TSCLT 12.0: The pantheon hates a pussy 2.0

Happy Memorial Day weekend Sunday!!! Here at Chez Wat East. Cats are taking a break after a rambunctious morning. Coffee is consumed, shooping list is underway, there is a bit of sun out and grass will get cut whether Wat wants to or not. It's been 3 weeks. This 3-egg omelette is kicking ass. There's the M1 rifle stock - reproduction - to consider a finish for. Meh, we'll see. Looks like rain is on its way for later, too. This has been one soggy-ass Spring.

Friends, I know nothing which brings suffering as does an untamed, uncontrolled, unattended and unrestrained heart. Such a heart brings suffering.

~ Anguttara Nikaya





"He who knows others is wise, he who knows himself is enlightened."
- Lao Tzu

When we fall on the ground it hurts us, but we also need to rely on the ground to get back up.
-Kathleen McDonald, How to Meditate

Always recognize the dreamlike qualities of life and reduce attachment and aversion. Practice good-heartedness toward all beings. Be loving and compassionate, no matter what others do to you. What they will do will not matter so much when you see it as a dream. The trick is to have positive intention during the dream. This is the essential point. This is true spirituality.
Chakdud Tulku Rinpoche

Happy Memorial Day Monday!!! Slept decently. It's too damned early, so nothing special is going on. It looks like we get T-storms today. I reckon the grass will be trying to grow up to my waist this week, so it'll need a good cutting when I get back here next weekend. The trip to the cemetery may be a bit damp.

So may the coffee. Be a bit damp.

Why is it that people should find it so difficult even to conceive the depth and glory of the nature of mind? Why does it seem to many such an outlandish and improbable idea?

The teachings speak of four faults, which prevent us from realizing the nature of mind right now.

1. The nature of minds is too close to be recognized. Just as we are unable to see our own face, mind finds it difficult to look into it's own nature.

2. It is too profound for us to fathom. We have no idea how deep it could be; if we did, we would have already, to a certain extent, realized it.

3. It is too easy for us to believe. In reality all, we need do is simply to rest in the naked, pure awareness of the nature of mind, which is always present.

4. It is too wonderful for us to accommodate, The sheer immensity of it is too vast to fit into our narrow way of thinking. We just can't believe it. Nor can we possibly imagine that enlightenment is the real nature of our minds.







I am thankful that the victors in that Late Unpleasantness were magnanimous, unlike some of today's libturd types who talk about hanging everyone and treason and a bunch of other nonsense, like they somehow know better than the people who were fucking there.

Here's a name from one who served the other in another . . . .

I'm almost certain that their mothers knew who they were when they sent them off, and remembered who they were when they never came home.

And the fucking colors are outrageous. I'd rather have a '33, but the '34 would do. :ROFLMAO:

Happy Tuesday, also known as the worst Monday of the week because it's the day after a holiday Monday. Slept okay and up too early. Weekend al in all ways decent. Then we get Independence Day on a Thursday. Not sure how that will play out. But, it hasn't gotten here yet. Hot-n-humid today and then it cools a bit to more acceptable late spring conditions.

Coffee, shower, packing, loading . . . .

Let no sleep fall upon thy eyes till thou hast thrice reviewed the transactions of the past day. Where have I turned aside from rectitude? What have I been doing? What have left undone, which I ought to have done? Begin thus from the first act, and proceed; and, in conclusion, at the ill which thou hast done, be troubled, and rejoice for the good.

~ The Buddha

The essence of meditation practice in Dzogchen is encapsulated by these four points:
• When one past thought has ceased and a future thought has not yet arisen, in that gap, in between, isn't there a consciousness of the present moment; fresh, virgin, unaltered by even a hair's breadth of concept, a luminous, naked awareness? - Well that is what Rigpa is!
• Yet it doesn't stay in that state forever, because another thought suddenly arises, doesn't it? This is the self radiance of that Rigpa.
• However if you do not recognize this thought for what it really is, the very instant it arises, then it will turn into just another ordinary thought, as before. This is called the"chain of delusion," and is the root of samsara.
• If you are able to recognize the true nature of the thought as soon as it arises, and leave it alone without any follow-up, then whatever thoughts that arise all automatically dissolve back into the vast expanse of Rigpa and are liberated





Happy Wednesday!!! Slept okay but up too early. So it goes. We get sun today, which after the last batch of rainy daze will be a nice touch. Work is gonna be work-like today, I reckon. That's why they call it work. If anybody could do this shit, what would I do? And they send money!!!

To buy coffee to drink . . . .

In Buddhism we establish whether a teacher is authentic by whether or not the guidance he or she is giving accords with the teachings of the Buddha. It cannot be stressed too often that it is truth of the teaching which is all-important, and never the personality of the teacher. This is why Buddha reminded us in the "Four reliances":

Rely on the message of the teacher, not on his personality;

Rely on the meaning, not just on the words;

Rely on the real meaning, not just the provisional one;

Rely on your wisdom mind, not on your ordinary, judgmental mind.

So it is important to remember that the true teacher, as we shall see, is the spokesman of the truth: its compassionate "wisdom display." All the buddhas, masters, and prophets, in fact are the emanation of this truth, appearing in countless skillful, compassionate guises in order to guide us through their teaching, back to our true nature. At first then, more important than finding the teacher is through making a connection with the truth of the teaching, for it is through making a connection with the truth of the teaching that you will discover your living connection with a master.





