Trump Shreds Kamala In Rigged 3 v 1 Debate

Gateway pundit. lmao

How can you be this stupid? Seriously, you'll believe anything trump says.

You're giving timtard rapey a run for his money.
RightGuido seems to be hell-bent on pushing any and all conspiracy theories today
Here's a real conspiracy theory he somehow missed:
Do you know why things seemed so slanted in favor of Harris?

Because she outperformed Trump. She answered the questions, without bluster or bullying, and gave good answers to the questions.

She outperformed Trump. That simple.

Every time Trump loses at anything- he pretends he won, then cries that "it was rigged.". Because he isn't emotionally mature enough to accept defeat.
Some of you people apparently aren't either.

He lost the debate because he had no valid coherent or relevant answers. Plain and simple. It's a shame you CHILDREN aren't mature enough, or intelligent enough, to accept that.

Biden supporters didn't claim the debate was rigged against him two months ago, or claim that he "Won" that debate (though even there, he at least TRIED to answer the questions rather than dodge and deflect them.) Because... Trump clearly outperformed Biden at that debate.

Harris outperformed Trump at the debate. Face up to it, get over it, grow the fuck up and move on.