The Wallflower and The Star Athlete (closed for Poprockz)

“You’ll have to be patient with me. I’m… not used to being treated like-“

Like she mattered.

The soup kitchen was the closest she had found to it, but it still wasn’t the same. They would be concerned if she moved on, but ultimately she was replaceable. It wasn’t as though she had allowed anyone there to really get close to her either.

‘Of course Olivia, you are worth every second of patience. Just keep communicating with me openly and I will treat you with the respect you deserve’.

He finally went soft, and slipped from her cum filled pussy. Yet, he did not want to move. He did not want this moment to end.
She hoped what he said was true. If it was, then she would be the happiest girl alive. Time would tell whether things would work out though. There were many tales of people starting out strong and ending in disaster.

“I should clean myself up a little before bed,” she grumbled reluctantly as though it was a chore she wished she could put off. At the very least she wanted to get some of his cum cleaned up so she didn’t wake up to her underwear being a creamy mess.
He gives her a quick kiss as she gets up, before extracting himself from the bed. He goes to the bathroom and looks in the mirror. He sees this insanely happy looking face looking back at him, almost not recognising himself. He washed his face and gives his cock a clean before heading back to the bedroom and put on fresh bedtime clothes.
Olivia also used the bathroom, went back to the room, and put on a simple T-shirt. She got into the bed with the intent of snuggling up to him. Today had been an amazing day with its ups and downs, and she thought to herself that she was so very fortunate to be there with him.

"Goodnight Adrian," she said softly before drifting off into a restful sleep.
Adrian wrapped his arm around her waist as they settled into bed, sleep seemingly moments away for both of them. ‘I have an early morning training session, so I’ll likely be gone before you are up’. He planted one last kiss on her cheek before succumbing to sleep.

Mere hours later, Adrian woke less than refreshed. His intense yet immensely pleasurable evening the night before with Olivia was certainly going to impact today. He looked over at her sleeping, wishing he didn’t have to go. She looked so peaceful. But he didn’t want to be late for training. He quietly got dressed and left.

Lunch time arrived before he knew it. Training had been tough and then he had back to back classes. Lunchtime provided him an hour to catch up and just breathe. Then he got thinking about that idea he had the night before. It was something that could really help Olivia. He pulled out his phone and dialled home.

‘Hey Dad. Remember you said I could call if I ever needed legal help with no judgement. Well I’d like to use that to help a friend’.

He explained everything he knew. His dad was confident he could help, but he needed to speak with Olivia himself. He would be in town the following day, so they agreed to meet. Now Adrian had to hope Olivia would be happy to receive the help.
Olivia used the day to go out and find a mattress topper and bed sheets for them, as well as some zip-ties so they could make sure the beds stayed together. She even splurged on getting a queen-sized comforter for them. It was a pleasant forest-green color, so she hoped he would be okay with that. There were a few other things she splurged on as well, but soon she was arriving home with her loot and putting the bed together. She wanted it to be all made-up before he got home so she could surprise him with it. When all was said and done, it looked great in her humble opinion.

With that, she quietly ate some snacks and watched some gaming videos on Youtube, waiting for Adrian to get home. She figured they could have the tikka masala leftovers for dinner.
Finally, eventually, Adrian made it home. An afternoon of more classes and a weights session had him exhausted. As soon as he opened the door, he saw the new bed attire, bringing a smile to his lips.
‘Hey’, giving her an affectionate kiss as he greeted her,’Looks like you have been busy’.
"I have!" she answered excitedly. "What do you think? Do you like it?" Her eyes looked hopeful as she waited to see if her color choice was a good one.
‘I love it’, taking her in his arms,’Thank you’.

It really did look like a proper double bed - she had done a great job.
‘I need to grab a shower, we can figure out dinner once I’m out’.
She hugged him and basked in the positive affirmation, nodding as he let her know he was heading to the shower. “Okay, sounds good.”

While he was showering, she reheated the leftover tikka masala, rice, and naan, throwing in some steamed broccoli to balance it out. Well, if he liked broccoli at least. Olivia set their plates and silverware on the counter and dished them both up some food, leaving the veggie to the side so he could portion himself what he wanted.
He showered and got dressed quickly, joining her in the kitchen. Even reheated, her tikka masala smelled delicious. He gave her a warm smile as they sat, helping himself to a good portion of broccoli. It was his favourite vegetable after all.

They sat largely in silence as they ate, his mind drifting to how he could bring up his conversation with his dad.
After having consumed enough to satisfy her immediate hunger, she sighed and leaned back in her chair, giving him a smile as she asked, “so how was your day?”