Glacier-7 said: Now lets all go check our bibles in
the Gospel you will find some chapters in which Jesus says even thinking about
sinning is a sin.

Uh, earth to Glacier-7: you're posting on an adult site. You're in no position to talk about sin, dearie. Let's have a rational argument instead, how about that? The facts are these: some guy wrote a fictional story with offensive content. nobodywillknow gave its opinion of it, and in the process said some very offensive things. Everyone gave their opinion of what nobodywillknow said. Then, you come along and say we have no right to criticize nobodywillknow, but he/she/it has the right to criticize the author! It's called free speech, and it protects your right to spew your hypocritical venom as much as this author's right to write disgusting violent trash. Your mistake is you seem to think that his fictional story is morally worse than n.w.k.'s disgusting views. Another thing - How dare you come to an adult site and spout fire & brimstone when you're right there reading all the stories and probably hanging out in chat getting off! You're a hypocrite, as big of one as Mr. Rape-Is-Offensive-But-Niggers-Are-Worse" (aka nobodywillknow). I don't even know why I'm arguing with you because by your last post I can tell you've no mind of your own, and no real faith either. I know many people who are strong in their faith in God and the last thing they would ever do is go to a porn site and spout off about it. In fact, they rarely speak of it at all unless you bring it up with them, because they are so secure that they don't have to go prove it to everyone. So not only are you a hypocrite, but you make those with real faith and conviction sick. So, you go masturbate to stories, get off, then preach about sin on the Christian chat rooms. You certainly know alot about it.
OK right after i posted that message i said i was sorry for bringing the bible into it, now you say i have no faith about any relgion. It doesn't have to do anything with faith or religion I just simply have knowledge of the bible. Where do you get off putting words in my mouth to, I never said you have no right to criticize him all I said was that I don't like rape stories either because it's not pleasent, and as for getting off in chat I've never been in chat and I would certianly hope that nothing would compell me to actually do that
Time I waded into the fray I think. I've sat and watched this thread played for long enough.

I recently posted a rape fantasy on here "Taken" I wrote it firstly for myself. Then I showed it to a few people and they said it was good. I decided to post it.

I'm female and don't condone rape in anyway shape or form. So why did you write it in the first place I hear you cry. Several reasons.
One most Rape stories are written by men. I wanted to give a womans perspective. Two It was an experiment. I had a few demons from me past that I wanted to explore. I did this by writing the story. Elements are true but it is by no means a true story. Nor would I wish it to be.

The language I used was not offensive or at least I hope it wasn't. The violence not gratitious. It was just a representation of my idea of things. My imagination.

I feel that while I don't have to defend authors for what they do or don't write. It might pay the reader to think of the real reasons we write what we write in the first place. I for one always try to get behind the story, the motavations, the reasons for writing it.

I've said enough now. Call me if you want for writing a story that to some people is an offensive story. Incenently most of the mail I recieved was from other females congratulating me. Think about it!

I'd like this to be the end of this stupid arguement with no end, I'm new to this stuff maybe I made a bad first impression well I did, well no hard feelings ok and Merry Christmas
First off all racist words should never be used today. You figured in todays time and age we would of closed the racial bridge that has seperated us all. o therefore if you don't like the content of the story don't read it. You have a choice so use your judgement.
Just wanted to put my two cents in and raise a point that has been neglected....

Many women have rape fantasies. I have found that they are pretty commonplace. BUT, I must stress that fantasies are what they are.....fantasies.

It's entirely different for women to fantasize about a rape taking place. Within the fantasy, the woman knows she's not truly going to be hurt or violated. She trusts the other party to that extent, and really feels no real fear. In essence, she does want it and it is erotic for her.

The actual act of rape, however, in itself is vicious and a complete violation of anothers rights.

My point is, writing and fantasizing about rape are two different things. And like mentioned above, I have written non-consent stories and received most of my feedback from women, not men.
I think there's a definite difference between rape fantasies and actually comitting rape. There's obviously one. On the otherhand, this is a free world, so everyone is entitled to their views, and if they are against rape stories then let them post about it. What is annoying, is hate mail. When I did my short series, I got quite a lot of fan mail, and then suddenly an email from one specific person telling me how sick I was and that I was the type of person who would do the stuff I wrote about. That annyoyed me. But like I said, this is a free world, and this is the feedback section, and since we, authors, have the write to post rape stories, readers have the right to complain about or praise them.
Ya know, the part of NOBODYWILLKNOW's post that really bothered me (apart from the all caps and the massive use of !!!!!!) was this......


