
Re: *Applause* That was sweet--and subtle

Well said, Dr Blue. This is indeed a rare place, and with people like you and lots more like you stepping up to the plate, it will be protected.

You are a-okay.

Now tell me, what's Freya really like?

DRxBlue said:
Yes! You very neatly steered us back to the course this thread was set on. Your answer to the question complete, yet understated. Thank you.

It IS nice to find a place like this where we can often let down our masks and unbuckle the armor RL makes compulsory.

Then (with luck) we can talk about; secret desires, feelings we think we might want to act upon, trying to define what directions we'd like to explore and finding out if anyone else has been there.

i think we're quite justified in trying to protect our small haven. Those of us who've explored the web a lot know that a rare and wonderful group has collected here. They continue to come.

By concentrating on the sharing of joys, fears, experience and laughter, we can try to keep the spirit of this forum alive.

Who? Huh?

i hardly KNOW the superlittlegirl...

Oh, the AV....uhh, thing...

Lemme put it this way. In the 2½ months since i first encountered this "scathingly brilliant" intellect (not to mention a rather nice bit of "eyecandy") i have smiled and laughed and been repeatedly knocked on my ass but sheer outrageous craziness more than in any time since she's been born.

Does that make sense? ...NO!

Way back in May when we first started passing notes i coined a phrase which has described the whole situation quite well.

"This is impossible! But it's happening ANYWAY!"

She's a sweetheart, but she NOT my girlfriend!!! :D (that would ruin it)

And in conclusion let me say that Freya is really...
