The UK Kink Thread

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Hi all,

Sorry to hear about your news Mal, even if it was what you expected to happen. I went through a break-up myself pretty recently and they always suck, no matter what the circumstances.

Thanks to people who commented on my flippant remark about meet-up safety. I will of course endeavour to be savvy about it.

Sorry to hear work's taking advantage Daisy. Sounds like you need to sit down and make it clear that you're not a walking charitable trust. Is there nobody else you can get in your corner? Do you have a sympathetic superior or enough colleagues in the same boat to give you some clout if you unite? I know it's an employer's market these days but it sounds like they're being really out of order.
Hi all,

Sorry to hear about your news Mal, even if it was what you expected to happen. I went through a break-up myself pretty recently and they always suck, no matter what the circumstances.

Yes they do, but I'll get over this one in time I am sure. Find someone new who makes me realise she was not the only woman who could make me feel that good. *hug
At the moment, life is on a bit of a downer, work is falling apart, I have no social life because I put myself into my work too much.
I am also having similar issues to you ;) but that's not for public consumption!
Just rather glad I have some good friends :)
And its likely to rain again tomorrow!
What kind of work do you do?

If you ever want to vent my pm box is always open. Hope things pick up for you soon.
:D:D Hummmm.... Seems to me reading recent posts that folk just arn't jumping up and down in fun and merriment. So what's up. Is it this grey sky summer like last year. Lets all start something silly wild. Is it that the men only come here for their basic needs, but ladies have that sensitive side that just shudders and needs al least a hug, not a leer?
Off to see The Audience on thursday. Anyone seen any good films lately- just returned from holiday and wandering what is fresh and good.
That is in addition to wonderful smiles here. :D:D:D
and :rose::rose: from my garden. :)
Morning all.

Another sleepless night. Getting sick of these now.

@LiteLouch - Hey, I'm not just here to get my needs met!
Morning All,

Well its rotary club kids out day today, so the whole school is off to a theme park to get wet! I am actually not sure how many waterproofs to take, coz I know it is going to chuck it down! :(
I am hoping to get paired with a wheelchair user so we can hang out on the aquarium :)
Safe trip Mal!
Morning everyone.

The weather's pretty grim here as well, Daisy - always is once the exams have finished :( Hope you have a good day out anyway.

Today's meeting is with the supplier who's going to get the business lost by yesterday's guy. One man's loss...etc....but at least it will have a positive outcome. Then I'll be in the factory all afternoon, doing some proper work for a change - packing magazines for a rush delivery tomorrow :D

Hello LiteTouch - we are usually a little more upbeat than yesterday. If you're really lucky, Daisy will smack you with a kipper....

Have a good day, all.
I still can't believe that some idiot thought it would be a good idea to send me to London. Seriously there are more people in one city than there are in my entire country *sigh*.
Morning Kiwi

Don't worry - we'll look after you while you're here :D

I live in the less well populated north so I appreciate the shock that London can give to the unaware. But you'll get used to it eventually.
Yeah, London's a culture shock for anybody.

Hope you don't wind up in the aquarium Daisy, because I want pics and a full report on your winning the school wet t shirt contest. :p

Morning Lally. Hope that packing boxes allows you to take your mind off hiring and firing suppliers for a while. I find packing quite a zen activity. Stuff tetris. :)

Wet and miserable here too but also stiflingly mild. Had enough of it now.
Morning Seven

Yes, I always find working in the factory very therapeutic - its a break from the office and phone, I have a laugh with the staff and prove to them, once again, that I can work as hard and as fast as they can without dying :D

Over the years I've learned to use most of the machines apart from the press. The guillotine's my favourite - it's tough on the back, but works most of the muscle groups. And before Mal starts getting twitchy, yes I always observe correct lifting and handling procedures, and all safety checks are done before I start using it!
Morning Seven

Yes, I always find working in the factory very therapeutic - its a break from the office and phone, I have a laugh with the staff and prove to them, once again, that I can work as hard and as fast as they can without dying :D

Over the years I've learned to use most of the machines apart from the press. The guillotine's my favourite - it's tough on the back, but works most of the muscle groups. And before Mal starts getting twitchy, yes I always observe correct lifting and handling procedures, and all safety checks are done before I start using it!

phew :)

made it safe to Corby. lousy signal here though. hope you're all surviving the day? or in kiwi's case surviving the big smoke. :)
Morning all and thank those who have been kind with greetings- Kippers I love- but smacked? a new recipe for me. the weather in the south is good. Prospects of gardening a bit, I hate gardening grrrr. It's why erotica is such a wonderful alternative.

Kiwi, London is fantastic once you get the hang of it. You can find your 'thing' I am sure. I have lived, worked and pleasured in many ways- now a country boy but visit regularly for shows, plays, exhibitions, and just street wandering. Get a good really good guide book. And I guess a friend. I can help with the book- depending on what you like.

Avoid the tube for the next few months till it cools down, the air is foul lol.

Humph, glad to help in any way to make you feel safe and at home. I even know where some city farms are, they have at least a couple of sheep and a cow lol.:D
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Morning Kiwi

Don't worry - we'll look after you while you're here :D

I live in the less well populated north so I appreciate the shock that London can give to the unaware. But you'll get used to it eventually.

Thankfully it is only for 2 weeks. I managed to survive Bangkok so London should be OKish. I hope,

Yeah, London's a culture shock for anybody.

I keep receiving pitying looks from people at work for some reason and told where to stay away from. I think they know me too well.


Kiwi, London is fantastic once you get the hang of it. You can find your 'thing' I am sure. I have lived, worked and pleasured in many ways- now a country boy but visit regularly for shows, plays, exhibitions, and just street wandering. Get a good really good guide book. And I guess a friend. I can help with the book- depending on what you like.

Avoid the tube for the next few months till it cools down, the air is foul lol.

Humph, glad to help in any way to make you feel safe and at home. I even know where some city farms are, they have at least a couple of sheep and a cow lol.:D

NOOOOO I am trying to get away from sheep and besides I don't think i would be able to handle the jokes of a kiwi going there to see sheep.

Thankfully I work with a few people from the UK so they have been great with giving me guide books, writing all sorts of advice and I even have a tube map which is horribly confusing.
It appears that the boss can pack faster than the finishers can finish...

So fifteen minutes break for me then till I go and trounce them again...

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