I mean, c'mon, where have we heard this one before? This is the same line the self-righteous always pull out whenever they want to attack something, be it rape stories, Playboy, or "Beavis and Butthead". Hell, it's the same defense that Ted Bundy tried to use. My hope is that those sick people NOBODYWILLKNOW is so concerned with are sitting here right now masturbating over the most disgusting stories they can find....and I hope they've got Tommy's Bookmarks open in another window so they can find pics to go with it. Because as long as they are getting off here, they're not out getting off with our wives, daughters, girlfriends...etc.

And lighten know where the rape stories are located now, it's really damn easy to NOT go there. Isn't this free world a wonderful thing?
I thought Jenne put this entire matter in perspective, quite eloquently.

Glacier-7, if HotGirl didn't rage on you first I would have.

I think those who want to start a censorship stampede should concentrate on the movie industry for starters. That movie Death Wish with the brutal rape and murder scene is on the premium channels like every week. What about that new thing on HBO, Women Who Love Killers? A true story. Beautiful women
(one was a Playmate who married a guy who tortured, raped and murdered several young women)dig killers. Of course all this motivates everybody who sees it to go out and do the same thing.

Glacier-7, I have a suggestion for you. I once quoted from the bible and XXplorher said it was all BS and who believes it anyway. You two should go off and debate the bible on your own separate thread, call it Tweedledee and Tweedledum.
I am a woman, co author of The Waitress as a matter of fact. I thoroughly enjoyed coming up with the story. It was not written as an enticement for men t ocommit rape, but as a way for ment to have the fantaasy of doing it in their mind, a completely harmless activity in my opinion. I'd rather some guy read a story, or write one, than go out into the streets.
I also agree that we are not sheep, influneced to the the point of having no control over our own actions. There are plenty of violent movies out there, but most of know the difference between real life and fiction.
So read, write and enjoy I say
Hello all. I know this is a dead horse issue, but please, give "THOSE RAPE STORIES ARE SICK" the benefit of living in these United States. A country where we are ALL free to express an opinion about anything. And the "N" word, (which I personally do not use, nor do I find offensive) just happens to be one of those "Flash" words that seems to set off a lot of people, Black and White alike. However, while you are all free to call her a "Moron", "Illiterate", "Racist", and suffering from a lack of grammar, consider that she too has the right and freedom, (as we do) to say and have an opinion on anything she chooses, just as you have. That doesn't make her racist. That doesn't make her illiterate. And it certainly doesn't make her a moron.
While making her side of the argument, I also take offense at her desire to have the stories removed. Many are the nights that I sit and read all of the stories, and I do mean all. All types. However, that is the point in and of itself. I SAT AND READ THEM. Why? For the same reasons you all write and read them. There are literally millions of other web sites to see. If this offends you, have at it. Get yourself a search engine software, (no plugs here) and look elsewhere.
Thanks for anyone who reads this. And the 1st amendmant to the constitution gives us the right to be smart, stupid, illiterate, and yes, even moronic. No where does it say we have to listen!!
(Look too for my start into writing. Remember Creighton Tull)
Hi Creighton! Good to have you aboard. A couple of comments:

A country where we are ALL
free to express an opinion about anything.

True, nobodywillknow has the right to express his/her/its opinion. However, everyone on this site has the right to express their opinion of nobodywillknow's opinion. Why is nobodywillknow's condemnation of the story and author freedom of speech, but somehow all the other opinions are not?

And the "N" word, (which I personally do
not use, nor do I find offensive) just happens to be one of those "Flash" words that
seems to set off a lot of people, Black and White alike. However, while you are all
free to call her a "Moron", "Illiterate", "Racist", and suffering from a lack of grammar,
consider that she too has the right and freedom, (as we do) to say and have an
opinion on anything she chooses, just as you have. That doesn't make her racist.

I disagree. Terms like "moron" and "illiterate" do not carry the history that the "n" word does. The word "nigger" is a very extreme insult. While I believe there are reactionaries on both sides of the race issue, I don't see how anyone can say that the forced slavery of another human being is anything but barbaric and vile. The use of that word, like it or not, is considered in poor taste in nearly any social situation. While I support nobodywillknow's right to dislike anything she pleases, I think using that word was not only unnecessary, but unwise, as she opened herself up to attacks.

[i[That doesn't make her illiterate. And it certainly doesn't make her a moron.[/i]

No, but had she posted something like "those rape stories are really awful, I don't like them, blah blah", I think she would've received more support. The use of the word "nigger" didn't add to her argument, and gave people an excuse to post against her.

I agree that she has the right to express herself, but posting your opinions in an open forum and expecting everyone in the world to agree with you is ludicrous. And if you want support, it's generally unwise to use racial slurs, because not many people will feel comfortable jumping to your rescue when the attacks pour in.

