TSCLT 11.0: The pantheon hates a pussy!!!

They're forcing everyone to get the new REAL-ID compliant licenses...

I mean, they indicate that you don't have to get one,
but the forms of identification are still required
for a simple renewal. I blame the terrorists.

And not just the international ones.
;) ;)

I got my Real-ID compliant licence. Now I'm ready when I hear, "Show me your papers, comrade!"

I'm a bit disappointed; I was hounded for a year by the state to come into compliance. I did last year and my license hasn't been out of my wallet since.

You just don't need any of that stuff to vote. :D
A pack of Luks will relentlessly hunt anything down.


They use all take a unique path to their objective.
Like a car out of alignment, they don't do straight.

Then, they don't kill it, they attempt to bark it to death.
You should see them with a snake. No matter where it turns,
it gets a nip on its tail. Eventually it just gives up and dies...

Home. Went to breakfast and saw the girls at the restaurant. The two I like less - weren't there. Women. Of course, they are younger than I am. Some asshole is going to make the crack, "so's dirt."

Went and scored a good jack. We have some stuff to move and some tarps to secure better. In light of the fact that there was a tornado over there >>>> last weekend, I reckon so.

Supper is put together and in the crockpot doing its thing.

The cats look sleepy, and I suspect that they are onto something . . . .

Home. Been home. In for the night. Food is consumed, and damned good it was. The chili rocked. All the critters have been fed, some of the recovering activities are dispatched, and Fred kept a watchful eye on us the entire time.

We're going to look at a young lab tomorrow. The landlady had to put down her old mutt last week, and the girl Beagle hasn't been pleased by that turn of events. Idea is, this new dog would be her playmate. And there's a pond for them to spend time in catching pneumonia and the like. Maybe get bitten by the fish.

Gonna try to find a movie to watch . . . .



My lab really loved the neighbor's pond and often came home soaked
from chasing domestic ducks, mallards and their half-breeds.

Unfortunately, the idiot dog also loved digging huge holes in the pond dam wall
so I had to go chase her down and make her go home all too often.

The lab is gone. The ducks are gone. The pond is still there.

I miss the ducks.
Happy Wednesday!!! I had to double check to make sure what day it is.

Wound up getting involved in the fuss on the anvil board about how people might modify their beloved automobiles. What horrors!!! Don't mention disc brakes to some of those dinosaurs. One guy started talking about his GTO he had 50 years ago, like that had fuck-all to do with the price of tea in China. Swear to Allah, it was almost as bad as Litlibs. Everything but the name calling. Of course, some people Wat would pull their life support plugs for a hangnail.

It just is freezing outside. We have a few errands to run to get ready to poodle this lab. Must resist the cuteness. Has to be a sensible and rational decision. I imagine that I get to be in charge of that.

We know that coffee produces rational thinking . . . .




I'd paint that half-track bright hot pink and
cruise it down the Interstate at almost
the minimum posted speed...

I'd pretend to be Donald Sutherland.

Wine, cheese and rays man.


:cool: ... :D
Morning Wat.

Waiting on the coffee as I get my range kit together. Not quite freezing here or at the range so as long as the wind isn't howling should be a decent morning.
Wagner is still the Right Stuff for military vehicle loud speakers.

I should put some on the iPod . . . .



Hey, it worked on Charlie . . . in the movies . . . .

Of course, not too many people are verra skeert of Movie Charlie.

"Do you wan' Numbah Wun Fuckee??"
~ Movie Charlie as ARVN pimp

I know . . . .


"Fuck Charlie! Charlie don't surf!"

Even though Charlie had a show where he lived on the beach.
His surf boards were just for ambiance...
I would like to see Charlie in a Crazy Horse movie: Charlie Horse.

It would feature so much winning.

;) ;)
Wat don' surf, either. Nor ski, water or sneaux. Fuck that fucking shit.

Besides, too many extraneous hobbies cut into the anvils budget.


You can never go wrong with a pot of chili. It's like pasta: always have a pound or so already cooked in the fridge for emergencies.

My dog two dogs ago was a yellow lab. Good dog. Headstrong though. Liked to chew the innards out of shoes.

Here I am at the office. I was planning on going to the Legion to pay the bills, but my truck came here instead. I'm not sure what happened. The nav system must be on the fritz. I suppose I'll sit here till the sun comes up and then see if I can find my way to the Legion.
I see the new woke Redskins lost another game,
BUT! they won in the PC wars. A black female
position coach. That begs for a position joke.

Was she a wide receiver in college?

:eek: ;) ;)
I think they are done for the season. That was a must win to hold a wild card spot.

We'll get 'em next year!