Happy Thursday!!! Slept okay. Cats are good. Yesterday took a turn, so there's a reset in the works. No matter. Got a stack of paperwork to get to all the right places this morning, so we'll be there when they open with bells on. Choices, changes, onward and upward . . . .

After coffee - we haven't lost our minds quite yet.

What is enlightenment?

Coming to understand, coming to realize that you are not the body. you are the light within, not the lamp, but the flame. you are neither body nor mind. Mind belongs to the body, mind is not beyond body, it is part of the body. Minds is also atomic, as body is atomic.

You are neither body nor the mind - then you come to know who you are. And to know who you are is enlightenment.....

Enlightened means you have realized who (and what) you are.




Happy Friday!!! Up about right. Weather looks to be okay today - still haven't turned on the a/c. I prefer the windows open if at all possible. It's the fucking humidity, and we've been okay many days.

There's a lot of shit to try to get done here. Load the trailer. We're not going to worry about whether or not the mule needs glasses.

The Wat needs coffee, but that's a given . . . .

Enlightened Beings

You have your own values, and you always look through those values. An enlightened person is totally in a different dimension, where he lives without values, where he lives without any criteria, where he lives without any morality, where he simply lives without the ego. An enlightened person simply lives. He is not manipulating his life, he is a white cloud floating. He has nowhere to go, nothing to achieve. Nothing is good for him and nothing is bad. He does not know any God, he does not know any devil. He knows only life, and life in its totality is beautiful....

An enlightened person always appears like a madman. So the first thing to be understood is don't evaluate an enlightened person through your values - very difficult, because what else can you do. ...

Second thing: an enlightened person behaves from the center never from the periphery. You always behave from the periphery, you live on the periphery, the circumference. To you the circumference is the most important thing. You have killed your soul and saved your body. The enlightened person can sacrifice his body, but cannot allow his soul to be lost. He is ready to die - any moment he is ready to die - that's not a problem. But it is not ready to lose his center, the very core of his being.





Guess what? It's Laurel's website. She pays for it and we don't. That whole "free speech" thingie up there? Remember, it's Laurel's website. I can assure you that she remembers. She can do anything she wants to it or with it. She knows this. And she does this. And she has rules, and she has discretion. It's Laurel's website.

I operated a couple of parallel sites once upon a time. We had rules. I permabanned a couple of Lit Luminaries. Why? We had rules, they broke them, and they got the axe. It's Laurel's website. It's her axe.

No matter how tolerant she is most of the time, at the end of the day, it's Laurel's website. I hope that's clear.

It's Laurel's website . . . .

Word from the wise . . . to the st000pid. Because this place seems to have accumulated more st000pid than ever before . . . .


Happy Saturday/June 1. Year is 5/12s behind us. I know, still one day at a time is how it gets doled out. Several things to get done around here today to finish loading up. Yesterday was absolutely gorgeous for being out and knocking shit out, so here's hoping that today is a repeat. It's really decent weather for being this close to summer.

Decent coffee, too.

"Zen says the ordinary mind is the enlightened mind. You don't go anywhere; the ordinary world is paradise. Here and now, everything is there! you need not go anywhere.

For the first time you become aware of the beauty of the world...everything is young and fresh and alive and God is here! if you think your God is somewhere else you are still listening to the mind, because that is the language of the mind: "Somewhere else, somewhere else! Never here!" - and he is always here.
Meditation reveals you the here and now. And then the ordinary mind becomes the most extraordinary. And the ordinary life becomes the supreme, the ultimate. The only difference is of a closed and open mind. When thoughts are there, the clouds are not there and the mind is open. And when the mind is open the old part has fallen, the water has flowed out, the reflection disappears, no water, no moon!"

You don’t have to go to Himalayas. You don’t have to stand on your heads. You don’t have to starve yourself. Don’t have to pay for it. It is all there which is your own power. Only when it happens you realise your identity, you realize how great you are, you realise how the Divine is within you and which is expressing itself.

~ Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi






Happy Sunday!!! Road trip! Mostly loaded. Stuff - working on the coffee bit.


Within the Buddhist tradition, concentration is also highly valued. But a new element is added and more highly stressed. That element is awareness. All Buddhist meditation aims at the development of awareness, using concentration as a tool. The Buddhist tradition is very wide, however, and there are several diverse routes to this goal. Zen meditation uses two separate tacks. The first is the direct plunge into awareness by sheer force of will. You sit down and you just sit, meaning that you toss out of your mind everything except pure awareness of sitting. This sounds very simple. It is not. A brief trial will demonstrate just how difficult it really is.
The second Zen approach used in the Rinzai school is that of tricking the mind out of conscious thought and into pure awareness. This is done by giving the student an unsolvable riddle which he must solve anyway(koan), and by placing him in a horrendous training situation. Since he cannot flee from the pain of the situation, he must flee into a pure experience of the moment. There is nowhere else to go. Zen is tough. It is effective for many people, but it is really tough.

We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other,
to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment,
but it is transient. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.
If we share with caring, lightheartedness and love,
we will create abundance and joy for each other.

And then this moment will have been worthwhile.

~ Deepak Chopra




