To the Critics....

Re: Blind~

My Erotic Tail said:
Kind of hard to tell a blind person how to see...

But I try none the less to paint the picture I see,
you can see it how you want...but the painting
still stands....
But which way's up?

Lauren Hynde said:
If your friend had time to vote and if you had had comments already, then how the fuck can you even begin to claim you can know who voted? It could have been anyone!

well if you read that you read how I find it fishy,
the poem just come out, they saw it gave me a 5
as she always does...I get there and YDD had his
ussual comment, and 2 votes only so far and ratings
dipped below do the math....your a tense
person lauren relax and breath deep....a hot bath
perhaps...I don't want to argue I would prefer to
interact and have a good conversation concerning
a problem that many feel they are being as angie
said lowball if you have answers I
would love to hear them...there is no proof yet...
not iron clad...but that doen't mean stick my head
in the sand...try an figure it out would be my GUESS!

With all due respect I only ask so that I might learn..
Re: logic~

My Erotic Tail said:
With all due respect I only ask so that I might learn..
Why don't you, then?

Votes and comments have NOTHING to do with one another. Your evidence is non-existent. That 'just come out' could mean hours during which thousands of people could have voted. Having gotten a comment from YDD means nothing, because YDD usually comments on ALL new poems.

Not only there is no proof, but there is no logic!

Have you even read KM's essay?
champagne1982 said:
A single vote number is added to the overall point total of ALL of the votes received on that submission. You can vote twice on the same piece and your vote(s) will count right away (not as a view). However, fraudulent votes, as the system recognizes them, will, eventually, be subtracted from your point total and your rating (vote average) will be recomputed at that time.



You can never have a real time record of what's going on with a particular story at any given moment that the story is on file at [...]


The math where:

X = the sum of all voting
Y = the number of votes
Z = the rating
v = number of views

The number of views (v) is never absolute, it only must be at least equal to Y.
X divided by Y = Z
Last edited:
defending a friend~

Ok logic~

this person has no poems any longer, the smoke
screen name is to protect their poems from attack
such as this person gives. Why?..logic, they fear
for their own creations while commenting on others!
simple logic...a poet who has no poems any longer???

I have PM this person several time and asked them
not to litter my literary Art with their uneducated
guesses as how to make them more like what they
want to see.
and in doing so have become a prime target for their
words with comments such as battle on a playground
with sword fights????? what does that say about
this critic...they didn't honor my wish or request..
instead found it more a challenge to comment on
every thing I wrote...which I delete daily or as
it's comments I remain with except them
for what they are...a prankster....who gives me
lowball votes...I never got them till his comments
come around...seems fishy to me...
Re: Wid guesses~

Since Champagne gave up, I'll try to do my part in expaining. :)

My Erotic Tail said:
Wild guesses shread of proof and logic?

I'm sorry, and I'm not trying to attack you here but yes, that what it is. I have heard you tell us about your so called evidence here, and what I've heard so far is thinner than my wallet. And that says a lot. :)

I believe your intentions are good, but you simply got the facts wrong.

First of all: If you have two votes, one high and one low, plus a comment, there is nothing at all that says that the low vote is delivered by the one who wrote the comment. Or any vote for that matter. It is not evidence of anything, other than that this person (is it still YDD we're talking about btw? I've lost track of this mess) did in fact write a public comment. That's it. Facts. End of story.

Second of all: I have worked for six years now as an editor and technical manager for a major website, and one of the things we have been spending heaps of money and personal resources on is trying to track the kind of patterns and behaviours that you are doing now. I have studied comparative statistics and linguistic science to try to indentify users and their behaviour, and with all that knowledge, the programmers and high-end software at my disposal, I'll let you in on a little secret: It's pretty damn impossible to produce any tanglible proof whatsoever. We usually end up lying about our progress to please the advertisers. :rolleyes:

So, unless someone steps up and says "Yup, I'm the guy", you will never know for sure if some single person is doing what you think he is, or who that person would be. So for now, you are indeed chasing ghosts. Or was it chicken? ;)

Please note that I'm not saying this to put you down, in protection of anyone, or even to disagree with you. You may be right in your suspicions. That's not the point. I'm just saying that if you actually manage to find something real out, I'd be very surprised. I'm not blind about these kind of things. I know them very, very well.

Now go write some more of those Chicken poems. I want to giggle. :)

Re: defending a friend~

My Erotic Tail said:
Ok logic~

this person has no poems any longer, the smoke
screen name is to protect their poems from attack
such as this person gives. Why?..logic, they fear
for their own creations while commenting on others!
simple logic...a poet who has no poems any longer???
Ok, with you so far. But as I said earlier, considering this which hunt for simply speaking his mind, I don't blame him.

