There is no such word as cuckhold

Never said:
P. B. Walker:
“I wonder... is there a "female" version of cuckold's for lesbian couples? A woman is still calling the shots, but the person being cuckolded is also female.

Not possible? Extremely rare?”

As long as people are unfaithful, every group will have unfaithful people within it. However, I’d be hesitant to call a lesbian a cuckold. Being called a cuckold was not just about a man’s wife sleeping around; it added insult to injury by suggesting that the kids that he was raising and paying for were not his own.

A lesbian would have a hard time convincing her partner that she got her pregnant.

I know a couple of unwilling lesbian "cuckolds." Their "stud" girlfriends have femmes lined up around the block.
Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
I know a couple of unwilling lesbian "cuckolds." Their "stud" girlfriends have femmes lined up around the block.

If they are into butch/femme roles then it should reversed, no?
mistresssilkeng said:
LOL being upset at others grammatical errors, and you posted the same message twice? I just love the irony that is life.


I never said that I was upset. I said that it was irksome. Maybe, I'm missing something here, but what does double-posting have to do with abject illiteracy?

One would think that in (what is purportedly) a writers forum that grammar would count for something.
lark sparrow said:
If they are into butch/femme roles then it should reversed, no?

Perhaps it should be. But, in these instances it isn't. Although, you could say that the "studs" are just big_ole_pimpettes.
Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
Perhaps it should be. But, in these instances it isn't. Although, you could say that the "studs" are just big_ole_pimpettes.

Just curious about how it fit into your perspective, CBM. :)
mistresssilkeng said:
LOL being upset at others grammatical errors, and you posted the same message twice? I just love the irony that is life.


Posting the same message twice is not a grammatical error, or a result of ignorant thinking or lack of learning. It usually occurs because the damn keyboard is too small and your little finger hits some strange key off in the corner which you don't even see and then suddenly POOF! The unfinished message is there. Just to keep this all gramatically correct, trying to type with a too-small keyboard and failing is known as an eye-hand coordination difficulty, not a language lack. ;) One can be quite skilled at grammar but lac,./gjideju
UCE said:
Posting the same message twice is not a grammatical error, or a result of ignorant thinking or lack of learning. It usually occurs because the damn keyboard is too small and your little finger hits some strange key off in the corner which you don't even see and then suddenly POOF! The unfinished message is there. Just to keep this all gramatically correct, trying to type with a too-small keyboard and failing is known as an eye-hand coordination difficulty, not a language lack. ;) One can be quite skilled at grammar but lac,./gjideju

I did not mean that the extra posting was a grammatical error. I meant that the irony was when he complained of others mistakes in posting, and when he posted he made a mistake himself.

mistresssilkeng said:
I did not mean that the extra posting was a grammatical error. I meant that the irony was when he complained of others mistakes in posting, and when he posted he made a mistake himself.


It's one thing to make a mistake. It's quite another to be a complete and unrepentant dumb-ass.
Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
It's one thing to make a mistake. It's quite another to be a complete and unrepentant dumb-ass.

I hope I am in the former category and not the latter. I again humbly apologize for my irksome ignorance.

Tell you what - why don't you tell me what I could do for you to make up for this faux pas? Be creative and please, PLEASE supply me with the most minute details of your request, OK?

A Lady In Waiting...
brnsuga said:
I hope I am in the former category and not the latter. I again humbly apologize for my irksome ignorance.

Tell you what - why don't you tell me what I could do for you to make up for this faux pas? Be creative and please, PLEASE supply me with the most minute details of your request, OK?

A Lady In Waiting...

Please accept my sincere and humble apology, if I have --through my negligence-- given you the impression that any of my utterly frivolous comments were directed against you. This thread wasn't in response to anything that you may have written. I'm quite horrified to find out that you perceived this thread as some sort of supercilious personal insult. I receive PMs daily from pathetic males asking me absurd homoerotic "cuckhold" or "cock-hold" questions. Even when the questions are of a more general nature, I simply don't care to receive unsolicited private messages from males. That was the sole impetus for this thread. If you misspelled the word "cuckold" I did not notice the error. And, even if I had, I wouldn't have made mention of it.

