This forum is currently allowing violent rhetoric to go unchecked after an assassination attempt.

And I'm calling it out, because this permissiveness didn't start overnight.

Hateful and potentially violent individuals have dipped their toes i,n the forum's waters many times, but this is ringing a chuck wagon dinner triangle for them.
I don't mean to be rude, and I am a total outsider to the politics board, but why is there a politics board on Lit?
To prevent political arguments from cluttering up the sex boards.
Ok, so I asked too basic of a question. I would think just deleting them would have been the way to go. Online political discussions usually go sideways and this seems to be no different.

You’d hope sex could unite us but I guess the politics board and alts will remain the two hardest things to understand about Lit 🤷🏻‍♀️
Oh ffs - the point of the thread and initial comment goes way, way beyond politics - particularly after most recent event
If you can’t see that, invite yourself out, because you’re part of the problem
Bite me.
I don't mean to be rude, and I am a total outsider to the politics board, but why is there a politics board on Lit?
Over a decade ago, a bunch of fringe rightwing knuckleheads were banned from other "mainstream" websites, so they all coagulated here on Literotica on the General Board. Every day, 365 days a year, they'd spam the front page of the General Board with Fox News headlines, Rush Limbaugh quotes and "This I believe!" diatribes. Classic "message board takeover"

The site moderator, Laurel, created a "tenth circle of hell" called the Political Board for these malcontents to spew their anger at minorities, gays and people who did not speak English as a first language. Many of the right wingers swore on their mothers' graves they'd never post on the political board, because they "needed the widest audience available" on the General Board to spread their vitriol....but they eventually realized all the non-political folks had them on "ignore" and nobody was listening to their rants.

So now the gangs all here.
Oh ffs - the point of the thread and initial comment goes way, way beyond politics - particularly after most recent event
If you can’t see that, invite yourself out, because you’re part of the problem

Nail, head. Thank you. 🤗
Ok, so I asked too basic of a question. I would think just deleting them would have been the way to go. Online political discussions usually go sideways and this seems to be no different.

You’d hope sex could unite us but I guess the politics board and alts will remain the two hardest things to understand about Lit 🤷🏻‍♀️
That's a fair question. The short answer is that two...TWO....complete assholes ruined things for everyone. Their original names were "Busybody" and "Que", and they lived passive aggressive lives, spewing hatred, getting banned and registering new sock puppet alts on a Daily basis. Busybody is probably on his 80th alt (he creates them about once each banning), while the late "Que" (he died in 2022) would create 8 to 10 alts at once and have them all argue with a single poster, to show the "popularity" of his position.

Que dedicated his life to "running Robdownsouth off of Literotica", which is both sad and ironic seeing that I'm still here and he's dead now.
Ok, so I asked too basic of a question. I would think just deleting them would have been the way to go. Online political discussions usually go sideways and this seems to be no different.

You’d hope sex could unite us but I guess the politics board and alts will remain the two hardest things to understand about Lit 🤷🏻‍♀️

I have seen some interesting conversations, I’m admittedly politics mad, enjoy chatting about it, and it is interesting to hear the other perspective, and the thinking behind it, when expressed without antipathy
Yes; the board does degenerate often to name calling etc in a way others don’t
I still think on balance it’s a good thing, a place to air and share views and rib each other
And yes, I agree it’s a place to divert malcontents and trolls. Without it, the other boards would be clogged right now
Ok, so I asked too basic of a question. I would think just deleting them would have been the way to go. Online political discussions usually go sideways and this seems to be no different.

You’d hope sex could unite us but I guess the politics board and alts will remain the two hardest things to understand about Lit 🤷🏻‍♀️
Long ago on a board not so far away there was a bunch that loved to piss in each other's boot when it came to politics. Unfortunately, the site owners had set up that particular board as a free speech area with minimum rules. Notice I said minimal because even here where there is so much snarling, name-calling and boot-pissing there are some rules. It got so bad on that board someone posted a survey asking the question if there should be a politics board. The overwhelming answer was yes.

The powers above made the PB and tried to gently guide (voluntarily) those who were into that over here. Some swore they would never move from board G to board P. After a lot of whining, kicking of feet and threatening to hold their breath until they turned blue by a few on that board, the powers above mandated that all political posts would be put in isolation here on the PB.

And so here we are knee deep in it. For some of us who were raised on a farm being knee-deep in pig shit doesn't bother us much. The pigs don't notice at all and love to wallow in it and everyone else is insulated from the smell.

