Try This & Report Back

I posted this a while back.

I thought I'd post it again. It's THAT much fun and besides if ya don't read all 3,000++ pages of this thread then you're liable to miss it and she'd never forgive you for missing this one !!

************ IDEAS FOR PERVS *****************

Don't forget that during sex and during a woman's heightened neuronic response, her pain threshold triples. In other words if you do something painful to her while she's sipping tea and discussing which moron we should vote for she'd likely have to arrested for assault. At the very least you'd get a frying pan (HOT) up the side of the head to dissuade you from ever contemplating such a move any time during the rest of your present life time - that's if you ever woke up!

Do the same deed (pinch, slap - not her face fool, scratch) after you've sucked on her clit for 5 minutes or, as I like to suggest (hence the GSPOT thread on LIT) give her a dozen or more raging G-Gasms from poking her in the right place and she likely wouldn't notice if you sawed off her left leg!!! They do NOT feel pain when they are THAT aroused.


Get some GINGER root from a store. Carve a sprig off - about the size of a small finger. Do NOT sharpen the ends but whittle it down so it can slide into tight places easily (evil grin) then proceed just like you are "normal" and don't really read perverted ideas on these Family threads.

Do the suck thang. She'll be turned on like crazy. Do the GSpot thang ... give her a half dozen good screamers. Do 'em FAST and hard so she is barely able to catch her breath. Stop for a sec and (you have to prepare this in advance* see above instructions) and use it at the right moment) . With the abundant moisture provided by your partner, wet one end of the ginger. Insert it where the sun don't shine (that's her BUM for you dunderheads from the high north where the sun won't shine again until May!) Wait about a minute. After about that length of time the sprig of ginger will begin to feel - to HER - like you've just inserted a CURLING IRON in her butt. This is sulphur molecules bonding with the base of her nerve endings just like hot sauce works on your tongue. It is organic and non toxic. Maybe ask her if she likes GINGER in her Chinese food first. If she tells you she goes into anaphylactic SHOCK if ginger gets near her then think of something ELSE kinky to do to her. Use your imagination. Otherwise her bum is going to BE ON FIRE. Continue giving her G-Gasms. Swat her bum like you're trying to kill a swarm of wasps that have just landed there and you're saving her from being "stung" to death. Tell her there was a wasp on her bum. It'll confuse her. Splatter another (imaginary) wasp. Kill the whole nest.... whack whack whack whack - you get the idea! Her bum will be BURNING. Her ass will be BURNING and she'll be G-Gasming all through this. Her brain will be TURBO-CHARGED. Her brain will melt. She will be a mindless blob of sweating, twitching flesh trying to remember what planet she is on and what her name used to be.

AT the end, remove the sprig of ginger. Have some COLD cold cream on hand. Rub it all over her cheeks. Tell her she's a GOOD girl for letting you kill all those nasty bugs what landed on her behind and ask her if her anus is recovering from the one wasp who made it past you and stung her rosebud. If she doesn't laugh at ALL your joke(s) start again.

EXTRA points will be handed out for IMAGINATION.

No matter how much FUN she had (or you) avoid doing this every damn night. The next night give her a slow gentle deeep tongue lashing, let her cum deep and slow and then cuddle. Tell her "tonight is a freebie, Babe, because you were so good last night."
Don't forget routine is the mother of boredom and boredom is ever divorce lawyers best friend.
Science & Studies

Thanks for the post. I'm devastated!!

he weirdest "research" into the GSpot I've ever read / come across was a study that examined 13 CADAVERS. Their report claimed definitively and once and forever, that none of their test subjects had demonstrated, in any way, under any examination, that they had any GSpot or other anomaly on, in or around their vagina. They further stated that ANY woman who claimed to be enjoying some weird new orgasm or source of orgasm was

a) delusional
b) trying to make other women feel inferior or suffering some serious sexual deficit.

Pity science is still so clueless.

SAD that a scientific study actually publishes such a factual and well researched conclusion (not!!) and we're all supposed to ignore what we have seen, felt (tasted) and simply accept this conclusion.

"""The G-spot is more of a thing like New York City is a thing. It's a region, it's a convergence of many different structures."""