It is not my place to presume to act in an editorial capacity to a Goddess. If you wish for me to write something of a particular nature, you have only to bind my will with your command. But, you owe me nothing. A thrall does not impose a levy upon a Queen.
From your profile:

Interests: "Black women who are submissive sluts for white dick, but who dominate Black males"

I understand the male sub thing, but why does a black female who is submissive slut to a white male turn you on?
Another from the word police

Since we are on the subject, another is the improper use of "dominate" when "dominant" should be used. I have seen so many references to "dominate" man--- I wonder how many people realize that a dominate man is a man who is dominated- really a submissive ?
Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:

It is not my place to presume to act in an editorial capacity to a Goddess. If you wish for me to write something of a particular nature, you have only to bind my will with your command. But, you owe me nothing. A thrall does not impose a levy upon a Queen.

Commands? OK -here you go:

1) Within 48 hours, send to me a PM responding to the PM I sent to you earlier this week. Answer all my questions and respond to the issues I raised.

2) At some point, while you are writing this response, stop and use your favorite technique to make yourself cum. Then eat your cum without wasting a drop. When you resume your writing, describe in detail what you did to make yourself cum, what your dick looks like when it's hard, the volume of the cum you produced and what it tasted like.

3) Are you the one who said on another thread that the sex you have had since you became a CBM was 10 times better than any sex you ever had? In either a post or a PM, explain to me why for you this sex is better than any other. Also describe for me in detail what you consider to be your best sexual experience to date.

4) Give me a "Consumer Reports" type of run down on the various types and sizes of strap-ons and dildoes you have encountered. What is the largest one you have ever used and how did it feel? Also tell me where I can purchase the ones which you and your partner consider to be the best.

That should keep you busy...
Last edited:
WriterDom said:
From your profile:

Interests: "Black women who are submissive sluts for white dick, but who dominate Black males"

I understand the male sub thing, but why does a black female who is submissive slut to a white male turn you on?

Why are people captivated by car wrecks and horror movies?
Call me shallow but

I do not find the ability to post eloquently to a fricking porn site as being an adequate indicator of literacy.


Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
I, too, have little interest in correcting the grammatical misabventures of semiliterate posters, except when its directed to me personally. Such is the case with the cock-hold and cuckhold issue. It's very irksome.

Another of my pet peeves is the arbitrary transposition of your and you're and also then and than. These elementary words, in particular, are rampantly misused on the Internet. It's indicative of the overall dumbing down of America.
Originally posted by WriterDom
From your profile:

Interests: "Black women who are submissive sluts for white dick, but who dominate Black males"

I understand the male sub thing, but why does a black female who is submissive slut to a white male turn you on?

By Mr. Cuck:

"Why are people captivated by car wrecks and horror movies?"

By me:

(push the button that sets off my little "cop out" siren.)

Oh, come on! Are you going to let someone else, someone completely on the outside, explain your own fetish to others? Yours truly can do the job because she hangs out with all kinds, including the cuckolds, but I'd rather hear what _you_ like about it than tell writerdom what I have observered _others_ to like about it. If you want people to understand your kink, and not automatically go "ewwwww" (remember beastiality? in that thread you were one of the "ewwwers") you've got to expend a little pixel energy, my man!

Unda. Crucia. Eximius.
Re: Call me shallow but

Ebonyfire said:
I do not find the ability to post eloquently to a fricking porn site as being an adequate indicator of literacy.


I never said that it was, Ma'am. However, the inability to post coherently using simple English words in their proper context does indicate functional illiteracy.
Re: Re: Call me shallow but

Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
I never said that it was, Ma'am. However, the inability to post coherently using simple English words in their proper context does indicate functional illiteracy.

Or they could just be a lousy typist.

UCE said:

(push the button that sets off my little "cop out" siren.)

Oh, come on! Are you going to let someone else, someone completely on the outside, explain your own fetish to others? Yours truly can do the job because she hangs out with all kinds, including the cuckolds, but I'd rather hear what _you_ like about it than tell writerdom what I have observered _others_ to like about it. If you want people to understand your kink, and not automatically go "ewwwww" (remember beastiality? in that thread you were one of the "ewwwers") you've got to expend a little pixel energy, my man!

