This Saddens Me

neonurotic said:
I have a Myspace account too and would leave a comment if I knew if this entry of Heather's blog:
01/08/2007 5:35 AM
Unmask The Gray
was actually my illustrated Unmask The Gray.

I thank Christian for the heads up and appreciate how everyone has put their war face on, so to speak in order to protect their work. I'm sorry this plagiarizing bullshit is happening yet again.
I don't know for sure, Neo, but I wouldn't be surprised. There were several illustrated poems there (including Liar's latest), and she only very rarely used different titles (only twice that I noticed, because they would have given her away)
It seems some of the links were to collection of poems (short shorts, poems on poetry, etc)

I should get a myspace to support y'all, and I will if you need me to. I am glad that there are some people seeing her for what she is, and I can understand how some are reacting the other way, it is not easy having your world turned upside down, I only hope they will come around.

hmm I wonder if she will ever respond.

You guys are doing awesome in your responses in the blogs, intelligent and calm....
neonurotic said:
I have a Myspace account too and would leave a comment if I knew if this entry of Heather's blog:
01/08/2007 5:35 AM
Unmask The Gray
was actually my illustrated Unmask The Gray.

I thank Christian for the heads up and appreciate how everyone has put their war face on, so to speak in order to protect their work. I'm sorry this plagiarizing bullshit is happening yet again.
Yes, it is your poem, though she has retyped it with her own (?) photo. You can still view the page in Google's cache.
Lauren Hynde said:
I have received, as response to one of the messages I sent yesterday to people who had commented on this woman's blog, an invitation to visit and comment on the blog of Jim D. Deuchars, here.

I made a post exposing the situation with links and invited them to visit us here, and in turn they are encouraging all of us to visit that blog and add our views.

I've gone ahead and offered my own thoughts on Jim's blog . Provided more links for interested parties to check out our claims, not only on the first two pieces but also links to the poets she plagiarized (except WickedEve, as her listing is gone). Now we'll see what happens.
Last edited:

Here's the latest from MySpace at Jim's blog:

Friday, February 02, 2007

Results of our Convention
Category: Writing and Poetry

Thanks to all who participated in our conversation yesterday. As of this writing, Ms. Larsen has not made herself available to respond to these high charges.

At last check, her profile had been deleted and it appears she has fled the jurisdiction.

The evidence presented against her is overwhelming.


If it be the Will of the Council, let Heather Larsen/Unlikely Muse be recognized and Identified as a Willful and Wanton Plagiarist. Let her be banished from these shores and considered dead to us. If she should appear again in the guise of a Citizen let the Community be alerted, that she may be driven from these lands!

Gang: I think the authors of these works should be invited to make their stuff available here on myspace. Even if it is not their intent to maintain an active presence, they should have the opportunity to be hailed by colleagues as the rightful authors of, what we all agree, has been some crazy kick-ass stuff! I'll send emails to those who contacted us with comments and offer just such an invite. I encourage others to do the same.

These people deserve their parade!

Tom commented in Council about something I also ponder, in retrospect. I was most taken by the...range of technical and stylistic mastery in some of the works in question. At the time, I took that at face-value and had even offered her privately mailed 'huzzahs' for just that "quality".

I think we just need to remember that things around here are like anywhere else. There's bound to be some rot in any apple bucket- part of the nature of, well, nature.

Unless we have anything else to say

...back to our regularly scheduled programming.


So now it appears the matter has been laid to rest.

I'm glad that's all over

time to retire back to the batcave
Tzara said:
Yes, it is your poem, though she has retyped it with her own (?) photo. You can still view the page in Google's cache.
Thank you for taking the time to find that for me. I commented in the blog even though their tribal council has already marked her for dead to show them the real version of Unmask The Gray compared to her Frankenstein.

There appears to have been an admission from the elusive Heather, as relayed by Riverwise (again, on Jim's blog):

I to was dupped by this plageristic, and melovolant woman, (assuming she is a woman) All that was communicate by the persona of Heather Larson, left me broken for a few hours. (yes hours) I found myself falling for her BS just as she intended... I have discovered that it was a lesson well learned. Her previous screen name was beautifull Heather. Aparently the pictures she uses are not ever hers. She told me everything. That she lied to me from the beginning, and this only after several attempts by friend on my list that she do so... she explained to me that she is a sad and lonely person who doesn't like herself verry much, and to make herself feel beautifull and worthwile she preys on the eharts of poets arround the country because she feels ugly. NO EXCUSE. No matter how a person feels there is no need to tear on the heart strings of strangers to make yourself feel better. It only hurts them. So for Heater... Bite me... and for all thoes she has hurt. Be string she is not worth your pain., she wasn't worth mine, which made me get over it on my drive from Homasassa to Orlando. 1 and half hour drive.​

And to that I'll add my Amen.