OK the GSPOT is a NYC kinda thing.

Cum t think of it the only place (so far) this DIDN'T work for me, as I had so hoped it would, was NYC - so maybe they're right.
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Tilted uterus?

This has been a long fantasy of mine. My wife has agreed to let me explore her g-spot using fingers and toys. Her only concern is that her uterus is tilted. Would this be a problem to keep her from having a squirting orgasm?
G-Spot Trials and Tribulations

That video link has been posted a number of times in this thread.

It is a GREAT demo showing the typical reaction of a woman when her GSPOT is up and firing on all 12 cylinders!! The whole body spazmodic muscle contractions, the gasping for breath, the eyes rolling back in the head and an almost (or complete) OUT OF BODY feeling that many women experience is mind bogglingly good. For them. It also makes their partner feel 12 feet tall.

I've stated all through this thread that your technique should be whatever turns her crank. Variations are good but find a position SHE is most comfortable in - a position where she can ZONE OUT completely and allow her body and her head to be completely consumed and overwhelmed with these repeating waves of orgasm.

Many partners WILL find that for extended periods the face down and thumb technique IS the best because you can maintain the speed and pressure for long periods of time. All the other techniques and positions that I know or have tried result in cramping wrists, forearms or fingers. The TRY THIS technique is like sawing wood so you can do it for hours. I think it's gonna be a cooold winter.

Even though I knew about the g-spot when I was in my early-20's, I was afraid to let go. I had my first g-spot orgasm when I was 35, around the time I started squirting. It was nice, but nowhere near the intensity described by some of the posters here. Either my g-spot orgasms are excruciatingly painful like menstrual cramps or they are soft waves of warmth deep inside, not even 10% as good as my clitoral orgasms. My ex-husband used to say that my brain is messed up and confuses pleasure and pain, and that's why I'll never get good g-spot orgasms. However, I squirt each time I have a g-spot orgasm, regardless of whether it's pleasurable or not, so something has been activated. Any thoughts about this would be appreciated.
Gspot stimulation similar to this is how that I squirt. I usually gently finger myself until I get into it more and more, making sure every time that I glide against the spot. When I get close to orgasm, I practically drive my finger right into the g-spot and voila! :kiss: Amazing orgasms.
This has been a long fantasy of mine. My wife has agreed to let me explore her g-spot using fingers and toys. Her only concern is that her uterus is tilted. Would this be a problem to keep her from having a squirting orgasm?

I really don't believe that it's so. I am not an OB nurse, but anatomically I don't see how the gspot would be related to the uterus, and seeing as how squirt comes out of the urethra rather than the *i hate this word* "vagina," it shouldn't matter.
Gspot stimulation similar to this is how that I squirt. I usually gently finger myself until I get into it more and more, making sure every time that I glide against the spot. When I get close to orgasm, I practically drive my finger right into the g-spot and voila! :kiss: Amazing orgasms.

So, if I understand you correctly, you glide against the spot until right before orgasm and then press on it. I found that if I press hard throughout the process, the orgasms are intense but painful and if I press lightly, they are pleasurable but mild. My clitoral orgasms cause my whole body to spasm and twitch, including limbs and head. They are totally pleasurable and intense. Any more suggestions would be appreciated.
So, if I understand you correctly, you glide against the spot until right before orgasm and then press on it. I found that if I press hard throughout the process, the orgasms are intense but painful and if I press lightly, they are pleasurable but mild. My clitoral orgasms cause my whole body to spasm and twitch, including limbs and head. They are totally pleasurable and intense. Any more suggestions would be appreciated.

Exactly! That is how I do it. I notice right before I am ready to cum, when I start to press on the gspot hard it begins to feel spongier (Swells? I don't know.) and alot wetter in my pussy as well. Then I focus on pressing on it and I end up cumming super hard.

Clitoral orgasms are amazing too. Here is what i see as the difference of the two (Of course, embarassingly enough, I get my clitoral orgasms by riding furniture clothed :eek:)

Clitoral: Whole body, ear ringing, star seeing, end all whole body orgasm. Usually don't go much more after this. Used to me by preferred method until recently when I discovered how to make myself squirt.

