To the Karen Kraft Truther-Trolls Club & Alt-Army:

Just one more thing to do... following the inspiration provided by "Oh the Great One KRCummings"... With all this proof gathered I must now email Nipples Mcgee's wife (I was so clever in my forensic profiling powers of wondrous deduction I found her email address in her flooziebook account).

I'll have to inform her that Mr Nipples has been frequenting a naughty board for years, pretending to be a tomato seed spitting paedophile. In actual fact I now have it on good authority that his actual identity is that of a bald fucking cueball.
See proof:

He is a naughty naughty liar!!! off to create lots of threads and chase the naughty boy down all over the board yelling "You naughty naughty bald fucking cueball. You naughty naughty bald fucking cueball. You naughty naughty bald fucking cueball. You naughty naughty bald fucking cueball. You naughty naughty bald fucking cueball. You naughty naughty bald fucking cueball. You naughty naughty bald fucking cueball. You naughty naughty bald fucking cueball. You naughty naughty bald fucking cueball. You naughty naughty bald fucking cueball. You naughty naughty bald fucking cueball. You naughty naughty bald fucking cueball. You naughty naughty bald fucking cueball."

I love impossible to read posts like this. I must have started ten times -- I still haven't gotten past the second sentence.

I love impossible to read posts like this. I must have started ten times -- I still haven't gotten past the second sentence.


It's a classic Karen ploy to spread uncertainty and doubt around when she gets bad publicity..."share the pain". It's not working so well for him this time around, though.
I don't know why he/she/it cares. Is there any real bank in a Lit persona? Enough to work this hard at bailing it out? Let it go, man.
I don't know why he/she/it cares. Is there any real bank in a Lit persona? Enough to work this hard at bailing it out? Let it go, man.

He's got 10 years and probably hundreds of dollars invested in that persona. He must really miss swapping "recovering from my horrible rape" stories....

not to mention the hawt cyber hookups with Vetteman and Garbage Can.
He's got 10 years and probably hundreds of dollars invested in that persona. He must really miss swapping "recovering from my horrible rape" stories....

not to mention the hawt cyber hookups with Vetteman and Garbage Can.

What is the return on that investment, just cyber hookups?
What is the return on that investment, just cyber hookups?

That's a question you'd have to ask him. He's tried stealthily reintroducing Karen (again, per SOP) but the usual supporters seem to have deserted him.
I love being called The Great One. It puts me on the same level as Jackie Gleason which is just all kinds of awesome.
When I get home the first thing I'm going to do is punch your mamma in the mouth. Heh.
I love being called The Great One. It puts me on the same level as Jackie Gleason which is just all kinds of awesome.

It also puts you on the same level as Wayne Gretzky. Which may be even more kinds of awesome if you think about it.

This thread just keeps getting better.

Next up, NightL will show how the government was behind 9-11 and Obama isn't really a citizen. :D

Not into exposing conspiracy theories... just idiots... I saw a mob, being egged on by a few witless thugs, beating on an individual...

Someone sending emails out to people who they think associated to the victim then running back to the board boasting about how clever they were deserved being exposed for who they are. A cyber-bully / stalker, weak pathetic individual.

The little fan club whipped up believe their egos will be enhanced by riding on the backs of others. In chasing the victim around all over the board they are displaying they have not a clue that they are being manipulated to the glee of the main perpetrators.

The thugs, who are so low in intelligence, can't see beyond the blood that they were set up by someone who now has stepped back into the shadows.

Feeling vulnerable the thugs just keep coming back over and over again... clutching onto their now totally disproved arguments... basically all they can now muster up is limp insults.

KRCummings and Nipples Mcgee you are being played... at least Karen Kraft made her jokes about you out in the open, even if most of it went over your heads...

So who set the pawns up? Was it the person who mocked up the posts to RobDownSouth and created Karen_Kraft and Karen_Kraft_?
It's a classic Karen ploy to spread uncertainty and doubt around when she gets bad publicity..."share the pain". It's not working so well for him this time around, though.

It's starting to look like KK is lovelynice and the rest of that crew, as well.
I am going to bookmark this thread, so I can read it anytime I feel bored/restless/depressed etc about my life. I feel so much better right now!
Can someone read what the moron wrote and break it down to 2 or 3 sentences?

So much little time.

Just think, Miles Ben Zonah, years from now you can sit in front of the fireplace, with your grandchildren on your knees, and tell them how you were an integral part of the uproar. You and "Karen" decided that you had every "right" to post the personal information of other people you disagreed with politically.

Of course, the General Board overwhelmingly disagreed with your "right", by a vote of 100 to 4, one of the most lopsided votes in Literotica history.
Just think, Miles Ben Zonah, years from now you can sit in front of the fireplace, with your grandchildren on your knees, and tell them how you were an integral part of the uproar. You and "Karen" decided that you had every "right" to post the personal information of other people you disagreed with politically.

Of course, the General Board overwhelmingly disagreed with your "right", by a vote of 100 to 4, one of the most lopsided votes in Literotica history.

Rob, seriously. It's time for you to let this one go. We've all heard the story, we've all seen the evidence, yes it was fucked up BUT... it's done.We have all moved past it, we no longer care. Enough. You are creeping into Ken's world the way you keep going on about it. You don't want to look as ridiculous as Ken, I am sure of it. Read this thread... that could be you.