Things that made you smile today.

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Boating, the beach and Mr Brit :heart:

An old, old, photo popping up on FB and the conversation it spawned between equally old friends. :D


Going to the lake with my fam. Playing Frisbee with my nephews and the dogs and now spending time with my girl and guy. Perfect day.
I worked all day since we had a huge wedding at the winery, but seeing mi tia get married to a really great man that I know will take care of her made my day.
-drifts in ever so happily-

So many smiles.

A gluttonous weekend, indeed.

Talks and licks with the happy girl.

Turning a girl into a dessert plate... Mmmm Nothing like that dream coming true, Cheesecake, chocolate and whipped cream, And girl flesh.
Then covering the backside of my plate in wax till she looked like a birthday cake[/URL] and then carving the cake till it shivered.

Tested my own maso limits till I was growling and purring.. And then got to play with my maso boy till he shook n whimpered and bleed for me.


Back to homework.

Happy fathers day to the fathers and single moms pullin double duty, Ya both rock.
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