term limits for SCOTUS... this interesting proposition

While we are at it, there shoud be term limits for all elected and appointed "pulic" servants. No more vareer politicians like the Kennedys or Mitch.
I totally agree with term limits. The president is limited to 2 terms. The rest should be too
well they already have to get reelected to serve beyond the limits that exist so... 😕.
That doesn’t mean a whole lot. I think lotta people vote for a name they know. Doesn’t mean that person named is going to do anything. What was his name. Stromthurman? From southern state, South Carolina? He was seen sleeping when debating was going on that he was voting on.
That doesn’t mean a whole lot. I think lotta people vote for a name they know. Doesn’t mean that person named is going to do anything. What was his name. Stromthurman? From southern state, South Carolina? He was seen sleeping when debating was going on that he was voting on.
yeah... i just think there's a whole discussion to be had about throwing out the baby with the bathwater. perhaps a 'three times=the limit' thing. It's crazy for any management to throw out their most experienced and knowledgeable workers before retirement age in favour of new blood that doesn't have a clue yet. Perhaps bring in the newer ones but have the experienced people training them up to be good at their jobs.

there are those politicians who serve their voters to the best of their abilities and who have a deep, entrenched knowledge of the system and all its laws/pitfalls/ways to get things moving by working across the aisle. It's a job, and experience of doing that job can make people very good at it. Those who exploit the system, though, or simply do nothing other than turn up now and again to make sure they get paid, well those could be tossed without any drawbacks.
And you think you can accomplish this by bringing great economic and political pain to the American people. Think again.
The only reason the left is for SCOTUS term limits is because they think they can get some kind of political advantage from a packed court, certainly not for equality for all under the law or a fair and equitable judicial system.