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and views with us. I found your insight fascinating. I’m writing a story at the moment, part-published, about a submissive with a similar approach to submission, particularly service, worship and reverence. I do hope you were able to progress in those things with your Daddy, you both deserve it 😊
I want to so bad
you didnt end up athiest because no one ever does. even the biggest skeptics break it down in the end and say they believe in "something."
Good message. I like this one because I was agnostic for a few years and then went back to believing.