Gspot: When squirting, an amazing release. That's the best way I can describe it, and by saying that it seems to be more fulfilling when I cum in a sense. I know that seems silly since the clitoral is more of the end-all, but if you can manage to squirt, you will see what I mean. I know that's a terrible description :eek:.. Anyway this way I can cum many, many times in a row and although they are not whole body, they are amazing enough to trade out for it, especially if you are looking for some endurance in your night. Of course; I am extremely easy to make orgasm so I can't necessarily speak for all women.

I hope somehow that helped sweetie. If you want more details please also feel free to pm me :kiss: :rose:
A BUMP and what appears to be an idiotic

survey of the obvious. This quote in the article suggests it is another article written by some dude with several impressive DOCTORATES in what makes the world go 'round but has never stopped to actually LIVE any of this and check things out for themselves.

""My guess? There’s a reasonable chance a sensitive, anatomically unique and distinctive nexus, the G-spot, exists.""

A "reasonable chance" ??? WOW! ya think?

Just below the big pink G is the link to the survey. Sorry. The rest of the page is mostly ads for his vibe designs or something. The actual survey suggests that whoever is asking the questions has never managed to make anything happen without some type of POWER TOOL!
Always curious. Here's my own G-SURVEY.

1) How many of you discovered the GSpot on your own? How many read some HOW
TO (like this thread) article or book and discovered that it really does work?

2) How many have tried it - any technique, position, tool etc - and discovered that it

3) How many are still trying.

4) How many partners have TAUGHT (ie: their woman didn't know they had a GSpot
before) their woman about this?

5) How many partners taught lovers how to do this to/for their G-Spot? In other words -
they already knew about it.

6) How many enjoy multiple G-Gasms? How many can only stand a couple of
G-Gasms. How many can or will go for HOURS?

7) How do you rate MOST G-Gasms? As good as clitoral? Better? Nice but not the
same? Hate them/don't have them.

8) Method/techniques? What do you find the most effective? What do you feel is the
most intimate? Does it matter?

9) What are the AGES approximately of lover(s) who this stimulation has worked on?

10) Does GSpot stimulation / G-Gasms improve with age? Does it supplement regular

11) Does GSpot stimulation make orgasming during regular intercourse easier?

12) A woman who has discovered that her GSPOT works and is enjoying those O's -
has it improved your relationship? Has it increased her self confidence? Is she
hornier than she used to be or the same? Has the TRUST in your relationship
increased or remained the same?

Exactly! That is how I do it. I notice right before I am ready to cum, when I start to press on the gspot hard it begins to feel spongier (Swells? I don't know.) and alot wetter in my pussy as well. Then I focus on pressing on it and I end up cumming super hard.

Clitoral orgasms are amazing too. Here is what i see as the difference of the two (Of course, embarassingly enough, I get my clitoral orgasms by riding furniture clothed :eek:)

Clitoral: Whole body, ear ringing, star seeing, end all whole body orgasm. Usually don't go much more after this. Used to me by preferred method until recently when I discovered how to make myself squirt.

Gspot: When squirting, an amazing release. That's the best way I can describe it, and by saying that it seems to be more fulfilling when I cum in a sense. I know that seems silly since the clitoral is more of the end-all, but if you can manage to squirt, you will see what I mean. I know that's a terrible description :eek:.. Anyway this way I can cum many, many times in a row and although they are not whole body, they are amazing enough to trade out for it, especially if you are looking for some endurance in your night. Of course; I am extremely easy to make orgasm so I can't necessarily speak for all women.

I hope somehow that helped sweetie. If you want more details please also feel free to pm me :kiss: :rose:

Thank you so much, sweetie! I used your advice and it helped me. While I only had one g-gasm using my man's penis, it worked. He kept pressing on the spot harder and harder, and I felt my insides quiver and it almost felt like I was giving birth. But instead of being painful and intense or pleasurable and weak, it was pleasurable and intense. I was moaning like there was no tomorrow. Then, my body started twitching and quivering. I thought it was a blended orgasm, but my clit was not sensitive. I couldn't believe how much my anus was spasming, and fluid squirting out without me having to bear down. I used to have to bear down to expel the fluid. Has this happened to you? I would love to hear the juicy details, and thanks again for your help!
Mr. G asked the following questions, and attached are my answers in large caps. Looking forward to other responses, Lilly

1) How many of you discovered the GSpot on your own? How many read some HOW
TO (like this thread) article or book and discovered that it really does work?

