To the Critics....

Re: OH my...

jthserra said:
you mean leave it to my imagination? Wow, now those are nice ones...

jim : )

Lol. This may not invite the kindly reaction from the bearer (bearers?) you anticipate. :)

It's just that I often envision people based upon their poetry, so in my mind Eve is a supermodel... I guess a supermodel of words.

jim : )
Re: Oops...

jthserra said:
It's just that I often envision people based upon their poetry, so in my mind Eve is a supermodel... I guess a supermodel of words.

jim : )

Redeemed! ;)
From the almost views I've seen, WE is a very shapely lady. But I still think her most incredible physical atributes are her eyes.....


I go outside to chase down the dirtballs of energy (my kids) who are chasing birds in the yard, and when I come back I see that my twin peaks have been discussed (and imagined). Fool, thank you for focusing on the eyes and not my finger-licking, yummy hooters.
Re: mmm

jthserra said:
I did mention your supermodel words...

jim : )
That's a good thing, isn't it? You're not saying that my poetry reads like it has been binging and purging phrases, or my words are too stiff from all the hairspray, are you?
Oh my...

it is tough to compliment folks here. I guess, yes perhaps the supermodel is a superficial metaphor here. I think I best refrain from the banter here and simply admire your work wherever I see it.

jim : )
Re: Oh my...

jthserra said:
it is tough to compliment folks here. I guess, yes perhaps the supermodel is a superficial metaphor here. I think I best refrain from the banter here and simply admire your work wherever I see it.

jim : )
Oh, come on. There's a poem here. Just imagine the click, click of alliteration on the catwalk. Imagery voguing. Stanzas so thin you can see their rhymes poking through their structured forms.
WickedEve said:
I go outside to chase down the dirtballs of energy (my kids) who are chasing birds in the yard, and when I come back I see that my twin peaks have been discussed (and imagined). Fool, thank you for focusing on the eyes and not my finger-licking, yummy hooters.

I had a reply to this but it got lost in the reload....*sigh*
WickedEve said:
I go outside to chase down the dirtballs of energy (my kids) who are chasing birds in the yard, and when I come back I see that my twin peaks have been discussed (and imagined). Fool, thank you for focusing on the eyes and not my finger-licking, yummy hooters.

lol - see what happens when you welcome a non-poet to the poetry boards!

How gratifying to see Eve's hooters remained the topic of conversation long after I'd departed yesterday.

Good morning everyone. ;)
Re: For "Mr. You Suck!"

My Erotic Tail said:
While doing my grammer study today...:D

I found this, perhaps it will help some deal
with certain "SUCKY" critics...hehehe

"Mr. You Suck" By Killer Muffin



That was good. Maybe Lit should publish the curriculum for getting the Ph.D. in Lit Porn/Erotica.

BTW, this is a good time to congratulate the wonderful person who joined the "trash their stuff" club. Shortly after I posted my defense of no-censorship, one of my poems was hit with a 1. My heartiest congratulations to that person who just added a burden to their soul's already over-troubled situation (if you believe in that kind of stuff).

Back to your post: A very good post by KM.

However, there are usually more than just the one side to anything, or, in this case, maybe more than one possibility. She says:

"There is a nasty voice in all of us. It tells us the biggest pack of lies on a regular basis and usually we believe it. I think it's favorite refrain is, "you're not good enough." Mr. You Suck!'s success depends on that voice and that refrain."

I say:

Consider your first love, or your first really great love, the one you wished to be with forever. *Sigh!* Such love, such sex, such (Oh, yes!) passion.

I love passion. Lots of it (read about it, don't just throw the 1's at it).

What of a person who has just met, and fallen in reciprocal love with the most gorgeous little femme in the world. Oh, the euphoria (oh, sorry, I said stuff like that before)!

Well, there is euphoria. It will wane, but to what extent will be a testament to the power of the love you each have for each other, how really, really true and pure it is.

"Hey, nothing lasts forever," you say. That's how it usually is, I agree. Too bad, though. Maybe we all strive, or wish to strive for it to be so, the greatest love of all time, the stuff novels are only dreamed about being.

But it does last for at least some time.

What if during that time you came home, and that darling little cutey you love so much began being nervous. You'd obviously want to know what was upsetting her, right?

She finally admits that she's been being bothered by too many other women who also covet her, and some men too. Oh, boy, talk about emotions going haywire.

