There must be... Poem anybody?

Sex&Death said:
I felt this was a manipulative way to attempt to dismember my argument by judging my poetry out of the appropriate context. It is disheartening and demoralizing to be told by an elder, in one paragraph, that I show promise and yet am disappointing. It could have thrown me off my square if I wasn't aware of that particular blind spot I have.

That was Senna's welcome. :rolleyes:

Sex&Death said:
Dare I ask what is "real insight" into poetry and how I might get it?

"Teachers" don't know shit. Never ask them anything. You'll never get an answer. They'll send you here, there, and everywhere. They make the parents do their jobs anyway.

Your poetry is fine. I'm telling ya, it's fine. Ignore this person who people worship out of fear, and continue to write.

I like reading the fuckers typos.
give a man a fish...

saldne said:
"Teachers" don't know shit. Never ask them anything. You'll never get an answer. They'll send you here, there, and everywhere. They make the parents do their jobs anyway.

Easy girl! The best of teachers do not simply give you an answer, they help you develop tools in which to find your own...

and parents should do their jobs :) think about that one :)

and trust me, there is no love lost between me and some teachers, just like any other group of people, there will be a range of quality.
annaswirls said:
Easy girl! The best of teachers do not simply give you an answer, they help you develop tools in which to find your own...

and parents should do their jobs :) think about that one :)

and trust me, there is no love lost between me and some teachers, just like any other group of people, there will be a range of quality.

Well, tickle me with razors, teach.

You didn't understand what I said. S&D more or less asked for advice from a teacher. Damn if teachers haven't sucked in the last 25 years. It gets worse each day. We as parents our parenting plus doing the teachers work. We're practically demanded to have computers and printers. And if we don't have a printer, we're forced to go to the Library. What if I don't have 25 cents to print something out? I'll tell you. My kid gets detention.

Now check this out:

7th, 8th, and 9th grades, I failed every marking period yet they still passed me to the next grade. Something is seriously wrong with this picture. Today, the teachers get graded. Oi! This changes everything. My daughter got a B on her science test. The teacher said to all the students who didn't get A's that they MUST retake the test until they do. While 12 classmates kept retaking the test until they got A's, the others weren't learning anything. They were left to read the same stuff they read weeks before. It took 3 weeks until everyone received A's! Jesus Christ! And did the teacher teach them what was on the test? Hell no! I did. I could go on and on about it but I'm late for a meeting.
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Senna Jawa said:
Just look at your av. You can't even turn a page in a poetry book.

Oh, please. You couldn't do better than that? You're just upset you can't smell my fingers.

Over and out. I'd love to play but I'm late. :rolleyes:
annaswirls said:
Easy girl! The best of teachers do not simply give you an answer, they help you develop tools in which to find your own...

and parents should do their jobs :) think about that one :)

and trust me, there is no love lost between me and some teachers, just like any other group of people, there will be a range of quality.
I agree about parents doing their jobs. A child's education consists of school and learning at home. I spend hours doing homework with my kids. Last night, my second grader taught me about physical and chemical changes. :D
Senna Jawa said:
Just look at your av. You can't even turn a page in a poetry book.
How many hands do you need for that? :confused:
saldne said:
That was Senna's welcome. :rolleyes:

"Teachers" don't know shit. Never ask them anything. You'll never get an answer. They'll send you here, there, and everywhere. They make the parents do their jobs anyway.

Your poetry is fine. I'm telling ya, it's fine. Ignore this person who people worship out of fear, and continue to write.

I like reading the fuckers typos.

What a momma tigress you are! Thank you for the fierce defense and the encouragement of my poetry. You can retract the claws now, as beautiful as they are. I was never in any need of protection, although you're prowess is quite a sight to behold, and I'm certain your cubs are very fortunate.

Just some clarification...I didn't ask SJ for any teaching or guidance, and I certainly don't worship anything ever out of fear. Feel a little deeper and see if you can feel the underlying motivation and intention of why and how I asked SJ for advice. I hope you aren't mistaking my open heart, attempt at reconciliation with, understanding of, and challenge to SJ's position to be weakness. If you'll notice by my earlier posts, I'm in no danger of losing ground or doubting my own position, and I think my articulation has been adequate. And I don't want you to use my arguments to express your distaste for SJ or his position, understood?

Sometimes it not so clear on the surface who is the teacher and who is the student. Aren't we all both teacher and student? And, I feel your passion around the poor education system in the USA and happen to agree deeply with you in many ways, and it may be worth another thread, but I want to keep on topic in this thread, so I expect you to save your passion for where and when it best serves.

(I have my own cubs, and they are homeschooled because of the severe limitations of the school system, public and private, in the USA. I would most likely particpate in a thread discussion of those issues, or you can PM me, as I cannot PM you. For me, the issue turns on the difference between "education" and "instruction.")

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Response from another thread .
saldne said:

*hands* him a lung cookie
and of course the immortal:
My Erotic Trail said:
Gene, Gene made a machine
Joe, Joe made it go
Frank, Frank turned the crank
and Art, Art let a fart and blew it all apart :D

You two make a cute couple :rolleyes:

Well senna, it was a good thread - Best, where ever you are.

Did you ever notice how certain people CANNOT respond on intellectual level, but still feel the need.
Senna Jawa said:
I played a game in a Texan chess club once, at the beginning of which my opponent, much lower rated than me, had farted. I was afraid to breathe and I lost that game.

On such occasions, when someone farts, cultural people pretend that nothing has happened, or otherwise they make crude jokes. Not so Literoticians. They say immediately--there must be a poem in it. Poem anybody? And a bunch of shitty poems follow.

That's how brain gets damaged. Brain, like muscles, learns from practice. You practise shitty poems and that's what you write, nothing else, even if you think that you can do both, that you can still write something profound--you can't, you're doomed (you duped yourself).

And Then...

Everyone was dressed in Sunday best
and all throughout the room
a mixture of aromas did attest
a plethora of colognes, and sweet perfumes

everone awaited with bated breath
the motivational speaker to hear
some with zeal couldn't help
but cherish the fact the time was near

announced with words of regality
the speaker approached the stage
looking like the epitome of morality
this time honored saintly sage

opening learned lips, his throat he cleared
his message of motivation he started
jewels of knowledge to hungry souls that were there
and then... someone farted :D
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