2) How many have tried it - any technique, position, tool etc - and discovered that it
works? YES

3) How many are still trying. YES, WITH MORE TECHNIQUES

4) How many partners have TAUGHT (ie: their woman didn't know they had a GSpot

5) How many partners taught lovers how to do this to/for their G-Spot? In other words -

6) How many enjoy multiple G-Gasms? How many can only stand a couple of

7) How do you rate MOST G-Gasms? As good as clitoral? Better? Nice but not the

8) Method/techniques? What do you find the most effective? What do you feel is the

9) What are the AGES approximately of lover(s) who this stimulation has worked on? AGE RANGE IS 35 TO 50.

10) Does GSpot stimulation / G-Gasms improve with age? Does it supplement regular

11) Does GSpot stimulation make orgasming during regular intercourse easier?

12) A woman who has discovered that her GSPOT works and is enjoying those O's -
has it improved your relationship? Has it increased her self confidence? Is she
hornier than she used to be or the same? Has the TRUST in your relationship


As discussed MANY times here, what goes on between her EARS is of utmost importance as far as ANY sexual activity goes. I believe even more so with G-Gasms and out of control sex. If she isn't fully mentally and emotionally in tune with what is happening it can be very difficult for the G to fire up - even when the sensation is known to the woman. I've experienced this - seen it several times and although it was a huge disappointment at the time I also knew the woman would be able to experience this with the "right" partner and under the right circumstances. In all cases the women I've known where this did NOT happen as hoped were HIGHLY intelligent, wanted it to happen but the mental connection (emotional) just wasn't there. When the connection IS there I can also testify that the results are pure MAGIC!!! For both partners!!

Here is a good article along those lines.


Great sex is all in the mind

Picture the scene: a woman goes to see a sex therapist because she finds it hard to orgasm. Although she still loves her partner, for some reason, they’ve lost that connection and are no longer in tune with one another. Whenever he wants sex, she isn’t in the mood, and when she tries to be affectionate to him he is evasive or turns away. She lacks that instinctive ability to know what she enjoys and how to ask for it.

At the end of the session, the therapist gives the following analysis: ‘I think if you were smarter, your sexual satisfaction would improve.’
An outrageous scenario and a pretty brutal opinion, but there certainly appears to be some evidence that intelligence or – more accurately – emotional intelligence is at the root of truly enjoyable sex.

According to a study of more than 2,000 female twins by academics at King’s College London, the greater a woman’s emotional intelligence (EI), the greater her ability to climax. These women were also more aware of their own feelings and emotions, as well as other people’s – which is crucial, say the researchers.

Conversely, women on the lowest quarter of the EI scale had a noticeably diminished chance of attaining orgasm. There is also evidence that regular sex – which is more likely if it’s satisfying – can improve a woman’s intelligence. The link is estrogen, believe some scientists. According to Dr Daniel Amen at the University of California, ‘Enhancing estrogen levels through regular sexual activity increases overall brain activity.’

I wasn’t too startled by these results. As editor of The Erotic Review magazine for eight years, I had noticed that smart women often seemed well equipped to enjoy rewarding sex, particularly the academics who wrote regularly for me. The fact that they were intellectually adventurous led them to be sexually daring, too. A good education is, of course, a form of liberation and the best kind of sex generally involves a corresponding sense of abandonment, as well as a sophisticated imagination. Psychotherapist and sex therapist Martin Lloyd-Elliott agrees. ‘The brain is key, ranging from the pituitary gland, which can significantly affect your libido, to your imagination,’ he says. ‘And the quality of your imagination is a crucial element in being able to achieve satisfactory orgasms.’

The link between the brain and good sex was brought home to me dramatically some years back when I curated a small display of historic erotic art at the Oxford Union. I asked the female librarian whether she would be bothered by images of penetration, orgies and flagellation. She replied calmly, ‘I’m a classicist, so nothing shocks me.’ Quite so – if you’ve spent hours reading about the debauchery of the Roman emperors Tiberius, Caligula and Nero, then you’re likely to be pretty broadminded.