You see, her story goes like this: "They keep coming around. I don't dare go outside. Even when I try to get the mail they're out there trying to paw at me. I'm sorry, my darling. I'm yours, but they're starting to tell me that they're going to drag me down, and take me away from you when you're not here. I'm scared, my love. I'm really scared!"

Sure, this is over-dramatized. However, when you finally find that you're writing is such that it is unbelievable to you, a quantum leap from any that you've done before, you just can't help but wonder what you have done to merit such a story, or writing.

It's like when you first met her. She's so sweet, and everyone wants her. The big, over-blown floozies, the gorgeous, but big titted honeys, the sleek, svelte, suave slow talking smoothies that are hard to resist. But she only wants you. It's so hard to believe. You are so overjoyed, and you want to tell all of your friends, naturally. It's the way we humans are.

A writer's friends are more than just the writer's family. A writer's friends are the reading public, and we do want to share with them. We do want to have them see how wonderful we feel with this new love we have, this wonderful passion we've come to have in our love.

Oh, good writing is a passion. Those who don't have good writing, or don't really care about the passion lasting (you know, the wham, bang, thank you, Ma'am-ers), that only want the instant gratification of a good finger/hand job. Sheesh. How disgusting to be that way.

Yet, as KM probably said, they just want what you had/have, but don't know how to get it, or don't have it in them really, so they try to create (by knocking you down) a new reality wherein they're the greatest.

I feel sorry for them. I do.

Much of the initial anger I felt is gone, and I'm the wiser. I've made friends, and I've lost friends, and it all seemed to happen overnight. That's life. It must be since it happened.

This is my opus magnum on this subject (thanks, MET, for giving me the opening for it).

I said on another thread:

Thrash my story, you trash my soul.

My soul is full of love, and I've seen it. I hate the mud that has obsured it from my friends view, though I know they see it still.

I hate that they've tried to obscure it from the ones who have yet to come to know me, to be my friends, and rejoice with me in my everlasting love, to see the passion that reigns in me, and perhaps wonder at the possibility of finding love like that of their own, if such as I have is also their desire.

Ooops! Sorry, this is a porn/erotica site, not a Master of Literature place. No, I'm no great literary figure, not even in my own mind. However, I am a darned good story teller, and do so in a nice, and, I think, innovative way that others also like.

Forgive the passions that were a part of the euphoria I first felt (well, actually still feel, but I'm getting used to them now. Oh, God, they're still so sweet!), and also, forgive yourselves, even those who are still so small within themselves as to vote me that 1. Go ahead, if it'll make you feel better, do it again if you have the technology, or if the system screws up to let you. If that's the only passion available to you in your life, well, at least it's a start. You've got a long way to go, baby. Enjoy the trip, if you last long enough.

Without rancor, or hard feelings of any kind, I would gladly talk with any who wish it (save the one), but do remember that I do have passions that are strong. I'll galdly talk about this/these passion(s) I have. It is why I came to Lit in the first place, and why I'll probably stay.

No, I don't expect a rush to my invitation -- not by any means, it's not human nature -- but it's there if you wish to accept it.

So, MET, that's my take on KM's wonderful, but not totally complete help item.

Have a nice day, MET (hehehehe).

To the rest, love, peace, and very passionate love in whatever way you can find it.


It's not that I don't appreciate criticism or
some ones point of view, jim remarks all
the time on my stuff in the same way and
leaves 3 votes...but he will discuss it
with me...seems fair enough

But.............................. this individual
finds a need to be the king of critics here...
to strive off those who praise his remarks and
his soap box gets higher the more that is
created about him, his head swells from being
something of a pier...I menat PEER,

How do I know this? First off I have the same
(1) vote when a freind IM'd me and said my poem
was out and they gave me a 5 as the
time I got it open the "Mr You Suck" had done
put their litter on in my comments and with two
votes only I had way below the good rating mark.

So after 3 PM's to them to not put comments in my
poems for I delete them anyway they find it even
faster and post comments longer and more angered.
with words such as "sword fights on playgrounds" etc.
So they are not respectfull of others wishes. They play
even more is a game to them not the pure fact
of helping many claim...I have a plan and
it will take a while but patience will prevail....grin...
Or not...hehehehehe they had a poem one time and
had it they have fear...why?...its their
mentality...honor is not instilled in such
like jim who stand behind their words...or liar...or
wicked...these I can except...but the "poem serial
killer" lurks and detectives seek answers and all
is a game of real crime but the injured
are the votes and a great poem may suffer because
they drag it down to keep theirs safe and obviously
to buil them up....oh well we have the tools to fix
the problem...not hatefull words and lashing...but
well thought out repairs...

sorry jim
to use you as an example but you should see
I use your way of criticism in a good way.....

