Why it's better to be Canadian than American.

The hate speech posted on the Politics and GB forums would be crimes in Canada.

Philthy Phil, for example, claims to be from Ontario.

Either way, they’ll probably sniff his ip at some point.
Hate speech. lol

You're a special little person.
Hate speech. lol

You're a special little person.
Yea, that's what you Canadians call free speech these days isn't it??

You're like a nation with a Democrat ultra-majority, explaining why Canada is such an illiberal shit hole..... Cuba II....LOL
Nickelback to be inducted into Canadian Music Hall of Fame

Chart-topping Alberta rock band Nickelback is set to be inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame, bringing one more honour to a music group that has produced one of Canada's best-selling music catalogues.
Congrats to Canada for not having shitbags from every shithole country in the world illegally crossing your borders to fuck all of your social programs up, increase crime, and leave a wake of trash everywhere they go. Why don't you take your share of them and see how it goes. And be thankful your forefathers did not enslave an entire race of people and not give them (or women) rights for centuries. We will pay for that until this country finally ceases to exist even though none of us today had anything to do with it and know it was wrong. Don't get me wrong, I love Canada, too, but we are stuck here to deal with a lot more shit than you are. The USA is at its lowest right now, very dark times, and may never recover if we can't start getting along better and take some responsibility for our own actions.
Congrats to Canada for not having shitbags from every shithole country in the world illegally crossing your borders to fuck all of your social programs up, increase crime, and leave a wake of trash everywhere they go.
So people trying to escape from poverty, or government criminality are shitbags, in your opinion?
Why don't you take your share of them and see how it goes.
There is a treaty between Canada and USA on exactly that, maybe go read it, and educate yourself.
And be thankful your forefathers did not enslave an entire race of people and not give them (or women) rights for centuries.
Check out some history, Canada ( well the British and French at first) did exactly that...
We will pay for that until this country finally ceases to exist even though none of us today had anything to do with it and know it was wrong.
And we too are paying for it, and I support the payments, even though I myself personally had nothing to do with destroying a whole way of life for the indigenous peoples.
Don't get me wrong, I love Canada, too, but we are stuck here to deal with a lot more shit than you are.
Sure feel sorry for yourself, be a "victim" it fits you very well.......
The USA is at its lowest right now, very dark times, and may never recover if we can't start getting along better and take some responsibility for our own actions.
Yah you got this part right.......and from what I just read, you're a major part of the problem....change your way, or yes your Democracy is gona fail, and your kind won't be fucking welcome this side of the border...
Congrats to Canada for not having shitbags from every shithole country in the world illegally crossing your borders to fuck all of your social programs up, increase crime, and leave a wake of trash everywhere they go. Why don't you take your share of them and see how it goes. And be thankful your forefathers did not enslave an entire race of people and not give them (or women) rights for centuries. We will pay for that until this country finally ceases to exist even though none of us today had anything to do with it and know it was wrong. Don't get me wrong, I love Canada, too, but we are stuck here to deal with a lot more shit than you are. The USA is at its lowest right now, very dark times, and may never recover if we can't start getting along better and take some responsibility for our own actions.
I’m glad you included that last line. We truly are hoisted by our own petard.

you are completely mistaken about the claim of migrants, taking any social program resources. The only thing any migrant, documented, or undocumented is eligible for? emergency room care.
There’s nothing illegal about migrants seeking asylum.
Poor white trash are much more likely to commit crimes.
lastly, immigration is not in the top 100 issues that are making us a Third World shit hole. They contribute far more to state and federal treasury’s then they could possibly ever receive.
Congrats to Canada for not having shitbags from every shithole country in the world illegally crossing your borders to fuck all of your social programs up, increase crime, and leave a wake of trash everywhere they go.

Canada has been increasing its immigration numbers yearly...for people with money, education and a clean record.

We used to let about 350,000-400,000 in per year for decades.

It's now been bumped to 500,000 so we can have workers to cover Boomer retirements.

We did have a problem with refugees walking over the border between upstate new york and quebec...and in manitoba.

But that's reversed...now there's mexicans coming to Canada and walking into the USA from up here.
Of course the OP had to mention no.14 and 16.:rolleyes::)
This is a predominantly male forum, after all.
TLDR, was there anything in there about dick size? Wasn't 'wee willie' coined by a Canadian? Or maybe that was a Scot?

It can be hard living next to history’s greatest cultural, military and economic superpower. But that doesn’t mean the United States is best at everything. As Canada celebrates its 146th birthday we dig into the numbers to find some of the many ways Canada is better off–from sports and sex to politics and entertainment.

Life & well-being

1. We live longer: Canadians born today will live an average of three years longer than Americans (81 years in Canada versus 78.7 south of the border). Not only that, the gap between life expectancy in the two countries is widening with each passing decade—it was less than a year in the late 1970s.

