To the Karen Kraft Truther-Trolls Club & Alt-Army:

Originally Posted by Tristesse2
plus ca change plus c'est la meme chose.......

I thought that might kill this thread - shoulda done it long ago...........


Exposant la rhétorique qui essaye de passer pour fait

...have no bloody idea if babelfish worked... :)
I don't recall offering any analysis of the thread. I merely stated that the GB, while ever evolving, is always the same at it's core. A cesspool of animosity.

I miss this place sometimes.

Then perhaps you need to drop in a bit more often!

This and other never ending drama/entertaining threads never fail to remind me of two things:

1. I love this place
2. I am still pissed the KS crossdressing thread was deleted years ago. Nothing will ever top that.
Evidence being shot down...

I seem to be upsetting people... shucks... RobDownSouth set a challenge... I responded...

Evidence being shot down:

Hopefully this won't drag out for years and Ken will either settle on a new alt, come clean under his Kraft name or go away entirely. We got better shit to do around here.
This thread has been lasting longer that the one where KRCummings alt was busted as being a guy as well.
This thread has been lasting longer that the one where KRCummings alt was busted as being a guy as well.

That thread would be great if you had any evidence other than 'It has to be a dude..he he...uhhhh...yeah, only a dude would write that shit'.

Eat a dick, Jimi.
Shit, you're a dumb one.

I thought you said you read the deleted thread?

That shit is Rob's personal vendetta against Ken.

Post a picture of 'Karen's' face.

'She' has posted many over the years.

Ok, go!

Hmm, I snoop into anyone's social media sites I am bound to find shared photographs between the person and their friends. Does that make them one in the same person? No. I go to festivals and concerts with friends and often share photos which we post on social media sites. I am not them and they are not me. Elsewhere on the internet my name, with photos, is associated with various businesses spanning considerable number of years. Are the other people listed with those businesses me? No.

We all have associations with others, friends, family, business etc... to hold up any of these associations as proof that they or we are one and the same person is nonsense.

My answer to "I have read the deleted thread" was this post

After that came... "well she did horrible things..." and I answered that here:
Evidence being shot down:
and here: is not up to me to post a picture of her face... for all I know she may have posted a picture of Barack Obama and claimed it was herself... but I doubt that since I gather she is a staunch republican... whatever...

So how all of this justifies trolling, bullying and stalking... sending emails out randomly to people beyond Literotica... trying to expose someone's true identity on Literotca and their associations with others in the outside world is totally beyond me.

You have no proof she is a he (and so what if that was the case does it justify all I mentioned above?). "Well she posted photos of someone else's family..." again go back to
Evidence being shot down:

Battle her opinions... break them down... call her names if you wish... but the attack into Karen Kraft's personal life was fucking low. Dragging others into this from the outside is just gutter shit.

So there is actually no proof what so ever that anyone can produce that Karen Kraft is a man (and so what if she is a he, Karen Kraft still out debated most.)

RobDownSouth was deceived and Karen Kraft got framed (see above link - Evidence being shot down).

Fuck... if I lived in the US I would be a democrat... but I would still think the government is fucked up (the rest of the world is suffering from your current and past leaders and their parties. Oh by the way thanks for that... NOT!). Would I debate Karen Kraft? Hell no... it wouldn't be worth it. Would I resort to the lies, bullshit, deceit, invasion of her (or even he) private life... troll them on the board, invade her space where she is doing her non-political stuff, regurgitating the same baseless bile over and over to attempt to take her down ...actually no.

Shit, you're a dumb one.

Ok, go!


Edit: this post from above is SSssoo worth repeating. Priceless!

Originally Posted by Type_O_Negative
This thread has been lasting longer that the one where KRCummings alt was busted as being a guy as well.
That thread would be great if you had any evidence other than 'It has to be a dude..he he...uhhhh...yeah, only a dude would write that shit'.

Eat a dick, Jimi.

hey KRCummings, with friends like that who needs enemies?
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Karen says,

"Wahhhhhhhhh....why is everybody picking on me? Can't we all just get along? You are so mean trolling me, picking on me, stalking me..."

I say,

"We do it because it is fun. Grow a weiner and get over already have a weiner. Well, it is still fun laughing at you."
Irrefutable proof!

Look what was just sent to me... My god!!!
Nipples Mcgee said:
Can you please ease up on all this KK stuff. I think it is getting out of hand and could blow up in my face. I don't want anyone knowing that I am really Karen

Irrefutable proof! I knew it all along.




I'm so confused...

Just got another pm and now I just don't know who to believe...

KRCummings said:
If you just got a message from that fucking bald cueball Mcgee, he is pulling his wiener again. I am Karen and I can prove it! That image KK used for herself is the same as my facebook profile pic.







...hell... who would have thought... and I was so ready to believe Nipples Mcgee.
Time to send an email to Nipples Mcgee's wife

Just one more thing to do... following the inspiration provided by "Oh the Great One KRCummings"... With all this proof gathered I must now email Nipples Mcgee's wife (I was so clever in my forensic profiling powers of wondrous deduction I found her email address in her flooziebook account).

I'll have to inform her that Mr Nipples has been frequenting a naughty board for years, pretending to be a tomato seed spitting paedophile. In actual fact I now have it on good authority that his actual identity is that of a bald fucking cueball.
See proof:

He is a naughty naughty liar!!! off to create lots of threads and chase the naughty boy down all over the board yelling "You naughty naughty bald fucking cueball. You naughty naughty bald fucking cueball. You naughty naughty bald fucking cueball. You naughty naughty bald fucking cueball. You naughty naughty bald fucking cueball. You naughty naughty bald fucking cueball. You naughty naughty bald fucking cueball. You naughty naughty bald fucking cueball. You naughty naughty bald fucking cueball. You naughty naughty bald fucking cueball. You naughty naughty bald fucking cueball. You naughty naughty bald fucking cueball. You naughty naughty bald fucking cueball."

Perhaps I can be very threatening (grrr) and put it in big bold red centred font...

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This thread just keeps getting better.

Next up, NightL will show how the government was behind 9-11 and Obama isn't really a citizen. :D