There are other reasons women with a high EI may enjoy better sex. They are likely to be articulate, good communicators who know how to tell their partner what turns them on. Many women’s inability to orgasm is not because their body somehow fails them, but because they are too embarrassed or fearful to issue instructions to their lover – or to experiment with new sexual positions that may better facilitate a climax.

As Lloyd-Elliott says, ‘To say that greater EI automatically leads to better sex is over-simplistic. But people who are emotionally intelligent are more likely to have faculties that will serve them well sexually. Really satisfying sex relies so much on understanding your partner. A woman who has a highly developed sense of self, an emotional sensitivity and ability to read others is more likely to truly be in sync with their partner physically.’

It could also be that emotionally intelligent women are less likely to fall back on faking orgasms, because it’s rarely to your long-term advantage to let a man believe he’s turned you on when he hasn’t – far better to work together towards finding the right triggers and making sexual pleasure a two-way process.

Psychoanalyst Anouchka Grose and author of No More Silly Love Songs, points out that emotional intelligence is as much about the ability to give as take. She says it’s about, ‘knowing how to give people what they want at the same time as getting what you want. If you can do that, you’ll go far – in and out of bed.’ It’s true, as there’s no reason why someone should spend time and effort attending to your sexual pleasure if you won’t devote yourself to theirs.

But one of the main reasons that imaginative women experience more orgasms is that they are adept at fantasizing. Any researcher in the field of human sexuality will tell you that the female climax is more complex than the male one and often doesn’t arise from physical stimuli alone. Emotional and mental factors play a huge part in bringing women to orgasm.

Women’s fantasies don’t tend to be as straightforward as many men’s but involve layers of storytelling and context. A novelist I know once told me that her key sexual fantasy involved her being a teenage girl on a trans-Siberian train in the nineteenth century, traveling with her nanny and being forced to watch as Cossack soldiers seduced her. No man I have ever met has confessed to thinking something that detailed while in bed with a lover.

Clearly one shouldn’t be too fixed about linking the brain with satisfying sex – as author and philosopher Dr Maria Alvarez points out, many clever women have inhibiting neuroses. It’s true – we all know uncomplicated, non-intellectual types who benefit from their lack of hang-ups in the bedroom. And, clearly, you can be emotionally intelligent without having a Mensa score off the scale.

Having said that, there has to be a pretty good reason why so many sexologists agree that a woman’s largest erogenous zone is her brain.
GAWD I love this ....

More debate by so called experts and researchers as to whether the G really really exists or not, whether it is part of the clitoral "root" or not and how to tell the diff. Then there's the research that shows the clit and the G-spot affect the BRAIN in different ways. But wait! IS there a G-Spot? When one researcher says it doesn't exist but different parts of the brain are stimulated differently it MUST given even the dullest of researchers osme indication that it IS different. Or they could just ASK a few ladies who KNOW. But again - you don't expect a researcher to believe anything but his own research, right? Why would he listen to some woman. Like she's supposed to know.

I guess the controversy is good because more and more people are discovering what the best researchers still wander the wildnerness searching for. Some have found it already. We'll let the experts wander for a while longer.

The short version: ‘If the vagina stimulation is simply working via clitoral stimulations, then vaginal stimulation and clitoral stimulation should activate the exact same place in the sensory cortex,' Komisaruk told LiveScience. ‘But they don't.'

Still a good read

The G-Spot Debate Has Turned Into a Vaginal Witchhunt

The G-Spot Debate Has Turned Into a Vaginal WitchhuntOh, g-spot orgasm. The media loves telling us that we should be having you all the time. (5 ways to have a highly specific orgasm from penis sex! And 5 reasons he thinks this is sexy!) And yet the media loves these studies about how your g-spot orgasm doesn't exist. Those silly women, and their silly fake orgasms.

LiveScience's recently reminded us of this debate/double-bind with an article succinctly titled "Does the Female Orgasm Exist? Experts Debate."