Unda. Crucia. Eximius.

The denotation of the word "cuckold" is of a man whose wife is unfaithful. There is a particular connotation closely associated with the Internet that includes such things as "cream-pie eating," "dick sucking," "wife watching," etcetera ... None of these things have anything to do with my usage of the word, as it applies to me. Central to those types of "cuckolding" stories and websites , wherein there is at least an implied relationship of sorts between the male s.o. and the interloper, is a cultural milieu that is completely alien to me. So, just about anything that you'd assume about cuckolds in general doesn't apply to me in the least.

I have no intention of "explaining myself" any further. It wouldn't be appropriate for me to delve more deeply into this subject in this forum. If you are really that interested in what makes me tick, and I can't imagine why you'd care, start this thread on BlackVoices' messages board. Then, I'll tell you what I really think.
Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
The denotation of the word "cuckold" is of a man whose wife is unfaithful. There is a particular connotation closely associated with the Internet that includes such things as "cream-pie eating," "dick sucking," "wife watching," etcetera ... None of these things have anything to do with my usage of the word, as it applies to me. Central to those types of "cuckolding" stories and websites , wherein there is at least an implied relationship of sorts between the male s.o. and the interloper, is a cultural milieu that is completely alien to me. So, just about anything that you'd assume about cuckolds in general doesn't apply to me in the least.

I have no intention of "explaining myself" any further. It wouldn't be appropriate for me to delve more deeply into this subject in this forum. If you are really that interested in what makes me tick, and I can't imagine why you'd care, start this thread on BlackVoices' messages board. Then, I'll tell you what I really think.

But can we still imply, from your nickname, that your wife does indeed cheat on you?

Psssst .. everyone ....

I see we have here assembled a quite serious amount of grammar-knowledgable and spelling-capable people ... may I in defense (defence? defens? see what happens when you don't have a dictionary at hand?) of some of us poorer "typists" just mention that many of us are not native english speakers? then and than are not all that easy, you know, like to and too or other such nice little confusing bits ...

I am well aware that this is not what the thread is about CBM, and I sure understand the meaning and definition of cuckold and how it mucst irk you to be confronted with the erroneous concepts people link to the word, alas, it is not really the usual active vocabulary of us "foreigners to the language", you know .. so all of you happy native English/ American speakers: Bear with us and tolerate our flaws, it already requires a lot of bravery to express your thoughts in a foreign language, even more so in writing, and then add that sexual vocabulary usually is not tought at school and ... you get the picture?

Now throw in "typability-challenged" and that is me! We already fiddle for the right words, you can't ask for right spelling and grammar as well, ya' know? :)

Thanks for listening

Re: Psssst .. everyone ....

Hecate said:
I see we have here assembled a quite serious amount of grammar-knowledgable and spelling-capable people ... may I in defense (defence? defens? see what happens when you don't have a dictionary at hand?) of some of us poorer "typists" just mention that many of us are not native english speakers? then and than are not all that easy, you know, like to and too or other such nice little confusing bits ...

I am well aware that this is not what the thread is about CBM, and I sure understand the meaning and definition of cuckold and how it mucst irk you to be confronted with the erroneous concepts people link to the word, alas, it is not really the usual active vocabulary of us "foreigners to the language", you know .. so all of you happy native English/ American speakers: Bear with us and tolerate our flaws, it already requires a lot of bravery to express your thoughts in a foreign language, even more so in writing, and then add that sexual vocabulary usually is not tought at school and ... you get the picture?

Now throw in "typability-challenged" and that is me! We already fiddle for the right words, you can't ask for right spelling and grammar as well, ya' know? :)

Thanks for listening


This thread has gone far afield of the message of my original posting. My objection was to people who send me private messages addressed to "cockhold_black_man" and such.

I assure you that those jokers were not multilingual foreigners who may have, for example, used an infinitive verb immediately following a preposition in place of a gerund. No. I specifically meant garden variety stupid Americans, who don't have a working knowledge of their native tongue, much less another language.