Thank you mismused for your insight and homework.
your not the only that suffers from this person. I get
PM's all the time from "no name's" while the famed
poets here at lit see it differently because I guess
they are not hit with the slashing of ratings....or
perhaps they would find it peculuar too..can't blame
them though, they have a right to see it their way
from where they sit it is not a problem so I don't
argue with them anylonger, I have understood they
see this as no problem...for those who get hit often
it is a stab in the back...

breath deep and find patience and understanding..
a compassion for the ignorant and uneducated...well
and the ones not effected by this...keep a smile and
an open children that try your patience...
just understand their mentality!
Perhaps the only way to deal with this kind of situation is to approach Laurel and ask for an overhaul of the voting system.

I am still baffled why a voter's single point is not ADDED to the exsisting points rather than DECREASING them.

If anyone knows PLEASE tell me.

Well I can't see any crime in giving nothing
but (1) votes or any thing in the rules that
says it can't be done, I don't judge a
story or poem this way but SOME one is...
so tempers flared makes it easy to single
out the one person whos comments are on
the poems in question...there may be a
conection and there might not...but some
thing smells fishy and many just would like
an answer as to why, but lit obviously is
bound by laws to not reveal such info which
I exceptance will have to be the
mental tool to deal with this era..

so I will try to spread cheer and be the ying yang
of the spawn if I can, I may have gone about it
wrong at first and see the error of that way and
will try to maintain peace in the forums as much
as possible and still work on the problem.
mission Impossible...hehehehehe
Personally, I think the only way to deal with this is to actually read KM's Dealing With Negative Feedback essay, instead of just looking at the highlights.

Aditionally, it won't hurt to make use of the virtual ignore feature we're all built with.

Tess, I don't think Laurel can talk much about the voting system, at the risk of compromising its security. I also don't think she needs to talk much about it, as all we've been hearing about vote tampering as been pretty wild guesses without a shred of support, logic or otherwise.
Lauren Hynde said:
Personally, I think the only way to deal with this is to actually read KM's Dealing With Negative Feedback essay, instead of just looking at the highlights.

Aditionally, it won't hurt to make use of the virtual ignore feature we're all built with.

Tess, I don't think Laurel can talk much about the voting system, at the risk of compromising its security. I also don't think she needs to talk much about it, as all we've been hearing about vote tampering as been pretty wild guesses without a shred of support, logic or otherwise.

Thanks Lauren, I know it's been an on-going problem for some ever since I arrived on Lit. This latest outburst borders on paranoia, it seems.

I just don't understand the system. Frankly, vote stealing doesn't affect me. I'm sure it's happening but I'm not looking so I don't notice.

Happy in my ignorance.

A single vote number is added to the overall point total of ALL of the votes received on that submission. You can vote twice on the same piece and your vote(s) will count right away (not as a view). However, fraudulent votes, as the system recognizes them, will, eventually, be subtracted from your point total and your rating (vote average) will be recomputed at that time.



You can never have a real time record of what's going on with a particular story at any given moment that the story is on file at

Let it go.

I do believe I mentioned once before that there are medications that can help calm those delusions and silence those inner voices for you. Seek medical help.

edited to correct a spelling error in the word 'receive'.
Last edited:
Wid guesses~

Wild guesses shread of proof and logic?

Lauren mismused try to show her evidence
of foul play and I too have noted where I
had 2 votes and 1 comment from this
person and my friend telling me they voted
go see my poem and when I get there his
comment and a bad vote is its
fairly certain of who we just would like to know disrespect but if your not hit with
this I GUESS I see why your not concerned with
it.... and the ingnore...I agree "Fuck That" I
hit proplems head on...not ignore don't
ignore a child when they need correcting...

Any way it will blow over and forgotten a new
problem will arise as I have seen so manytimes
before here, its nothing but a thing that some
have to deal with others don't understand...
Geez.. this brick wall is thick.

I think I'll stop banging my head on it.

I have a headache.

Kind of hard to tell a blind person how to see...

But I try none the less to paint the picture I see,
you can see it how you want...but the painting
still stands....
If your friend had time to vote and if you had had comments already, then how the fuck can you even begin to claim you can know who voted? It could have been anyone!