Truth In Fiction

A "this is a true story" statement in the beginning of a story always makes me think that I'm reading Letters to Penthouse or something. That line is a sure way of making me hit the back-button before I've even read the first paragraph.
This is a true story.

What this really means is

This is a true story; only the facts have been changed.

Re: This is a true story.

Octavian said:
What this really means is

This is a true story; only the facts have been changed.


Or ... "this is a true story ... well it was in my imagination!" ;)

Pookie :rose:
and adding the simultaneous orgasm four or five times, well...

I've been married (this time) almost twenty-four years, and I consider my sex life to be quite satisfactory. I think I can count the times we've had simultaneous orgasms on my hands.

In my stories, I'm less likely to have the characters say, "Well, this position didn't work as well as advertised--let's go back to what we're used to."
Unless I'm familiar enough with the person writing the story to think that they're reasonably honest, whenever I see "This is a true story" I don't believe a word of it.
Fiction, Schmiction

I've noticed that when writers state, "This really happened to me," the story ends up being something very juvenile and totally unbelievable. That sort of statement, to me, means go on to something else.

I once read a quote of Ernest Hemmingway's to the effect that it's in poor taste for a reader to ask if something is autobiographical. It's also in poor taste for the writer to answer the question.

I once read a quote of Ernest Hemmingway's to the effect that it's in poor taste for a reader to ask if something is autobiographical. It's also in poor taste for the writer to answer the question.

I'll have to remember that, next time anybody asks me that.

It just occurred to me now, that with the consensus running the way it is, if something amazing ever happens to me IRL, I'll have to tell about it as fiction because no one'll believe me anyway.

BTW, MG, I like your new AV.
dr_mabeuse said:
I tend to make my characters very excpressive. They vocalize, grimace, smile, gasp, grunt, they act out their feelings. They also tend to be very passionate, very swept up in their feelings. They don't stop and wonder whether they've locked the door or whether their ass looks too big. In fact they don't think much at all; they just feel.

On a similar, pertinent note, characters in my stories are far too involved in doing what they are doing to enquire about things other than their/their partner's pleasure, this includes being turned on by voyeurs whilst in the act.

It's like that for me in life too.

When I read "professional guidance" on how to spice up your love life by fantasising whilst 'doing it' I always wander how anyone finds the time or clarity of mind to think of anything else. When I see articles on women's fantasies, imagining their partner is someone else, then one of these couples is doing something seriously wrong.

Or is it that these articles mean masturbation when they say love-making, because girlies don't masturbate?


That's an excellent point you make about real life love-making being a lot more light-hearted and humorous than what's usually presented in porn.

Most of my RL love-making involves a lot of lightness and play. How can you not laugh when the very act of coitus is so patently silly? You tease, you play, you experiment, you find one position doesn't work at all, you feel silly trying to arrange yourself into some Kama Sutra posture, you kneel on the tube of KY jelly...

In my erotica there's a strict no smiling policy. This is very serious business.

In fact, I might be wrong, but I would be willing to bet that it's not possible to write a really hot erotic scene that's humorous too. Humor seems to defuse the tension that's necessary for good porn.

Re: SvenskaFlicka--

dr_mabeuse said:
In fact, I might be wrong, but I would be willing to bet that it's not possible to write a really hot erotic scene that's humorous too. Humor seems to defuse the tension that's necessary for good porn.


Sounds like a nice challenge. I might have an idea or two that I may try sometime soon. Will be interesting to see if a hot erotic scene can be humorous as well. That will definitely take some character development, even if it is just a scene.

Nice idea, Dr. M!

Pookie :rose:
Re: SvenskaFlicka--

dr_mabeuse said:
In fact, I might be wrong, but I would be willing to bet that it's not possible to write a really hot erotic scene that's humorous too. Humor seems to defuse the tension that's necessary for good porn.---dr.M.

Actually a lot of, maybe even the majority of my sex scenes are a joke... Um wait, that didn't come out right.

Okay being serious now. I really do inject humor into most of my love scenes. Usually it takes the form of some bit of realism that we can all relate to and a lot of it (unfortunately) comes from my own experience with the more absurb aspects of sex.

But I do think that while you can joke your way into the scene, at some point the writing has to turn serious in order for it to generate any heat. Even then I'm not sure if it works all that well, but I have to say I have a hell of a lot more fun writing these kinds of scenes than I do deadly serious sex. Of course maybe that 's because when I do try to do hot and heavy, I always seem to end up with something that sounds like Harlequin, at least to me.

dr_mabeuse said:
... So I'm wondering: Do you mess with reality in order to make the sex more exciting in your stories, and if so, how?

Actually, I've tried to keep it as "real" as possible, or as real as I know it to be. When I read the more exagerrated stories, I tend to roll my eyes a few times too often to get any real enjoyment out of it. But maybe that's just me. ;)

Great topic, by the way. :rose:
really do inject humor into most of my love scenes. Usually it takes the form of some bit of realism that we can all relate to and a lot of it (unfortunately) comes from my own experience with the more absurb aspects of sex.

Yeah, I remember that scene in The Human Condition where Mike attempted to administer a blow job for the first time, choked, and said, "How in hell does anyone do this?" I loved that! :)
SlickTony said:
Yeah, I remember that scene in The Human Condition where Mike attempted to administer a blow job for the first time, choked, and said, "How in hell does anyone do this?" I loved that! :)

Thanks, Tony.

Good question Dr.

I think it greatly depends on the story itself. If the story is intended for a quick, one-two punch...then yes. And I think a lot of writers would possibly agree. If we're going for a quick impact story with lots of excitement, then I believe the sex is "always" the very best it can be.

I've read, (and written) stories that still erotic, sometimes paint the situation and the characters as less than satisfied or fullfilled, leaving room for a continuation, and then perhaps later a culmination of some perfect evening or encounter.

Whether it's reading...or writing. I think it all depends on the mood we're in. But both work very well.

Sort of reminds me of an old commercial:

Taste's great........less filling. Some like a little of each.

I remain,
Re: Good question Dr.

Thesandman said:
Taste's great........less filling.

Well, it doesn't taste great ... that's a given. So it must be less filling, although some of those scenes have the "gallons" of ....

OHHH, you were just using that in just a rhetorical sense. Silly me. ;)

Pookie :rose:
On the other hand there is a perfectly respectable mode of writing which does rely on impossibles, usually in Sci-Fi and Fantasy but not always. One of the most interesting I've seen is the start of "The Training" chain story. My episode is very tame, I know, but some of the early ones are fascinating for the possibilities they envisage.

I actually wrote the third chapter of The Training. When I said that I resist abusing reality, I didn't mean that I don't bend the rules of reality in my stories (I have one with a woman being seduced by a satyr. QED). I just like to have my characters react realistically to whatever happens and for there to be a good reason.

If I ever go for the 14 inch cock and the woman who cums as soon as she's entered, feel free to shoot me.

The Earl

PS. If anyone knows someone with a 14 inch cock, then they should refer them to the Guinness book of Records. 13 is the longest on record.
I saw a porn flick where they stated that the guy had 15 inches. OK, it sure was long, it took several seconds for him to stroke it from the head to the bottom, which made it look like he was jerking off a ski pole, but since I only saw it on screen and not in real life, I can't tell if it really WAS 15 inches. On screen, everything is ½inch...

"OHHH, you were just using that in just a rhetorical sense. Silly me"

Not necessarily! :p

I remain,