Why is this even a debate? If Cosmo can proclaim to know whether or not the g-spot is a thing, shouldn't science know one way or another? You'd think, but you'd be wrong. Those studying the button cannot confirm or deny its existence. And most of the studies just kind of...suck. Writer Jen McCreight covered last year; she points to Andrea Burri's 2010 study out of Kings College of London, which didn't actually include physiological assessments of women. Researchers simply asked whether or not they believed they had one. Over at the "the g-spot exists" party, one super-cited study by Florian Wimpissinger proving the g's existence only had a sample size of two, and no controls.McCreight also points out that this paper which was about g-spot ejaculate not being urine was done by a guy named Florian Wimpissinger.

The latest iteration of this "debate" is sparked by some new research. On one side we have the idea is that g-spot orgasms are just clitoral orgasms:

French gynecologist Odile Buisson argues in her Journal of Sexual Medicine essay that the front wall of the vagina is inextricably linked with the internal parts of the clitoris; stimulating the vagina without activating the clitoris may be next to impossible. Thus, ‘vaginal' orgasms could be clitoral orgasms by another name.

And on the other side some new research shows that vaginal and clitoral orgasms activate different areas of our brains:

Barry Komisaruk of Rutgers University has conducted multiple studies in which women masturbate while having their brains scanned with a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) machine. The results show which sensory brain areas activate in response to stimulation.
‘If the vagina stimulation is simply working via clitoral stimulations, then vaginal stimulation and clitoral stimulation should activate the exact same place in the sensory cortex,' Komisaruk told LiveScience. ‘But they don't.'

In fact, Komisaruk reports in the journal, the brain areas for clitoral, cervical and vaginal stimulation cluster together but only overlap slightly, like a "cluster of grapes."

So can we just say the g-spot exists, but it doesn't mean everyone needs to have penis in vagina sex and call it a day? Apparently not. There are plenty of studies that are intent on proving that vaginal orgasms are somehow superior (LiveScience handily goes over some of them). So why does everyone seem so intent on ruining this? From LiveScience:

For instance, one study found women who have vaginal orgasms have a lower resting heart rate than those who don't. Other research has found women who orgasm without clitoral stimulation are less likely on average to use certain maladaptive psychological coping mechanisms, said Stuart Brody, a psychologist at the University of West Scotland who has conducted this research.

Don't get me wrong, I think more studies about the human body and sexuality are pretty much a good thing. But let's be real here: there's always a possibility of an agenda. And yet as sex educator Dr. Petra Boynton pointed out to me over e-mail, "The LiveScience piece claims Brody's 'data is strong' but actually I don't think all academics/practitioners would agree. A lot of his work seems to be focusing on heterosexual penetrative vaginal sex. I've yet to see journalists address what particular agendas may be driving this work."

I asked sexologist Dr. Logan Levkoff over e-mail what she thought about the whole debate. Here is what she had to say, "What this ongoing research does (for the lay community) is question the legitimacy of what women experience when they climax. Orgasms are subjective; orgasms can be spiritual and not directly connected to either the clitoris or the vagina. Does a vaginal orgasm exist? Depends on who you ask — but try answering ‘no' to a woman who has had (or believed she had) one."

Ugh. The way that female orgasms are contested in science, then reported on in the media is 1.) not really helping anyone and 2.) is sorta sexist or, at the least, very gendered. Imagine if there were a plethora of studies about male orgasms and whether men feel them in the testicles or the shaft — the question sounds ridiculous. And it's just as ridiculous that science still can't decide whether or not that walnut-shaped g-spot even exists. Can't women just get some good science?

The "research" continues. Vast sums and grants have been spent by universities and various research facilities to finally and definitively PROVE one way or another that the so-called G-SPOT does or does not exist.

Here, boys and girls is yet another study. This one was ALSO done on a CADAVER. She was 83 and as if they couldn't find anyBODY (get it?) that wood apparently have LESS chance of showing any hint of a G anything - wundur of wundurs - GRANNY had a clearly delineated sac-structure (their words - OOoo they make it all sound so sexy!!) proving at least this time that, YES, something exists there that might trigger some kind of orgasmic event. Sadly their manipulations came too late for Granny to enjoy any of this but I am sure her soul is resting SO much more comfortably knowing her ancient and shriveled (from the formaldehyde) twat has made some kind of medical history by indicating something most of us in this room already know about.

