Trouble in Kahunaville...

sassy_girl1963 said:
Bumping this back up - did you all see the article on msnbc about Ambien?

Driving under the influence - sleeping pills
Wow, I read that but I'm in no way surprised. I mean this stuff messes me up, so I couldn't imagine driving on it! I particularly found this to be very telling:
In Washington state, for example, officials counted 78 impaired-driving arrests in which Ambien was a factor last year, up from 56 in 2004. Some of Washington's zombie-like drivers said they took the sleeping pill while behind the wheel so that it would kick in by bedtime.
NO no no no no!!!!! Trust me on this, take it, put your little head on the pillow and close your eyes. That's it! it works that freakin fast!

Seriously, I can last about 45 minutes before I can't balance and start having conversations I can't remember. Driving is just stupid!!

I have had some trouble in the mornings getting up and driving to work. Luckily my wife and I car pool, so if I'm too groggy she can drive, and there have been days. It's all about being smart. Many people just don't think things through.
Thought of the Kahuna as soon as I saw the story! Cannot imagine taking an Ambien and driving; though I did have a friend in rehab who used to take 40 Ambien a day and drive. Amazing she's alive.
vanelane said:
Thought of the Kahuna as soon as I saw the story! Cannot imagine taking an Ambien and driving; though I did have a friend in rehab who used to take 40 Ambien a day and drive. Amazing she's alive.
WHAT!?!?!?! :eek:

40 a day? OMG, I can't even imagine! :cool:
TBKahuna123 said:
WHAT!?!?!?! :eek:

40 a day? OMG, I can't even imagine! :cool:

Oh, I know! Plus a whole lot of opiates on top of that. And she lived in a rather small town in Arkansas, so she did a *lot* of driving to different towns to see different doctors, go to different pharmacies, etc. God was definitely watching out for her.