TSCLT 12.0: The pantheon hates a pussy 2.0

Didn't even freeze last night. Upper 30s right now.

Football Sunday. I predict that at the end of the day, my team will be conference champions.

:snicker: *dude lol*
Yep, the Ravings did as I expected. And I hope that it doesn't go as I expect it will. Remeber all of those Bills teams? The 0-4 St000pid Bowel Bills teams? Don't take your fucking foot off of the accelerator.

Happy Sunday!!! Slept okay. It's not as chilly as yesterday. The breeze-n-rain made it cut through. Kitten helped me wash dishes while I waited for coffee. She likes it when water backs up in the drain, like when you are rinsing a glass and dump it. The she swats it. I reckon it needs to be punished for backing up, or maybe she's pushing it. No matter, as I have coffee.

Restraint with the eye is good,
good is restraint with the ear.
Restraint with the nose is good,
good is restraint with the tongue.
Restraint with the body is good,
good is restraint with speech.
Restraint with the heart is good,
good is restraint everywhere.
A monk everywhere restrained
is released from all suffering & stress.




Hell, Wat is grateful for things he has lost, or doesn't have . . . .



That's about the size of it.

Some aspects of Life require a bit of pushing and shoving on my part these days.

Meh . . . .





Happy Monday!!! Slept okay. Was aware of feline migration during the night, but not of when it happened. Girlcat went from here to there, Kitten was there and then here. I don't know. It didn't matter.

So the Buffs beat Miami in quite ugly fashion. Let's hope they dispose of the Stealers this weekend. It would be the will of Allah.

Just like coffee is.





This is a Watmobile.

I hate it when I wake up and get the results of a game I recorded.

Oh well. No one promised me a disappointment-free life.
I least my disappointments in life aren't the kind,
to make me a bed-wetting Liberal
like so many here...
Fuck a whole big bunch of Wonder Winterland. I don't want one. Fuck it, I say - as long as it's 18. Units of your choice.

I wonder why the rule breaker still has a thread. And a non-banishment. Feckink000nt!!!

We have working weasels today, thanks be to Allah!!!

There are a lot of rule breakers around here Wat, some like farts are louder than others but they all stink and yet they get to hang around spoiling the atmosphere for everyone else.

I'm on bed rest. That minor ear/sinus viral infection I had met its love in bacterial pneumonia and now I'm popping pills and sleeping eighteen hours a day. At least I'm finally getting that rest I wanted.

I had that crap November before last that wouldn't leave. Champ suggested vitamin C. I got the chewable ones. I have always liked artificial orange. After wolfing down a bunch of those and a few days, I felt better and got better.

Happy Tuesday!!! Slept okay. Heat is running - it must be January or something. Weasels again today, and some calls to round up more of them. No colds. Cats are good. No bills in yesterday's mail.

And coffee in the mug . . . .

Experience is not what happens to a man. It is what a man does with what happens to him.

~ Aldous Huxley

You will not be punished for your anger; you will be punished by your anger.

~ Buddha





This is the time of year when I start to day dream about how great I'll be at golf this summer. Like the Redskins fans thinking they will have a great team next year.

I was reading an article yesterday about how new ownership was involved in building the GS Warryurs into the juggernaut they have become. That's why Rivera got his walking papers. They're bringing in all sorts of people to advise with stuff there, and they're seeking lots of input. Generally, I think this is all a good idea.

Except that it's mostly basketball people.

Nevertheless, if they can find talent and then get it directed . . . .

A great day here. The crew is busy and we're ahead of schedule, but not by so much that we shouldn't be working the hours that we are. Time to make plans for summer.
NFL Research: With the Bengals' win in Week 18 versus Cleveland, the AFC North is the second division in NFL history to have each of its teams finish the season with a winning record.

If I remember, I saw something the other day that said this was the first time this had happened in 90 years.

Congrats on getting stuff done. That's been a bone of contention around here.

Home. Nuking supper. Fucking rain coming home. Slow traffic, spot flooding, low area water collection. In the company truck which is getting down to half-assed tires - but the new ones are coming.

Good thing that, unlike some Litlibs, Wat can drive Shiny Side Up on wet pavement.

The new machine came in today. It does not look like it should cost what it did.