Hopefully Granny's "sacrifice" and the G-topsy will cause a few GOOGLE searches and others will find their way to this site. To HELP in that effort I posted a note and a LINK to this thread so it shouldn't be THAT hard for them to find and learn ... the researchers I mean. I did input my name but that was deleted so I am back to Mr. Anon. Big family.

And THANKS GRAMMA. You should get a medal.,_Study_Confirms_Its_Anatomic_Existence.html


The Elusive G-Spot Is Real, Study Confirms Its Anatomic Existence

For centuries, women have been reporting engorgement of the upper, anterior part of the vagina during the stage of sexual excitement, despite the fact the structure of this phenomenon had not been anatomically determined.

A new study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine documents that this elusive structure does exist anatomically.

Adam Ostrzenski, M.D., Ph.D., of the Institute of Gynecology in St. Petersburg, FL, conducted a stratum-by-stratum anterior vaginal wall dissection on an 83-year-old cadaver. The dissection established the presence of the G-spot, a well-delineated sac structure located on the dorsal (back) perineal membrane, 16.5 mm from the upper part of the urethral meatus, creating a 35 degree angle with the lateral (side) border of the urethra.

Having 3 distinct regions, the G-spot emerged with dimensions of length (L) of 8.1 mm x width (W) 3.6 mm to 1.5 mm x height (H) 0.4 mm. Upon removal of the entire structure with the adjacent margin tissues, the G-spot stretched from 8.1 to 33 mm.

"This study confirmed the anatomic existence of the G-spot, which may lead to a better understanding and improvement of female sexual function," Ostrzenski concludes.

Irwin Goldstein, editor-in-chief of The Journal of Sexual Medicine believes that research in women's sexual health issues is important. "This case study in a single cadaver adds to the growing body of literature regarding women's sexual anatomy and physiology."
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I knew I had a G spot but I didn't know that I could have multiple, bone breaking, earth shattering orgasms like I have now. About a year of two ago my husband gave me my first G spot orgasm and I screamed, thrashed around and squirted everywhere. I was mortified and exhilarated at the same time. I thought that I had wet myself as that was my first time squirting. It now happens every time I have a G spot orgasm which started happening more and more often. My sexual confidence grew, he loved doing it to me and seeing my reactions. Now we're having sex almost every night and I have an average of 8-10 orgasms a night. My husband jokes that not many women complain if they've only had 4 orgasms but I do!
I wish more women knew the power of a G spot orgasm. I swear the world shakes with me!
I knew I had a G spot but I didn't know that I could have multiple, bone breaking, earth shattering orgasms like I have now. About a year of two ago my husband gave me my first G spot orgasm and I screamed, thrashed around and squirted everywhere. I was mortified and exhilarated at the same time. I thought that I had wet myself as that was my first time squirting. It now happens every time I have a G spot orgasm which started happening more and more often. My sexual confidence grew, he loved doing it to me and seeing my reactions. Now we're having sex almost every night and I have an average of 8-10 orgasms a night. My husband jokes that not many women complain if they've only had 4 orgasms but I do!
I wish more women knew the power of a G spot orgasm. I swear the world shakes with me!

Wow, that's great. I'd be mush after 8 to 10 orgasms. I only convulse, spasm, and squirt internally and externally. I don't scream, but actually grunt and pant. My favorite orgasms are combo g-gasm, c-gasm, anus-gasm, and a spot-gasm. Somehow, I can't get more than 4 of those as I'm wiped. How can I gain the stamina to complain about these incredible all-over body orgasms?
I kind of figured out how to give my spouse a combined orgasm using my fingers by trial and error and have found a combination that seems to work towards giving her either multiple orgasms or one that lasts a long time, it is amazing to experience (hell, almost get some sort orgasm myself just feeling what is radiating off of her). What I found was once she is orgasming to go lightly on her clit with my thump while using my other fingers to stimulate inside, concentrating on that, so the clit doesn't get over stimulated. According to my spouse it is way, way more whole body then a clit orgasm. Her favorite seems to be getting an orgasm by this method and then having good old sex (usually with her on top), the prior orgasm seems to change how the later one happens, lot more intense or so she says:)