Time machines (not Rolex)

MNGuy said:
You see, this time machine has the following controls, non-Microshit, of course:

Ahhhh, now that makes a lot more sense. ;)

In that case I'll book a trip to ancient Rome. :devil:
Re: details details....

rhinoguy said:
rhino-in time
Dear Nosey,
Somehow, I don't think a rhinocerous would fit through one of those little pores in the time-space continum.
Ps. It's hard for me to think of a rhino being "semi solid." If nothing else, a rhino is ....... well, solid.
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Re: solid waste

rhinoguy said:
Rats! hey! that's it! I'll go as a rat!
Oh, Rhino, then you'll be so common; I've known too many rats in my life.

Perdita ;)
Thanks lou. I was going to be frivolous on my own thread and go on about time versus location etc but you did it for me.

Let's not forget that if you did manage to reverse time the location thing is even more complicated by the fact that whatever time you picked, even minutes ago, you would end up in deep space due to the expanding universe thing.

Something also touched upon was the being able to pick your spot and understand what was going on. Even as short a time ago as 1800 you would have great difficulty in understanding any part of the spoken language. (I'll take any corrections on that)

For a great many of the events you would have to be virtual royalty to get any where near Alexandria, imperial rome (unless you're Kirk Douglas or Russel Crowe obviously) and you would almost certainly be killed sooner rather than later unless you were really lucky and just made a slave.

Ooh invisibility. If light passes through you then it also passes through your retina. You'd be blind.

gauchecritic said:
Thanks lou. I was going to be frivolous on my own thread and go on about time versus location etc but you did it for me.

Let's not forget that if you did manage to reverse time the location thing is even more complicated by the fact that whatever time you picked, even minutes ago, you would end up in deep space due to the expanding universe thing.

Blimey, yeah, I hadn't taken that into account. As you said, even going back a few minutes the actual location would change. Deep space would be bad enough, but imagine ending up in France. This time travelling malarky is complicated stuff, isn't it?

I am in awe of Dr Who, he did it in an old police phone box, with the Daleks, the Cyborgs and that dratted Master chasing after him.

Katie (who loves to be called 'Lou';))