Time to Vote

I know fantastic poetry when I read it. And yours is fantastic. ;)
It was a tough choice, but I went for Redacted, too.
This, from you two. Two people who have taught me more about poetry in A SINGLE POEM of their own crafting than a whole book of other bleakness I may have read in some ill-fated night on some ill-fated year several many moons ago.
Want to hug you both. So. Hard.

Please consider yourselves hugged/cuddled/molested/fondled/whatever makes your tongue go curly-wurly. :rose:
This, from you two. Two people who have taught me more about poetry in A SINGLE POEM of their own crafting than a whole book of other bleakness I may have read in some ill-fated night on some ill-fated year several many moons ago.
Want to hug you both. So. Hard.

Please consider yourselves hugged/cuddled/molested/fondled/whatever makes your tongue go curly-wurly. :rose:

Dear girl, your poem is excellent, and always remember that sincere feedback/comments/crits are far more valuable than votes/contests.
I did not mean to be part of the contest. I honestly thought my voting was turned off on all my poems. I'm here to write poetry and get feedback. I love my feedback and I love good poetry. :rose:
Dear girl, your poem is excellent, and always remember that sincere feedback/comments/crits are far more valuable than votes/contests.
I did not mean to be part of the contest. I honestly thought my voting was turned off on all my poems. I'm here to write poetry and get feedback. I love my feedback and I love good poetry. :rose:

Oh please keep Bluebs talking... I spend many fasinating hours trying to decypher what the hell it was that she said...
I like this plan. The moving in next door. Yes. Yup. Nods.

P.S.- I would want to crawl on you whilst watching Avatar as well, so I cannot blame your kidlets. :D

okay I will make room. Please bring licorice. And your own blankie. and no giggling at my boobies, you must pay attention to Ang.
okay I will make room. Please bring licorice. And your own blankie. and no giggling at my boobies, you must pay attention to Ang.

What? Oh sorry, I was watching your boobies. ;)

PS I love licorice. I always take the licorice in candy mixes that no one else wants. We can have a licorice orgy.
here's my take on the various poetry cats....

[size=+2]james r scouries[/size]

on the



Well as you all know I’ve already picked the brilliant [size=+2]Freddie :D[/size] as MOST INFLUENTIAL POET for 2008. There’s really no other choice.

However, today I’d like to discuss my picks in the various other poetry classes. Here’s my take on them:


The choice here is easy – my vote goes to the Canadian Princess, the lovely Erin. She certainly “touched me” with her effort! And sorry miss lindianna - not this time! Nor next time either!


Quite frankly I don’t believe non erotic anything should be allowed on the site. Which makes choosing a winner very difficult. In the end I voted for my old pal jomar :rolleyes:. WTF, he definitely had the best title.


This is another category that we could easily do without. The only people who use this category are the “survivalists” in their endless quest for more points! In the end I voted for LadyFreakenstein :) because at heart she’s a real sweetie. Mind you I was tempted to cast my vote for the boxman but alas, unlike many AHers, I only have one vote.


I VOTED FOR Kolkore. Mainly because he’s a man who’s made thousands of comments on other peoples stories (even the odd one of mine). The fact that he’s supported us demands that I support him.

So that’s it for the poetry categories. Agree? Disagree? No need for you to be scared to express your opinion (it’ll only be held against you for a year or so).

Next I’ll discuss the foreign language entries.

I’m james r scouries and I’d like to see some changes…

[size=+2]OK lets get back to football and the Dolphins…[/size]
What? Oh sorry, I was watching your boobies. ;)

PS I love licorice. I always take the licorice in candy mixes that no one else wants. We can have a licorice orgy.

What has happened to you? :mad: Does ee know about this??!
What? Oh sorry, I was watching your boobies. ;)

PS I love licorice. I always take the licorice in candy mixes that no one else wants. We can have a licorice orgy.

Hmmm. We could ask Hugo tie Eve up with black string licorice.... then we can eat her way to freedom.


I think I may have invented something. I googled String Licorice Bondage and came up with nothing but I guess this will do.

Hmmm. We could ask Hugo tie Eve up with black string licorice.... then we can eat her way to freedom.


I think I may have invented something. I googled String Licorice Bondage and came up with nothing but I guess this will do.


Ahahahaha. I've never seen any of this stuff in the Allsorts mixes. Geez, if I'd known sooner I'd have gotten ee that lil whip for his birthday...but we can improvise. :devil:
I just wonder what the guy (had to be guy, right?) who came up with this said at his High School reunion: You know, Clarice, that I am the man who invented the world's number one penis licorice!

Yep. That was me.

Did the marketing campaign myself:
Lick it. Suck it. Even chew it!

That was all me.

And I know you probably thought, Oh, Gus. He works at McDonalds, I'd guess.

Well, you were wrong. And you were never that cute anyway.
I just wonder what the guy (had to be guy, right?) who came up with this said at his High School reunion: You know, Clarice, that I am the man who invented the world's number one penis licorice!

Yep. That was me.

Did the marketing campaign myself:
Lick it. Suck it. Even chew it!

That was all me.

And I know you probably thought, Oh, Gus. He works at McDonalds, I'd guess.

Well, you were wrong. And you were never that cute anyway.

His mother must be proud :)
It's my first, I think. The influential poet thing? Um, wasn't I mostly a butt hole last year? :D

Yes, you were. But you were a very poetic butthole. LOL

I'm kidding!

I was surprised to see it is perhaps your first. That's crazy. sigh.. the whole poetry on Lit set up has some serious problems. I hope at least everyone who is active in the forums will vote (for whoever they feel is most deserving).

Support your fellow poets, people!

I think I am preaching to the choir though..
Dear girl, your poem is excellent, and always remember that sincere feedback/comments/crits are far more valuable than votes/contests.
I did not mean to be part of the contest. I honestly thought my voting was turned off on all my poems. I'm here to write poetry and get feedback. I love my feedback and I love good poetry. :rose:
Thank you Eve, truly and sincerely.

I've never entered anything and didn't mean to be part of the contest either, mostly because I have no idea what it is or how it works or any of that. When I submit (and the reason I submit so rarely) is because when a poem of mine is done, it's done enough for me to hear whatever people want to say about it. I keep the voting and comments turned on so people can say what they want, because it's the default, and also because I'm too freakin' clueless to choose otherwise at time of submission. :rolleyes:

I don't know. I try not to think about who's noticing what and whom too much because I'm far too deep in my own head anyway. Can't handle more pondering. I should probably submit more just to get some sort of swinging doorway going, but I have this fear of, well, my slip showing- to be figurative about it. Stupid stuff.

I love your avatar, by the way. Lovely.

okay I will make room. Please bring licorice. And your own blankie. and no giggling at my boobies, you must pay attention to Ang.
*happy anna dance*

Oh please keep Bluebs talking... I spend many fasinating hours trying to decypher what the hell it was that she said...
You. Shaddup. ;)