Twisting the Words

"Was it swim to the surface and then take off the handcuffs" Harry Houdini
Pure said:
Golden Whip Award to anyone who can identify this quote:

Take all that shall be brought upon thee, and in thy sorrow endure and in thy humiliation keep patience. For gold and silver are tried in the fire and acceptable men in the furnace of humiliation.

Is it from the Book of Job?
I believe it was St Francis, but origonally, it was in Ecclesiasties. Good one, but don't get me started on that damned thing.
Amen, brother, I read that damned thing three times, cover to cover, and I don't concider myself christian either. Of course, I've actually been branded a Heretic, so I guess there's a consensus, at least.
Answer: Sirach 2 {=Ecclesiasticus**} (In Catholic Bibles or the Apocrypha of protestants.)

Lark S. is winner of the Golden Whip!

**Not to be confused with Ecclesiastes.
psiberzerker said:
Amen, brother, I read that damned thing three times, cover to cover, and I don't concider myself christian either. Of course, I've actually been branded a Heretic, so I guess there's a consensus, at least.

Well, I'm not quite the Heretic and not quite the Christian. I've been a Buddhist since birth, with some pagan and Christian leanings. So I guess that just makes me a heathen. :)