Traveling with Toys

Great, now i can't get the movie "From The Hip" out of my head.

Picture a court room, sly attorney setting up a witness and the DA ...

Picture a cross examination about not knowing a murder weapon could be under the front seat of the defendant's car ...

Picture the Defense attorney walking over to the DA's business valise and pulling out a monster vibrator, turning it on and dropping it on the DA's table ...

Picture the DA pleading with the Judge for help while he tries to turn it off ...

Picture a black female judge with Eb's demeanor telling said DA, "Don't look at me ... it ain't mine," in the tone we've all come to know from Eb ...

Great ... just great ...
I plan on being armed to the teeth anywhere I go...just like I am now.

Did you know you can check a bag with swords in it?!?
Well, I have two arms, and lots of teeth! And I don't have to check them in when I go through airports. So that'll do me.
Johnny Mayberry said:
I plan on being armed to the teeth anywhere I go...just like I am now.

Did you know you can check a bag with swords in it?!?

As a matter of fact, yeah :D
I remember hearing on the the news about a woman being pulled off the plane because her checked bag was humming. A vibrator. Once again it seems wise to remove any batteries.

Is there a humilliation aspect to having a sub pack a bag full of toys?
I flew this weekend, and as always I had toys in the bag. Since it was a domestic flight, I did not lock it, but I use twist ties or tie wraps to secure it.

I never travel with batteries, but buy them when I get to where I am going, and leave them when I go home. My bag was not searched going, but it was search on my return.

I would give almost anything to see the security guards face when they opened my toy bag.

I was travelling light, only two eggs and two anal vibrators!
bunny bondage said:
wow, i'm super late on this thread, but i wanted to welcome you back, Eb! we might be flatmates someday, i have big plans to move to the UK at some point! ^_^

That would have been nice, but My England relationship is over, and I am firmly rooted in the good ole USA!
I have travelled with my bag full of toys on several occasions once before to the US and never has anything been said or did I notice anything. With the exception when I travelled to down under.

My bag was opened by the customs and unpacked completely. Interestingly enough I think the guy who was checking my bag was into BDSM himself since he asked me a lot of questions on how to use the stuff and was surprised by certain things I had with me. One of the tools I had with me was a ruler and he did not know what it was used for so I explained to him in detail. After that he asked me to which I clubs I was going to visit and he almost invited me to go with him, until I explained that I was going to meet a female sub.:)

catalina_francisco said:
I have travelled with my bag full of toys on several occasions once before to the US and never has anything been said or did I notice anything. With the exception when I travelled to down under.

My bag was opened by the customs and unpacked completely. Interestingly enough I think the guy who was checking my bag was into BDSM himself since he asked me a lot of questions on how to use the stuff and was surprised by certain things I had with me. One of the tools I had with me was a ruler and he did not know what it was used for so I explained to him in detail. After that he asked me to which I clubs I was going to visit and he almost invited me to go with him, until I explained that I was going to meet a female sub.:)


I think that they have seen it all more than once. I just let them look. LOL