I agree with you on the story removal issue... If you don't enjoy a type of story, or even a specific story, you are certainly in welcome to post as such. However, to suggest that all stories you dislike be removed because YOU find them offensive is silly. If I removed every story that everyone found offensive, I'd have no gay, no lesbian, no nonconsent, no fetish, no group, and not much in Erotic Couplings. I'd be left with 10 stories. What a site THAT would be!

You don't like nonconsentual stories? Don't read them. Easy, isn't it? And if you don't want to be called a racist, don't use racial slurs. If you choose to use them, don't complain about being called a racist. If you have the right to call a black man a "nigger", then others have the right to call you a "racist". Freedom of speech, eh? I Love America....
What about that new thing on
HBO, Women Who Love Killers? A true story. Beautiful women
(one was a Playmate who married a guy who tortured, raped and murdered several
young women)dig killers. Of course all this motivates everybody who sees it to go
out and do the same thing.

Deborah, I saw that, and it made me sick! The worst bit was where the cop said that attractive girls would show up at the Night Stalker trial wearing skirts & no panties and give good ol' Richard pussy shots. What's wrong with these women? That show made me want to go join another species, seriously.
Thanks Laurel for the reply. I need to clear a few things up though. First of all, I was not defending the word "nigger". What I was defending, was the right of free speech. One of the reasons we came to this country was to escape the tyranny of those who would tell us what we could and could not say. Once we start telling others that the use of words such as "nigger" or "cracker" or "honky" (the list goes on and on),we run into the area of control.

Another point I would like to clarify, (just in case of misconception). The fact that I do not find those words offensive, doesn't make me racist. I do not dislike, hate or avoid at all costs, any nationality. All I do, is expect that they abide by the same rules, laws and freedoms that we all are bound to abide by.

Third, and final point. In all the time I have been alive, I have heard the word "nigger" used about three dozen times. And believe me, I know the difference between hate and utterance. I have family in the South. However, I hasten to point out that in my experience, that word has been used more times than not, in this society's day, by African Americans. And yes, I do get around a lot. So, my suggestion is this. Rather than say she opened herself up to criticism by the use of that word, treat her like the wisely held question. "If a tree falls in the forest when no one is around, (The use of the word nigger), does it make a sound?", (Non response is the best weapon against language)

thank you
"First of all, I was not defending the word 'nigger'."

Your comments could not be understood any other way.

In your original post, you said you didn't find the word offensive, nor was it evidence that the user was racist. That is absurd.

"Nigger," in the mouth of a non-black speaker, is a race-specific term of denigration. It means nothing else, and is never understood as anything else, in such circumstances.

The issue is very simple. The original message said that rape stories were sick. That may or may not be true. Then, the writer added that a "fat black nigger" might commit rape. That added nothing to the argument. Not to mention that it neglected the danger that slender white people might do the same.

It is hard to understand how anyone who has "been around" as much as you claim, could be so obtuse. You may not find the word "nigger" offensive, but then it isn't being directed against you, so such testimony is hardly compelling.
If anyone's interested in my view, I don't find the term nigger offensive (yes, I'm not black); rather than being a made up insult by some black hating fascist, it actually comes from the Latin word niger, and so I don't see how anyone can find that offensive.
I'm not sure etymology is a good defense. After all, the word "moron" comes from the same Greek word, meaning "fool," but it's no less offensive, for all that, to refer to someone in that way.
michael says " "Nigger," in the mouth of a non-black speaker, is a race-specific term of denigration. It means nothing else, and is never understood as anything else, in such circumstances."

That has always seemed to be a double standard to me! Doesn't it???? From a non-Black it's derogatory, and from the mouth of a Black, it's OK - a term of endearment - camaraderie. Seems a little lop sided to me!
If it's SO OFFENSIVE - SO DEROGATORY - why use it AT ALL!! Black or White.
Michael. Since you took the time to respond to my obviously "obtuse" posting, I feel the need to respond to yours. Once again, I find myself having to explain what should be fairly obvious. I said, "I do not find the word nigger offensive". And anyone who is a thinking person should be able to set aside their prejudices for that word and realize that I said, I do not find the WORD offensive." My offense is with people who think that they are somehow better, or less obtuse than others because they take a stand against a supposed widely held belief that this or that is good or bad. How stereotypical, or obtuse do people become when they decide that my decision to not be offended by a "WORD" somehow makes me racist. I do not hate black people sir. What I dislike are people, Black, White, Asian, anyone, who choose to tell me that I do not have the right to say, think or feel about a certain "WORD" just because it offends someone else. I find a lot of things a lot more offensive, that affect every race as a whole. I do not, nor would I ever use the word "Nigger" under any circumstances other than in a forum such as this, (explaining our First Amendmant rights). And no sir, I am not slow to learn, nor am I blind. I believe way too many people have gotten away from what matters most. We, as American citizens do not live under the shell of a Communistic government, however, how far away are we when language and thought become legislated by so called "well meaning people". And finally, on a personal note, if I am within ear shot of someone using the word "Nigger" in a derogatory manner, I walk away sir. I do not attempt to change that persons mind. I can serve society in other, less obtuse ways.
"I do not find the WORD offensive...And finally, on a personal note, if I am within ear shot of someone using the word 'Nigger' in a derogatory manner, I walk away sir."

