Toy Bag

just thought I'd pop in and supply this link.

It's an inexpensive tack shop. Great quality stuff too. And no, I've never bought anything there for use on anything but a horse.
hoping someone knows what this is

The Dom that i played with last weekend, had a (what he called) "buggy whip"... he's not sure of the exact name..
the body of the whip is very stiff, and then toward the end, it is smaller, and braided, and this part will extend when the whip is whizzing through the air.. this part when idle is about maybe 4" long, but when snapped, will extend around the side of your body.. also has like a feathery thing on the end.. anyone know what this is called? Hope my description is clear... thanks in advance for any help.. hugs to all... sierra
Re: hoping someone knows what this is

SierraMoon said:
The Dom that i played with last weekend, had a (what he called) "buggy whip"... he's not sure of the exact name..
the body of the whip is very stiff, and then toward the end, it is smaller, and braided, and this part will extend when the whip is whizzing through the air.. this part when idle is about maybe 4" long, but when snapped, will extend around the side of your body.. also has like a feathery thing on the end.. anyone know what this is called? Hope my description is clear... thanks in advance for any help.. hugs to all... sierra

That is, indeed, the correct name for the device. Does this pic look like what you are after?

Buggy Whip

Re: hoping someone knows what this is

Tatewaki said:

That is, indeed, the correct name for the device. Does this pic look like what you are after?

Buggy Whip

Yes, T, that is exactly what it looked like... thanks so much for the reply!!! I will be sure to let him know..
thanks again, hugs to you.. sierra:)
Here cellis...

There are still a few places where you can get such things. For example:

Another buggy whip

i kinda get the impression that nobody uses them on horses any more. Do you suppose those PETA people have anything to do with that?

This one looks a little meaner than the one Tatewaki sent.

The important thing is did you LIKE it?

Hope this helps. :D
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Re: Here cellis...

DRxBlue said:
There are still a few places where you can get such things. For example:

Another buggy whip

i kinda get the impression that nobody uses them on horses any more. Do you suppose those PETA people have anything to do with that?

This one looks a little meaner than the one Tatewaki sent.

The important thing is did you LIKE it?

Hope this helps. :D
yes, that does seem a bit meaner than the one he has..
Yes, i did enjoy it.. stung pretty good, tho..:p
By the way.. does anyone know the French term for the buggy whips? My Dom was wondering...... thanks :D
:rose: sierra
According to Babelfish

"Buggy Whip" = "fouet de boguet"

That'd be [Fooay duh Boogay]

It's possible that they have a single word for the toy. This just means "whip of buggy". Babelfish is pretty literal and doesn't know a lot of colloquial terms.

It might be the phrase he's "fishing" for.
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Re: Re: Here cellis...

SierraMoon said:

yes, that does seem a bit meaner than the one he has..
Yes, i did enjoy it.. stung pretty good, tho..:p
By the way.. does anyone know the French term for the buggy whips? My Dom was wondering...... thanks :D
:rose: sierra

I've always heard them referred to as dressage whips.
I love the idea of teasing so one thing that sits in my toybox is a pastry brush. It only cost a couple of pounds and is great for when very soft strokes to the skin are needed.
After very hard play, sometimes even fingertips are too much. A pastry brush (feather duster, etc) at that point might be more exquisite sensation - and no chance at all of further "damage".
cymbidia said:
After very hard play, sometimes even fingertips are too much. A pastry brush (feather duster, etc) at that point might be more exquisite sensation - and no chance at all of further "damage".

I like to use rabbit fur or mink gloves

Just my preference
Oooh yes. Or perhaps a bit of soft fabric. I used to live in a town that had a market - there was a stall that sold fabric and at the end of the day, it was possible to go and buy cheap remnants. It's quite possible to get some really soft pretty fabrics - plus they could be quite useful for bindings.