I have PM this person several time and asked them
not to litter my literary Art with their uneducated
guesses as how to make them more like what they
want to see.
and in doing so have become a prime target for their
words with comments such as battle on a playground
with sword fights?????
Ok, let me in here. Are we still talking about YDD? I know it has been said before (and earned a "you are a fucking retarded idiot"-kind of remark from a certain Lit lady :rolleyes: at the Story Feedback Forum), but I'll say it again. Have you seen the person posting on the boards? Have you gotten replied by PM from him? Consider the very possible possibility that this person does not frequent the bulletin boards, and therefore have no idea ypu've told him to back off.


Well put Liar~

I do appreciate the advice and the lesson...
I also know that even if this person did
step up and grow some balls and claimed
this feet (which I doubt they will) There is no
crime in what they have done...just demoralize
their charactor is all but I see them in denile before
that...this is a forum for discussion so I discussed

I am trying to restore some peace and harmony
in those that are PM ing me upset I am not a leader
against this villanous charactor. Only looking for
answers...thanks champagne for that math lesson...
and lauren for your patience...hehehe I only noticed
that the thread was about critics and some how was
hijacked into a party...the beginner of this thread
gave their approval to redirect the thread back to
its original thread discussion about
critics....I did give some praise as well...for their are
some good ones as well as bad...such is the way of
the exceptance I will heed...and silence

still chasin those chickens...hehehehehe
Re: Re: defending a friend~

Liar said:
Ok, with you so far. But as I said earlier, considering this which hunt for simply speaking his mind, I don't blame him.

Ok, let me in here. Are we still talking about YDD? I know it has been said before (and earned a "you are a fucking retarded idiot"-kind of remark from a certain Lit lady :rolleyes: at the Story Feedback Forum), but I'll say it again. Have you seen the person posting on the boards? Have you gotten replied by PM from him? Consider the very possible possibility that this person does not frequent the bulletin boards, and therefore have no idea ypu've told him to back off.


good point Liar...
yes I have sent this person several links to these
threads in PM and feedback so they had an
oppertunity to see what was being said I even
stated that I didn't want ti said I said these things
behind their back and PM them with this information
so yes they know what is being said or at least
are receiveing mail telling them they can read this
and all other comments made about
I'm trying to think of a compassionate non threatening friendly way to say
" Just fuckin' drop this"
But I can't seem to think of one

We've said all that can be said
The amount of time people are spending on this frankly amazes me
The easiest thing to do, if you dont want to leave your comment button off, is to go in and delete the comments you don't like.
And as for the score??
Is it Really that important to you what your Score is??
I've had stuff low voted
I've had stuff what??
every piece is not going to be a masterpiece.
Once you publish something ...let it go
It'll make your life a lot easier
believe me
the people who love your stuff aren't any smarter than anyone else
they just happen to be somewhat in tune with you
If you can accept that..why can't you accept the fact that some people Aren't going to be?
And if indeed it's a " personal" thing then I suggest you feel bad for someone who has nothing better to do that to piss people off on a poetry/ story site.
Pray that they get laid or something
Well Geez~

Exceptance is what Ive been saying and some one
said their is no excetoance now you say what I
have said...seems like a lot of howling coyotes..
saying nothing...but Geez aint that what a discussion
forum thread is for...duhhh think so....esspecially
when its name is to the critic.s I didn't twist an
arm to make you comment here...I hold no
magic power to lure you to elizabethts thread and
discussion forum and force you to reply...your own
wondering minds want to know...and reply I
understand join in and enlighten me...while
I write my humorous poems to apease my tranquility
and perhaps we will all hit on something or not
but thats what a discussion thread is post or not...
Tathagata said:
Pray that they get laid or something
Hmm. I pray that I get laid. Not working. You think it will work on someone else?
Liar said:
Hmm. I pray that I get laid. Not working. You think it will work on someone else?

even if it doesn't its good for the karma bank

by the way someone ~coughangelinecough~ needs to clean out their mailbox ~coughangecough~
we;; yeah elizabeth...but..............

I don't disagree with your vent in general but not all poetry is subjective--classical poetry may not be at all about how the poet is feeling but rather more the message he/she is giving ot the world

take gerard manley hopkins (a lot of ppl think it's gerald and you can win $20 bets off them when theyre drunk--but will they pay?)

Oh the mind--mind has mountains
cliffs of sheer
hold them cheap may
who ne'er hung there

mebbe he wuz feeling a little distraught but that's a universal msg there

oh the grandeur of God --it shall flame out like shook foil

I mean this guy wasn't feeling that way necessarily although he might have seen a primrose pokin' it's coy cute l'il nose up above the frost that morning

so Elizabeth--you have a vent and it contains some valid points BUT don't take it as Gospel - there's more


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