TSCLT 12.0: The pantheon hates a pussy 2.0

And the drive home from work isn't the Descent Into Darkness that it was just a few weeks ago.

All praises to Allah for all of his manifold blessings and great mercies. Even if we prefer light over darkness.

Checking in with the Sunday Horde. All is well with all so far.

Thanks be to Allah, and so on . . . .

Whatever happiness is in the world has arisen from a wish for the welfare of others; whatever misery there is has arisen from indulging selfishness.

~ Buddhist Proverb


Allah has provided a beautiful morning here in Anchorage. I often wonder how people can live without mountain views.
I live without them. It's too flat headed towards work. It's better Out West. Not mountains, but some to ride through from here to there, and plenty of rolling landscape there. That commences a few miles west of here, too. I'll take it.

We have a book club at work that meets next Friday at lunchtime. Halfway through the book. It's not very good, but it doesn't suck. I've read better on the subject matter.
Allah has provided a beautiful morning here in Anchorage. I often wonder how people can live without mountain views.
It’s doable but not easy especially when you’ve lived places with mountains.
Happy Monday!!! Slept kinda half-assed. Heat is running. Pleasant today and tomorrow, and rain on Wednesday. Meh - whatcha gonna do?

It'll be after coffee, whatever it is.

The word, which is often translated simply as prayer, means literally 'wish-path' (Tibetan: smon-lam). It is not a request to an external deity, but a method of purifying and directing the mind. It acts as inspiration by arousing the mind's inherent desire for good, which attracts the fulfillment of its aim.

~ The Tibetan Book Of The Dead





The mild weather is so very pleasurable and coming on the heels of a very mild winter.

This means that it will probably snow in March.

Here on Savage Mountain, it's supposed to rain all week, but be in the 50s. That'll clean things up a bit.
I'm comfy in a t-shirt today.

The inspector assraped us again, but now we have a list of what to do to get through.

Shooting him in the face isn't on the list . . . .


Happy Tuesday!!! Up too early, but Life goes on. I see that the hamster was off his feed last night. I still haven't figured out why no one has called the ASPCA about that situation. I mean, I'm not going to.

Weasels in a bit, after coffee.

Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind.

~ Buddha






How To Not Commit Suicide​

By: David Lerner​

the trick is to
live with utter despair
without utterly despairing

to hate with your heart
and yet not quite believe it
one must, when crossing at the red
keep both eyes open

sing in the shower without
regard for tone

laugh as deeply and savagely as possible

spend much time alone
and regret it as little
as you can

nevery cry wolf until it's eating you alive

care about your neighbors, but with
great discretion

never make the mistake of believing
it will all come out right
but want it to anyway

never turn the corner without
knowing in your heart
there maybe be nothing beyond it
even though you're sure there is

allow for the pettiness of your fellow man
even as you despise it

cry as often as possible, and
only over tragic or stupid matters

fall in love, fall in love

adore music, crave beauty, yearn for
it all

have limits, destroy them, have none,
change your mind

never get too excited when
reading the paper but never forget
that it's all really happening

flowers are gorgeous and wind can't hurt you

the ocean is perfect and the stars are impossible

women, though evil, are much better than men

and children have more heaven than any sky


That split infinitive in the poem title is getting on my nerves.

Got a herd of workers today. All manner of shit is getting done. It's a good day to wander through, take a few pictures, and mostly to stay out of the way.


Happy Wednesday!!! Waiting for this-here coffee to do its thing. There's a drip in the bathroom. Tub faucet. It's slowly getting worse. They don't heal themselves, damn it.

Without work all life goes rotten.

~ Albert Camus





Passed the air test. That thing was/is a bitch. No more until the next floor, thanks be to Allah!!!

This like like the ride-around Watmobile except mine is black and an 8 - this is a 6.


Plumber fucked up. Jeebus motherfucling Christ!!!


And remember the old dogs
who fought so well:
Hemingway, Celine, Dostoevsky, Hamsun.
If you think they didn't go crazy
in tiny rooms
just like you're doing now
without women
without food
without hope
then you're not ready.

~ Charles Bukowski, Love Is a Dog from Hell

Reminds me, I have to shovel the way to the gas meter for the plumber at home. He's coming next week because my frau thinks that I am not skilled at the work. Done it all before and it's easy-peazy. But heck, this keeps her happy.
I get it.

Some of the goofs I've seen doing gas work are enough to make you wonder. A lot. Like water, it just isn't that complicated.

Home. Warmed up some leftovers before the brown bits turned green and vice versa. Kitten supervised my eating until she decided to attack the old cat for crossing her living room. Quite the goddess she.


Happy Thursday!!! It's that damned leap day thingie. You have to give the church some credit for coming up with the best calendar. So, in honor of that, it's still BC and AD here, and the rest can go fuck itself.

Slept okay. Cats are quiet until they won't be. It was 60 yesterday morning and it's 30 this morning, so it must still be February. The manglement big boss lady is coming for lunch. She retires in 2 more months, and she says she's ready to. At the rate that city inspections are getting done, Wat may have all but worked himself out of a job for a few days.

Meh, coffee . . . .





Wat took Retirement Girl to lunch. She seemed really to appreciate it. Glad to be able to do it, but also glad to be able to think of doing it.

Still behind the curve on the plumbing/mechanical/gas thing. The plumber might finish his shit today. We had a bit for the HVAC crew, but we did that. Now, it's waiting for The Wheels of Bureaucracy to turn.

I doubt that the right people were bribed sufficiently . . . .

Happy March 1/Friday!!! Up too early, but so what. Looking forward to two days off, all in a row, even. If the farm were 500 miles closer, I'd run off for the weekend. Like, tonight. I'd like to see the horse.

Still stuck at work. Bureaucracy.

But coffee!!!