So there you have it.

It was your leader, Chloe, who brought out the violent rhetoric.
And remember, Biden actually condemned it, not praised it.
LOL. Fantasy, Pax. And as for Biden condemning it, who the fuck believes a word he reads from his teleprompter. He and all the other Democrats would like Trump dead, in a way they could disavow. Like a lot of people on this board who have expressly said so. And those little fantasies all come from one side. Yours.

Personally, I'd like Bide out, I'd like to see him on trial for corruption and possibly treason, along with Pelosi, Schiff and a few other traitors. But I don't wish to see them assassinated. That's pure Banana Republic stuff, which is where we are heading unless Trump is elected, as he will be now.
I don't mean to be rude, and I am a total outsider to the politics board, but why is there a politics board on Lit?
To corral the political talk that was spread across the rest of the discussion boards and the site wanted to redirect to here and contain. If political argumentation is posted to the Author's Hangout, for instance, a Mod can move it to here.
Oh, really? Show me where you've defended a left-leaning poster being here as I have defended Chloe being here (as late as earlier today).

Not going to happen, is it?
Thank you, Keith. And I have to say, I would do the same for some of the left-leaning posters here who's views, comments and intelligence I respect. Just as I would disagree with some more conservative posters here on some subjects, such as Ukraine.
Over a decade ago, a bunch of fringe rightwing knuckleheads were banned from other "mainstream" websites, so they all coagulated here on Literotica on the General Board. Every day, 365 days a year, they'd spam the front page of the General Board with Fox News headlines, Rush Limbaugh quotes and "This I believe!" diatribes. Classic "message board takeover"

The site moderator, Laurel, created a "tenth circle of hell" called the Political Board for these malcontents to spew their anger at minorities, gays and people who did not speak English as a first language. Many of the right wingers swore on their mothers' graves they'd never post on the political board, because they "needed the widest audience available" on the General Board to spread their vitriol....but they eventually realized all the non-political folks had them on "ignore" and nobody was listening to their rants.

So now the gangs all here.
I kind of figured it was a forced to accommodate situation. It really is sad that folks were so disrespectful that it was easier to create a whole new board than it was to have them respect the space or just move along.
@RoryN i asked my question in this thread because it seems like there are often threats of violence and hate posted on the politics board and the assassination attempt(if you believe it was real) or the fabricated and staged attempt (if you don't) is violent so it isn't surprising things have escalated to extremes. Are you trying to elevate a concern about the mods not doing their jobs or just informing folks?
And so here we are knee deep in it. For some of us who were raised on a farm being knee-deep in pig shit doesn't bother us much. The pigs don't notice at all and love to wallow in it and everyone else is insulated from the smell.

So there you have it.


And for those of us who enjoy wallowing knee dip in pigshit (and sometimes deeper) it's entertaining, altho I do miss some of the posters from a few years ago. Whatever happened to Flower Girl? I don't remember what her real userid was, just that I kept calling her Flower Girl. LOL. And was it Frodo? Ahhhh, the memories.....
@RoryN i asked my question in this thread because it seems like there are often threats of violence and hate posted on the politics board and the assassination attempt(if you believe it was real) or the fabricated and staged attempt (if you don't) is violent so it isn't surprising things have escalated to extremes. Are you trying to elevate a concern about the mods not doing their jobs or just informing folks?
It's an outlet, and an entertaining one where you can pretty much say whatever you want with no mods or retribution. Given the small # of posters here and that not too many of us take it that seriously (altho I speak largely for myself there) it's harmless fun and an outlet for ranting and raving, with the occasional educational insight.
LOL. Fantasy, Pax. And as for Biden condemning it, who the fuck believes a word he reads from his teleprompter. He and all the other Democrats would like Trump dead, in a way they could disavow. Like a lot of people on this board who have expressly said so. And those little fantasies all come from one side. Yours.

Personally, I'd like Bide out, I'd like to see him on trial for corruption and possibly treason, along with Pelosi, Schiff and a few other traitors. But I don't wish to see them assassinated. That's pure Banana Republic stuff, which is where we are heading unless Trump is elected, as he will be now.

There’s a lotta evidence that isn’t true
What’s the number one issue that the right resent the left over? Any modifications around the Second Amendment

Whatever your view on it - controls are a concerted effort to reduce violence. Any other take is sheer conspiracy-theory, tin-foil sporting delusion