The Whispering Poets' Society

you whisper so wonderfully in latin :heart:

is this the correct translation?

My days are like an evening shadow;
I wither away like grass.

part of a psalm that sounds even lovelier in latin than in english. i have to admit to a penchant for the spoken latin word, having been brought up on it in church services as a child. then it got changed into english, and lost some of its charm for me :eek:

thankyou, Byron, for adding to this thread with a whispering. it got a bit sidetracked. :kiss:
you whisper so wonderfully in latin :heart:
Thank you! But I know this verse.

is this the correct translation?

My days are like an evening shadow;
I wither away like grass.
Very close.

My days (dies mei) decline like a shadow (sicut umbra declinaverunt), et ego (and I) sicut foenum arui (am like withered grass).

part of a psalm that sounds even lovelier in latin than in english. i have to admit to a penchant for the spoken latin word, having been brought up on it in church services as a child. then it got changed into english, and lost some of its charm for me :eek:
Oh, heavens. Latin is the common language of all thinking persons.

thankyou, Byron, for adding to this thread with a whispering. it got a bit sidetracked. :kiss:
It could get more sidetracked.

I might voice an emily poem... :heart:
Thank you! But I know this verse.

Very close.

My days (dies mei) decline like a shadow (sicut umbra declinaverunt), et ego (and I) sicut foenum arui (am like withered grass).

Oh, heavens. Latin is the common language of all thinking persons.

It could get more sidetracked.

I might voice an emily poem... :heart:

i am like withered grass
makes far more sense as an image than the translation i was presented with. i wish i understood latin better, but don't think i'll ever find the time to. there's just something about it that i love to listen to - an elegance, a musicality. makes me feel at home in some way, where i sort of get the overall sense of meaning but none of the detail. :eek:

anything you voiced would be welcome. truly.
I don't care what it meant you can come and whisper anything in my ear :devil: :)

it's hawtness, right there and then in yer rear, isn't it, annie? *fans self*
oopps, typo! 'ear' not 'rear'!!!!

phew, is it me or has it turned all warm in here? :eek:
I thought it was creepy (influenced a bit by the origin.) but that's just me. There's something sinister about whispered poetry, it's just not meant to be whispered - imo.
I thought it was creepy (influenced a bit by the origin.) but that's just me. There's something sinister about whispered poetry, it's just not meant to be whispered - imo.
Oh, hopefully you and I will never meet.

My first relationship happened because I whispered that in her ear. That relationship lasted six years, but we are BFFs to this day. And when we are in our graves, the ivy that grows on each of ours will seek out the other, until they meet.

Tristesse2, have you ever been anything but numb, insensitive, dull and boring? Because that's all I know of you. If there's ever been more, then fucking link me to it. I'm totally open to a new view of you.
I thought it was creepy (influenced a bit by the origin.) but that's just me. There's something sinister about whispered poetry, it's just not meant to be whispered - imo.
Well, then, you're probably here because you can't get traction anywhere else in this whole vast universe of "say whatever you want." Thanks for your perceptive input. Now you can go off and play with whomever you imagine cares about what you say.

We're sinister. We're whispering, and we're scary and stuff.

And sometimes in Latin, which is way scary. Whoooo....! Boo!

And so, you are bothering people here for what reason?

Fear? Um, maybe we can help you with your fear, but you probably need to own up to it first.

There's a lot of fear here: it's part of this thing we call "life" - which we're all consigned to work through. We can't "fix" you. If you're upset because every thread you read doesn't provide the answer to your life, then this is the wrong board for you. Seek elsewhere.
Here's Tristesse2:

"Oh, is there stuff and things? Well, then, bla bla bla and stuff. And so forth. And do you know what else? Stuff and things. And also that Byron and what a cad he is and stuff and things and if anyone were to say "Byron," then oh! and stuff and things..."

I'm not myopic, nor narcissistic. I read what people post.

She's a dingbat.

And she's just all about me and stuff and things.
Oh, hopefully you and I will never meet.

Fat chance I'm happy to say. :kiss:

Tristesse2, have you ever been anything but numb, insensitive, dull and boring? Because that's all I know of you. If there's ever been more, then fucking link me to it. I'm totally open to a new view of you.

I'm not about to link you to anything of mine, just stay away please. That'll suit me just fine thanks.
Well, then, you're probably here because you can't get traction anywhere else in this whole vast universe of "say whatever you want." Thanks for your perceptive input. Now you can go off and play with whomever you imagine cares about what you say.

We're sinister. We're whispering, and we're scary and stuff.

And sometimes in Latin, which is way scary. Whoooo....! Boo!

And so, you are bothering people here for what reason?

Fear? Um, maybe we can help you with your fear, but you probably need to own up to it first.

There's a lot of fear here: it's part of this thing we call "life" - which we're all consigned to work through. We can't "fix" you. If you're upset because every thread you read doesn't provide the answer to your life, then this is the wrong board for you. Seek elsewhere.

Who the fuck are you to come here slinging your weight around you loud mouthed insensitive moron? piss off to wherever you came from Tess has been here a lot longer than you and has more poetry in her little finger than you can ever dream to have.

What's wrong with it? It sounded perfectly fine to me.

Are you perhaps thinking everyone should sound English? Because Monty Python is the preservation of that. The rest is silence.
thanks for the vote of confidence, but i hear the mistakes even if others might not :D
the python roolz
how nice of you to mention one of my writes :rolleyes:
it got published, but slated heavily elsewhere beforehand. either might be right. either way, there are bits i still like. in fact, i might just revisit it one day for an editorial!

Who the fuck are you to come here slinging your weight around you loud mouthed insensitive moron? piss off to wherever you came from Tess has been here a lot longer than you and has more poetry in her little finger than you can ever dream to have.
your loyalty is admirable, annie, but i rather think these two have history. one i have no intention of playing piggy in the middle with.
byron is in no way or form moronic. he is a most intelligent guy. insensitive? that's for individuals to decide i suppose :)
he's also been around a long time, and his poetry is exceptional. i kid you not.
Tess was the first person that spoke to me when I first came here and welcomed me in, I stand by my friends as I see you do for yours
Who the fuck are you to come here slinging your weight around you loud mouthed insensitive moron? piss off to wherever you came from Tess has been here a lot longer than you and has more poetry in her little finger than you can ever dream to have.

So THAT's who, goddammit.

And who are you, now? "Tess" said stuff about your poetry? The rest is just silly.

No worries, I'm a complete bastard at times. Sometimes I even mean it... but not in this thread.

Whispering poetry rules. And it's especially suited to Latin, because we don't know exactly what the vowel sounds were. Two thousand years... is that "creepy"? Nobody escapes the "death" thing. That's something we'll all do. But those who approach the gate, and who understand what we're about to do, and can write about it... those are special people to me.
byron is in no way or form moronic. he is a most intelligent guy. insensitive? that's for individuals to decide i suppose :)
he's also been around a long time, and his poetry is exceptional. i kid you not.
I'm a nutball.

That's the one thing that has never been in dispute.
