The Wallflower and The Star Athlete (closed for Poprockz)

Adrian gave a soft smile as she spoke.
‘I get it, you’re having a hard time letting yourself hope. You’ve tried to make this go away before, and it hasn’t happened. But one thing is different this time - you’ve got people on your side’, meeting her gaze with a smile.
‘Alright let’s get our work done, so we can then enjoy this new bed you have made for us!’
She sat at her desk and started working, her mind mulling over what he had said while she did so. 'People on her side...' Sure she had Adrian on her side, but she didn't really consider his father as 'on her side' just yet. He was helping her because his son had asked, but beyond that she wasn't sure he would get any further invested. Olivia didn't have a lot of faith in this process, but she had faith in Adrian. One person on her side was really all she needed.

It took a while, but soon she was done with her homework. She closed her laptop and sighed, feeling a bit drained from the essay she had just written.
Adrian too had a difficult paper to complete, too focused on it for the almost two hours it took. Once he was done, he looked over at Olivia, who seemed to have just finished as well.

‘All done?’, he asked with a smile.
"Yeah..." she replied with a sigh. "My vacation ends after tomorrow, and then it'll be back to the grind. Except for Sundays, of course." Olive swiveled in her chair to look at him. "Maybe I ought to put in for a legitimate vacation one of these days. What do you think? Should I go to Aruba? Jamaica?" There was a hint of playfulness in her eyes.
Adrian chuckled at her joke.
‘I say go all out and go for a cruise. Then you can see all the Caribbean islands!’

He packed away his things, then wearily made his way to the bed. He sank into it, feeling the new covers for the first time.
‘Wow, these are incredibly soft! I’m gonna be asleep in a minute’, chuckling again.
"Yeah, that sounds nice..." she said wistfully, drifting over to the bed and flopping down on it on her back. "Damn, those are pretty soft. If I close my eyes, I can imagine myself at a luxury hotel in some far-off country, waiting for my room service to bring me a bowl of grapes and sparkling wine."
Adrian mentally joined her in the image she was creating.

‘I could feed you the grapes, before we make passionate love’.

He couldn’t help himself around this woman, she was far too beautiful and sexy to warrant anything else.