TSCLT 12.0: The pantheon hates a pussy 2.0

They act, at best, Royee-bright, if that's all one looks for. Everything is st000pid if you think everything is st000pid. I was told that they are st000pid. They proved themselves smarter because I allowed myself to be humble enough to observe that I still have things to learn. And that I knew nothing from first-hand experience about Big Poodles. I have learned some now and I enjoy their company.

Happy Friday. The computer had some charging fuck-up last night, but it seems all right now. We got a lot done yesterday afternoon. It was just diligence. Get after it and kicks its punk ass. We'll be fixin' to leave here in a bit to head over and collect some 55-gallon drums. Can you say "fire barrel?" Sure, I knew you could.

After more coffee.



There was more achieved here today. It's damned scary.

With a little bit of luck, there will be more tomorrow.

Happy Saturday!!! Up early. Got a breakfast thingie. Then a wee gathering thingie. Then some more chore once we get back to the farm. It truly is the will of Allah.

After coffee.

“The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world.”

Dr. Paul Farmer

"I sometimes forget that I was created for joy.
My mind is too busy. My heart is too heavy for me to remember that I have been called to dance the sacred dance of life.I was created to smile, to Love,to be lifted up and to lift others up.O Sacred One, untangle my feet from all that ensnares. Free my soul that we might Dance and that our dancing might be contagious.”

~ Hafiz





My Poetry is Angelical Ravings

By: Allen Ginsberg​

“Poets are damned… but see with the eyes of angels.”

Allen Ginsberg

A word on Academies; poetry has been attacked by an ignorant & frightened bunch of bores who don't understand how it's made, & the trouble with these creeps is they wouldn't know Poetry if it came up and buggered them in broad daylight.

A word on the Politicians: my poetry is Angelical Ravings, & has nothing to do with dull, materialistic vagaries about who should shoot who.
The secrets of individual imagination — which are transconceptual & non-verbal — I mean unconditioned Spirit — are not for sale to this consciousness, are of no use to this world, except perhaps to make it shut its trap & listen to the music of the Spheres.
Who denies the music of the spheres denies poetry, denies man, & spits on Blake, Shelley, Christ & Buddha. Meanwhile, have a ball.
The universe is a new flower.
America will be discovered. Who wants a war against roses will have it. Fate tells big lies, & the gay Creator dances on his own body in Eternity.

Thinking of taking a drive up the dirt path to a mine on the edge of Denali Park. Will make a plan for the day, after breakfast.
Done for the day. Got the list done, and the heat has returned. Looks like Summer this week here and Back East, too. Like mid-90s hot summer. Turn the a/c back on summer. Nothin' Injun Summer about it summer. So it goes.

But got the list done.

Maybe next time, I can come and do some dumb shit, like take a 200 mile HfD ride . . . .




Went for Mexican for supper. It was decent - decent restaurant. The waitress was cute. The one across the aisle had el culo magnifico!!! Muy bien!!!

Dogs got leftovers and the big horse got an apple because the little horse was outside with the goat.

We got in a few bonding moments, the big horse and I. He surely isn't the horse that died in July - mostly not as confident. He's not confident at all. A born follower. Took him for a walk across the street like I used to do with the old horse. He was okay until the little horse started to fuss and complain. Then he started to get a bit wonky. I think he was scared. The old horse loved that stuff. This one didn't, so I was sensitive to his feelings and took him back.

We need another boss horse. These two aren't it.

Sunday morning and I happy to report that yesterday was another glorious, mild fall day without the falling leaves.

I blame GlowBall Warning damnit! This is nothing more than a clear indicator that man has destroyed the planet and wrecked the climate. I'm so sad. I'm going to don my headdress and let a tear roll down my cheek.

I woke up to fresh-baked chocolate-chip cookies, so life can't be all that bad due to man's activities.
Happy Sunday!!! Just passing through before loading the truck and heading Back East. However, John Smith is on his own getting back, insulted model A or no. There's always a handful of shit to do to get ready for the road.

I haven't told Kitten yet.

And I haven't finished the coffee yet . . . .





The morning migration of the deer herd has begun.

The driveway alarm is pinging relentlessly making it deer heard.

I guess they didn't get get enough of the neighbor's grass, so they had to stop on the way and top off the tank.
I guess the hamster is on steroids now (see post #1 of this thread), we're over 9K now and headed for 10K.

Will there be balloons? Ticker tape? Elephants on parade?
Rain and more rain. The young bucks can be out in the woods chasing the moose, getting soaked to the bone, and thinking it's fun. The tin roof extends far enough to keep the kamado dry. It'll be busy smoking some beef for dinner in a bit.
Allah damn right !!!!!

Home. Kitten rode fine. It was its usual long-ass self of a drive, but there were no fuck-ups along the way. A bit of st000pid, but that happens when Other People get out without adequate supervision on my roads. Feckink000ntz!!!

I reckon that there's some grazing to happen here shortly.

Glad as all diddlefuck that tomorrow is a day off.

The beef is wrapped so it will be tender for dinner in a few hours.

The rain continues.
Happy Monday, and Happy Labo(u)r Day. It's the contrivance by our owners to make us think we matter, and we should know better. Most of us have no idea. No matter. Slept pretty well. It's going to be hot as fuck here this week. Last week of it, so they claim. The calendar says it's heading to Autumn, but the thermometer isn't tagging along.

So I reckon that any outside errands not done before lunchtime won't get done today.

Still, coffee must come first.