2. We’re more satisfied with our lives: According to the Better Life Index, an international quality of life comparison by the OECD each year, Canadians enjoy a higher level of life satisfaction than Americans, scoring 7.4 out of 10, versus 7.0 in the U.S.

3. Saying “Sorry” is good for you: Canadians are mocked for always apologizing, but it’s not a character flaw. Saying sorry has been found to boost happiness and strengthen relationships. Researchers at the University of Waterloo even found apologizing to a cop when pulled over for speeding can get fines reduced an average of $51. True, scientists did recently claim that refusing to apologize for your actions leads to a sense of empowerment, but such short-sighted thinking would only appeal to self-centred Americans. (Sorry, that was mean.).........

And your political sense is a threat to Western Civilization.:rolleyes:
And your political sense is a threat to Western Civilization.:rolleyes:
No more than your political sense is a threat to reality....*chuckles* It's great you showed back up, I've been missing that special kind of stupid you display, and since AJ seems to have left the world, you almost make up for him. Almost....
No more than your political sense is a threat to reality....*chuckles* It's great you showed back up, I've been missing that special kind of stupid you display, and since AJ seems to have left the world, you almost make up for him. Almost....
I was busy with other affairs for a while before being snowed in. In fact, it's 25 and snowing right now.

I Don't know who AJ is.
Is there anything lower than an american pretending to be canadian?
I'll let you know if I ever meet one. As an American who has lived overseas for most of the past twenty years, I've never felt any need to pretend I'm anything but what I am. The whole trope about how the whole world hates us is, by and large, so much nonsense.

It can be hard living next to history’s greatest cultural, military and economic superpower. But that doesn’t mean the United States is best at everything. As Canada celebrates its 146th birthday we dig into the numbers to find some of the many ways Canada is better off–from sports and sex to politics and entertainment.
And you lead the world in "Little Man's Syndrome."

You know what most people in the US think about Canada? Nothing. We don't care what you do or how you live. Unlike you that spend your whole lives comparing yourself to the US.

I tried to quote your entire rant but Lit said it was too many words to quote. Hence the abbreviated one instead.
The hubris in the title of this thread indicates where Canada is likely to end up. A large portion of that country is in the 1950s Amerikkka stage.
I'm some 37.5% Canadian, depending on how you define it, and I actually agree with this.

I despise almost every aspect of mainstream Canadian society. The passive-aggressiveness, the snooty moral superiority, the near-Scandinavian demand for conformity, the psudo-socialism lite that they think makes them a bunch of fucking beacons of human development and progress (which is still built on the oppression and exploitation of the global south, of course...)

And of course, the warmongering. Canada's political/media elite are as far up Zionist ass as ours are, and they care even less about how the common people feel about it.

My family always says that Canada is what America would be if we had fewer assholes. But if fewer assholes means the PM can get away with wearing blackface and the Parliament can give a standing ovation to a Waffen SS vet then that makes me think that we're better off with the assholes.

They're not even all that friendly. Soft-spoken perhaps, but not friendly. Australians are a lot friendlier than Canadians.
And you lead the world in "Little Man's Syndrome."

You know what most people in the US think about Canada? Nothing. We don't care what you do or how you live. Unlike you that spend your whole lives comparing yourself to the US.

I tried to quote your entire rant but Lit said it was too many words to quote. Hence the abbreviated one instead.

You’re so defensive that you felt compelled to lash out at a thread that’s more than a year old?

Weird. 😆
You’re so defensive that you felt compelled to lash out at a thread that’s more than a year old?

Weird. 😆
Golly like no one else ever does that. I just saw the thread for the first time.

By the way, if it's an old thread why are you here commenting on my comment while saying absolutely nothing about the topic. Nice work adding absolutely nothing of value, which seems to be your strong suit anyways.
Golly like no one else ever does that. I just saw the thread for the first time.

By the way, if it's an old thread why are you here commenting on my comment while saying absolutely nothing about the topic. Nice work adding absolutely nothing of value, which seems to be your strong suit anyways.

The comment before yours was from a year ago.

I noticed your weird comment after you bumped a dead thread to the top of the recent list.

Anyway, do you fell better after venting your anger about the original post made in 2015?
The US is way better than Canada. In 2024 we are going to have our very own fascist dictator! Match that Canucks!
The comment before yours was from a year ago.

I noticed your weird comment after you bumped a dead thread to the top of the recent list.

Anyway, do you fell better after venting your anger about the original post made in 2015?
I vented no anger. As I said Canadians seem obsessed with the US where most people in the US couldn't care less about Canada or what goes on there. Classic little man's syndrome, when you are insignificant you have to make noise to be noticed.
The US is way better than Canada. In 2024 we are going to have our very own fascist dictator! Match that Canucks!
I'm sure the Philippines would be glad to have you. Don't let the door hit you where your girl friend splits you as you leave.

By the way, if he is elected, and the other 2 branches of government still exist and function, explain how any president can be a dictator. You can't, because all your idiotic comment is is proagandic blather.