Uh, how's that again?

If you don't find the word offensive, what is there to walk away ABOUT?

Sure hope you don't teach logic courses, friend. As to "obtuse," your last post more than proved my point.
Michael, I walk away because I find the attitude offensive, NOT THE WORD!!!
A word does not make someone racist. Actions and the whining thereof of people who do not like "FLASH WORDS" is what I find offensive. The idea of someone regulating language and behavior is what I find offensive. For someone who is a technical writer, you sure don't seem to read as much as you "read more into" what someone has written. I have used the "N" word now about 4 or 5 times and I am sure that because I am not offended by the word, you may have well branded me a closet racist. You have already branded me as obtuse. Sir, I say it is you who is short sighted. I am not letting emotions and the complaints of those who find a word offensive, steer me in any direction. It is just a word. I do not let my children play the "It's not fair" or the "It's not right" game with me. Nor will I allow society to change my belief in the First Amendmant. I am a hard working contributor to my country. I served my country willingly in the armed forces. Be damned with anyone who wants to legislate language. If the course of action is to allow the majority to have the say, then my god man, look at your history books and see how much opposition there was to ending slavery. Was the majority right then? Obtuse? Hardly. Able to articulate my positions well? Maybe I need some work there.
Michael, I walk away because I find the attitude offensive, NOT THE WORD!!!
A word does not make someone racist. Actions and the whining thereof of people who do not like "FLASH WORDS" is what I find offensive. The idea of someone regulating language and behavior is what I find offensive. For someone who is a technical writer, you sure don't seem to read as much as you "read more into" what someone has written. I have used the "N" word now about 4 or 5 times and I am sure that because I am not offended by the word, you may have well branded me a closet racist. You have already branded me as obtuse. Sir, I say it is you who is short sighted. I am not letting emotions and the complaints of those who find a word offensive, steer me in any direction. It is just a word. I do not let my children play the "It's not fair" or the "It's not right" game with me. Nor will I allow society to change my belief in the First Amendmant. I am a hard working contributor to my country. I served my country willingly in the armed forces. Be damned with anyone who wants to legislate language. If the course of action is to allow the majority to have the say, then my god man, look at your history books and see how much opposition there was to ending slavery. Was the majority right then? Obtuse? Hardly. Able to articulate my positions well? Maybe I need some work there.
And if you wish to discuss this further, maybe we could leave this forum for opinions on the stories. You can e-mail me at
This thread needs a little less tension. Hows this?

A small white guy goes into an elevator, when he gets in he notices a huge black dude standing next to him. The big black dude looks down upon the small white guy and says: "7 foot tall, 350 pounds, 20 inch dick, 3 pound left ball, 3 pound right ball, Turner Brown" The small white guy faints!
The big black dude picks up the small white guy and brings him to, slapping his face and shaking him and asks the small white guy. "What's wrong?". The small white guy says;
"Excuse me but what did you say?". The big black dude looks down and says "7 foot tall, 350 pounds, 20 inch dick, 3 pound left ball, 3 pound right ball, my name is Turner Brown." The small white guy says, "Thank god, I thought you said 'Turn around. '"

No offence intended......
"there is nothing
wrong with words such as nigger, it is purely the
way that people express them and why they are used thaat can be offensive"

But that IS what is wrong with it. That's like saying "There's nothing wrong with arsenic; it's only the way it acts on the body that makes it harmful." Well...uhh...right! That was the whole point that everyone else was trying to make.

I tried to post this once before and got "server error," so I assume it didn't "take" and this is not a duplicate.
I do agree with Creighton Tull. It's very hard to
to defend free speech and not be accused of supporting
racism. And I said it before, and so naturally I'll repeat
myself until people listen and understand, there is nothing
wrong with words such as nigger, it is purely the
way that people express them and why they are used thaat can be offensive.