Time to Nuke the SCOTUS

More justices also means diluting the ability of the federalist society from gatekeeping who gets nominated. So, odds are, atleast 1 or 2 won't be bought off stooges for the libertarian billionaires that has spent years bribing them.
Wrong. All that matters is having a corrupt organization like the federalist society to bribe justices with lavish gifts and trips to interpret reading the constitution the way they want it interpreted.
Be cautious when making statements that could be construed as libelous against a discerning community of esteemed lawyers.
It also solves the bribery/gifts problem since no one would know exactly who would sit the next term.
More Justices = higher probability that a few will have ethics and functioning brains.
All of those currently serving have functioning brains and ethics. Your obvious diminished capacity leaves you in no position to pass judgment.
If you have proof of a progressive Marxists organization dedicated to bribing Supreme Court justices...I'm all ears.
You first. Cite where members of the federalist society are bribing justices to influence their decisions.

They may have the president’s ear but I doubt they have the ability to influence judges.
All of those currently serving have functioning brains and ethics. Your obvious diminished capacity leaves you in no position to pass judgment.

Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask. After your stroke the other day, have you experienced even more mental impairment?
In fact, you might not even need term limits as such. Go back to the original plan and the current nine would 'ride the circuits' as intended. The Federalists are all about originalism, aren't they?

I'm not even sure their pay would change.

The only thing that would really change is the random seating for each term.

One of the bigger complaints against it was the need to travel longer distances by horse or carriage, which is no longer an issue. They would stay in their assigned circuit most of the time and only travel to DC when necessary.

Plus it would get them out of their bubble and back into something closer to the real world.
Eliminating permanent seats solves that problem.
I think term limits is a good idea, I also believe in congressional term limits.

I think term limits for all federal judges would work.
And the Ethics issue goes away since Circuit Judges are already subject to the existing code:


"This Code applies to United States circuit judges, district judges, Court of International Trade judges, Court of Federal Claims judges, bankruptcy judges, and magistrate judges. Certain provisions of this Code apply to special masters and commissioners as indicated in the “Compliance” section. The Tax Court, Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, and Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces have adopted this Code."
Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask. After your stroke the other day, have you experienced even more mental impairment?
I am in perfect physical and mental health. The impairment you imagine is a function of your cognitive dysfunction.
And the Ethics issue goes away since Circuit Judges are already subject to the existing code:


"This Code applies to United States circuit judges, district judges, Court of International Trade judges, Court of Federal Claims judges, bankruptcy judges, and magistrate judges. Certain provisions of this Code apply to special masters and commissioners as indicated in the “Compliance” section. The Tax Court, Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, and Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces have adopted this Code."
The SCOTUS stands alone in the Constitution, the federal inferior courts are products of the Congress. One can't limit the terms of SCOTUS Justices or Federal Judges or apply a Code Of Conduct to those Justices without amending the Constitution.
Whiners like Jafo want to nuke the scotus...until the scotus does something they agree with, then they're great.

If you don't like who has the majority blame selfish, arrogant Ginsberg for not stepping down when Obama, and the party asked her to. Had she given up that seat it would have been owned by the left for a long time to come.

Or, just bitch and blame everyone else like they always do.
Mitch wouldn't have let that happen if it was the first day of BO's term.

This plan completely eliminates that entire step.
Whiners like Jafo want to nuke the scotus...until the scotus does something they agree with, then they're great.

If you don't like who has the majority blame selfish, arrogant Ginsberg for not stepping down when Obama, and the party asked her to. Had she given up that seat it would have been owned by the left for a long time to come.

Or, just bitch and blame everyone else like they always do.
Yeah… cuz the Senate allows presidents to do their Constitutional duty

Burn down the Republicans any prior rules be damned

Then? Fix the goddamn government!!
The SCOTUS stands alone in the Constitution, the federal inferior courts are products of the Congress. One can't limit the terms of SCOTUS Justices or Federal Judges or apply a Code Of Conduct to those Justices without amending the Constitution.
There is absolutely nothing in the Constitution that prevents SCOTUS from adopting a Code of Conduct. That your highest court in the land doesn't is mind boggling.
Personally, I think we should move SCOTUS out of Washington DC, get it out of the swamp.
Yeah! Let's take it to Rikers where trump and most of his staff will be if they aren't already.

The swamp. You water carriers really fell for that shit.