things you are uncomfortable writing about


Necrophillia, beasiality - No Thanks....

Incest - I am in Alabama so thats a very broad subject :D

As for Non Consent - Thats my topic...I have posted stories before under a different ID, and hope to post many more with this one. I simply write my personal fantasies or experiences. One I am working on now came to me while driving home from work while a cop was folloing me and I was horny as hell.

Write what come natural. If something dont appeal to you, dont write it or read it...simple as that...but everyone has the right to write or read whatever turns them on...

"To he who carries my heart, be gentle, for it shall break into a million pieces if dropped."
flatulent midgets

giving head to albino chickens while lesbian rape victims go ewwwwwwww
Now there's a challenge for ya.

I've read thousands of passages which I personally found revolting but in context the story demanded them. Having sex with corpses is a good example. Not even remotely interested myself but I'm acutely aware that such behaviour is part of the human spectrum and as such will find it's way into literature.

At the same time it's entirely possible to write quality material and stay within your personal boundries, even if that means writing about a person who lives in a closet, has chinese delivered daily and never ventures outside of his/her own mind.

It may not do much for you but someone, somewhere, is relating big time.
Scarey ain't it?
At last I have found a reference to Ray's chickens and other truly horrible sex scenes.

If any one wants to read about Henry Millers Opus Pistoreum go visit nerve and read the essay.

I think this probably tells of one of America's greatest writers either writing about what he was uncomfortable with, or revealing more about the darkest recesses of his mind than he was prepared to admit.

Still the article made an interesting read.

It's always been my impression that fucking chickens most generally kills them. Really, not my scene at all! I prefer to have all participants enjoying themselves and raring to go again.

As for my previous comment on characters insisting on furthering their family lines by means of incestuous unions, I work for a social services agency and it seems to me that this sort of thing makes genograms too damn hard to read.
Quirks, Squicks, and Comments

Star of Penumbra -- Actually, there is a huge subgenre of slash fic, mainly guys with guys, that is written mostly by women to be enjoyed by women.
Me, myself, and yes I'm a femme, am not a male slash fic fanatic, but I've enjoyed a few stories of guys with guys. For me it really depends on the characters. I am not a Yaoi hound, but that doesn't stop me from appreciating some reeeeally well done guy/guy anime and manga.

I have two good RL friends, both females, both slash fic writers, and yes they love watching the guys with guys porn. In fact, until they got their own places, they used to bring the tapes they'd rent to my house to watch. And usually those tapes would get pushed to the end of the viewing run, and I'd just sleep through them.

I would have a hard time writing guy slash, mainly because it doesn't give me that special sizzle that yaoi/slash enthusiasts seem to get. But that's okay, I'm happy being fairly good at writing the stuff that does give me sizzle.

There is actually a yearly convention just for slash (guys with guys) fan fic writers. It's a private get together, invitation only, and they get hundreds of people who travel across the nation and some internationally, to attend. Pretty impressive for a subgenre.

I probably wouldn't even know about it except one of the friends I mentioned is a phenomenal writer, she really is, and she is one of the yearly attendees. The girl is poor as a church mouse (she works for a local University, and they pay sh*t for office workers, but she manages to scrape the money to fly out each year and attend.

So, anyways, I guess this is a really talky way of saying, yeah, some girls do get hot seeing guys with guys. Maybe not their own personal guy, but hot guys they see on TV, etc...

Besides my two friends who write male slash, I have lots of OTHER female friends, in RL, who are yaoi fans. I hang out with a lot of animation fans, and the girls love to see the gorgeous guys... with gorgeous guys.

Me. I'm a yuri girl myself *^_~*

:) :)
Did I kill the thread?

Hope my talk about guy slash fic didn't kill the thread.

Oh, and I guess I forgot to mention the things I'm uncomfortable writing about...


Well, I guess I'm rather put off by mutant bug/alien type stories where they rape/torture people. That stuff always makes me gag.

I think sex should be about pleasure, for all involved. I really dislike any kind of story where someone is forced into a sexual situation and there is no pleasure for them. Otherwise, I'm pretty mellow about writing any kind of combo.

Mooncat, like your location and tag. At the risk of sounding naive, what is slash, precisely?
Slash and other fic terms

Hi SlickTony,

Slash is taken from classic guy with guy fan fic in the old days of sci-fi fandom when girls would writes Kirk/Spock fiction, the slash is the "/", and it just sort of stuck.

Today you get all sorts of slash, character/character, but the word slash still keeps it's same sex connotation, so Buffy/Giles would not be slash fic, it would just be Buffy slash Giles, but Xander/Giles would be slash fic, or Buffy/Faith would be slash fic, or fem slash.

Most people associate slash with male to male pairings though, so the "new" term fem slash is used to specify it's a female/female pairing.

Yaoi is a term for anime/manga fans for guy/guy love. Yuri is for girl/girl love. Bishonen (pretty guy) Ai (love) is another set of terms, or just Shonen Ai (guy love) Shojo Ai (girl love)


I was going to say the bestiality is wrong because non-human animals can't give consent, but then I thought of chimps who can express thoughts through sign-language or typing.

Damn, if I write something like that, it'll be showelled into the same category as the sick crap about dogs and chickens.:)

P.S. Dead people can't give consent. Ergo, necrophilia is rape.
Actually, Justin Lieber wrote about an encounter between a woman and some kind of sentient ape in a novel he wrote called Beyond Humanity. However, he didn't go into a hell of a lot of detail.
uncomfortable about this....

nothing is shocking. Write about whatever you are interested in.
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