Therapy to change 'feminine' boy created a troubled man, family says


I really hate that this thread has gone so far off-topic, because it feels like we're disrespecting the memory of the guy the thread is supposed to be about, Kirk Andrew Murphy.

I saw this article on CNN before I saw it posted here. Was hoping to see some intelligent discussion about it, because it truly is a tragedy.

But I see that the Story Feedback board isn't the only board to be mired in needless name-calling. I swear, it feels like I'm listening to my kids. And they're in elementary school.
Who's to blame

Regarding the article, all blame for this tragedy cannot be laid at the feet of one individual. There were failings at all levels. 1) The mother, who should have protected her son. 2) The father, who should also have protected his son, instead of beating and humiliating him. 3) The researcher who came up with the research model (Was he kin to Mengele???). 4) The donor(s) who financed the research. 5) The university (UCLA? Did I read that right?) that supported the research. And what number was I on?

One could argue that they all were victims of the society of the times.

So sad.
That was some very important opinion you passed on there, Syd. In both posts. Simplistic as all fuck, but very important. :rose:

Yes, they were all of them victims of the society of the times.

Some of them, of course, were more victimised than others-- George Rekers for instance, went on to a nice, lucrative career changing gay men into straight ones, (untill he hired a rent boy to carry his bags hur hur) and now says: "Well, there isn't any scientific proof that links his suicide to my program."
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girlsmiley: welcome .
Listen bro, you need some advice, ok?
I'm here for you, ok?
That's what GLBT is all about.

And you're not even associated, is that right?

You're welcome
I'm more than welcome
Been a lesbian since i was knee high to a grasshopper

you're not even gay are you?

The party is sadly over.
What party? Sad party you got going on bro

But if you want to argue the real matter of the article, then I will gladly discuss it without going ballistic.
From that message, I get you think I'm ballistic???

Cause my opinion is still unchanged that some of the blame is mothers fault.
Own your mistake, champ

And yes, I did an honest mistake , when it comes to overlooking one single word,
a lot more than one word, bro. You need to choose appropriate language

and that was the word father in the original article. But I take full responsibility for fucking some of this thread up.
You fucked it up from the beiginning by not reading the article YOU posted

Look mate, READ what you post

Here's a song for you

Smiley, I did read the article. from the get-go but my eyesight some times jump over a word or two, and that is why I did an honest mistake. What I mean by ballistic is not you who goes ballistic, but me. And I will again gladly discuss the matter without going or becoming ballistic. I prefer parties that are more vivid with a positive vibe, the last party I was to, was the startup party for a five day electronic/techno music party in Copenhagen named Distortion. And damn that was awesome. I am NOT blaming everything thing on the mother, only some of it. And the last lovely answer is this. At least I am a man who takes my responsibility in matters of making mistakes, and fuckup´s . Thanks for the song

And here is a song for you
I am NOT blaming everything thing on the mother, only some of it.
Damn, I think reddit for once got their shit wrong. Cause it seems to me ultimately it was the mothers fault, even though it was a state funded project. Damn that mother was mentally stupid in this case. But the case and project was still pretty fucked up, to say at least.
Dude, stop with the weaseling, stop defending yourself. You are hurtful, thoughtless, concerned only with yourself.


Just apologise.


And then,


Shut up.


Go away.

Some of them, of course, were more victimised than others-- George Rekers for instance, went on to a nice, lucrative career changing gay men into straight ones, (untill he hired a rent boy to carry his bags hur hur) and now says: "Well, there isn't any scientific proof that links his suicide to my program."

Yes, there is some justice in Rekers' public discredit and humiliation, but not nearly as much as he deserves. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.