Two Poems

My Erotic Trail said:
AWWW YES, 'Liar" an explanation of my meaning may clear this up. E E Cummings, I was told is a great poet, I read this person, 'let me say' I tried to read this and THAT is what "I" would call ...unreadable.

e.e. cummings - my girl's tall with hard long eyes

my girl's tall with hard long eyes
as she stands, with her long hard hands keeping
silence on her dress, good for sleeping
is her long hard body filled with surprise
like a white shocking wire, when she smiles
a hard long smile it sometimes makes
gaily go clean through me tickling aches,
and the weak noise of her eyes easily files
my impatience to an edge--my girl's tall
and taut, with thin legs just like a vine
that's spent all of its life on a garden-wall,
and is going to die. When we grimly go to bed
with these legs she begins to heave and twine
about me, and to kiss my face and head.

Art, you've written weirder things than this yourself. :)
Liar said:
e.e. cummings - my girl's tall with hard long eyes

my girl's tall with hard long eyes
as she stands, with her long hard hands keeping
silence on her dress, good for sleeping
is her long hard body filled with surprise
like a white shocking wire, when she smiles
a hard long smile it sometimes makes
gaily go clean through me tickling aches,
and the weak noise of her eyes easily files
my impatience to an edge--my girl's tall
and taut, with thin legs just like a vine
that's spent all of its life on a garden-wall,
and is going to die. When we grimly go to bed
with these legs she begins to heave and twine
about me, and to kiss my face and head.

Art, you've written weirder things than this yourself. :)

I have?

Liar, I just read three of your poems, (correcting that), I went through two before I found a poem I would understand enough to finish. I liked Guru Shakedown , <by the way> even though I have no idea what it is about, pre exam thoughts?

Now if you want wierd can we drag a wicked poem in about ivory and turtles (~_*) of course I liked Betty's rubber gloves.
Liar said:
e.e. cummings - my girl's tall with hard long eyes

my girl's tall with hard long eyes
as she stands, with her long hard hands keeping
silence on her dress, good for sleeping
is her long hard body filled with surprise
like a white shocking wire, when she smiles
a hard long smile it sometimes makes
gaily go clean through me tickling aches,
and the weak noise of her eyes easily files
my impatience to an edge--my girl's tall
and taut, with thin legs just like a vine
that's spent all of its life on a garden-wall,
and is going to die. When we grimly go to bed
with these legs she begins to heave and twine
about me, and to kiss my face and head.

Art, you've written weirder things than this yourself. :)

Made me think of this poem:

The Longness Of Liz
by smithpeter ©

Liz is a long woman.
Blackest black short haired.
She wears long dresses,
Slit down her left leg.
Always the left side.
Her tattooed right outer thigh,
Seldom sees the light of day,
Or gaze of suitors.
There, permanently marked,
A vine of green grape leaves,
An intertwined slender,
Olive colored snake,
Weaving its way upward around,
And around from ankle to hip.

She dresses simply.
Always long black,
Calf length thin strapped dresses.
Loose fitting low cut rear and front.
Her beasts are shaped,
For champagne glasses.
She wears no ornament.
Neither jewelry or makeup.

Beside pretentious ladies in restaurants,
Adorned with multicolored beads,
Sparkling stone studded rings,
And cinched waists,
Liz appears naked.
My Erotic Trail said:
I liked Guru Shakedown , <by the way> even though I have no idea what it is about, pre exam thoughts?
Yep. Cognitive Idea History, I think the subject was. I had Aristotele, Descartes, Parminedes, Nietzche, Plato, Vico and lord knows who else buzzing like a swarm of mosquitos on speed inside my head. Glad it amused you. :D
Liar said:
Yep. Cognitive Idea History, I think the subject was. I had Aristotele, Descartes, Parminedes, Nietzche, Plato, Vico and lord knows who else buzzing like a swarm of mosquitos on speed inside my head. Glad it amused you. :D
OUTED! Liar is an intellectual!
Liar said:
Only for the unperceptive. I'm laughing my ass off right now.
O, yes, there is a lot of such forced laughing around this forum, call it ass-laughing if you will. It has nothing to do with humor. And be sincere, because your usage of "unperceptive" here was just some cheap gaming, not for real. It's beneath an honest person to play such idiotic games. I'd rather tell you directly what I think.
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Senna Jawa said:
O, yes, there is a lot of such forced laughing, call it ass-laughing if you will. It has nothing to do with humor. And be sincere, because your usage of "unperceptive" here was just some cheap gaming, not for real. It's beneath an honest person to play such idiotic games. I rather tell you directly what I think.
Well, you lost me there. If all you do is toss around snideness like this, you better include a little more meat on your bones in the post. This is not telling me what you think, this is taking petty status stances. What cheap gaming? What makes you say I was not being honest? You see what you want to to stroke your ego, I guess.
annaswirls said:
not quite free
Senna Jawa

I cheated. This was the third spin. I just could not do the other two. And I am a compulsive confessor so I had to tell. :cool:

I like this one, have to go comment. There are no comments there, maybe this was a poem from the pre-comment days.

Thank you Anna for your kindness. I've read your comment, and by Maria. Thank you to both of you.

I wrote my poem fourteen years ago. It'd be too difficult for me, if not outright impossible, to get into the old mood from the poem. For this reason I would not dare to change that poem, would not dare to risk that I will interfere with its flow without a feel for it.

If I were like the on-line Amazon Internet bookstore I would recommend some more titles from me, which go well with the given poem and with the Valentine theme. But I am not Amazon.

I wish the Google's gmail feature: labels, would be common. Then each poem could be labeled in more than one way, and it would be a snap to group them together according to any label or their combination, as it is done with the gmail letters. It'd be very nice. You'd click on the label "Valentine" and you'd get them all, right away, no sweat.

Best regards,

Senna Jawa
Liar said:
Well, you lost me there.
I was writing impatiently, since I don't care for such unnecessary exchanges. I've edited my (admittedly sloppy) post slightly to make it clearer. Perhaps now you will be satisfied. In either case, this is the end of this pseudo-discussion for me anyway.
Aesthetics and technique
Presented with an intellectual air
Like the void in Giacometti’s hands
Alludes to there being is something there
Something solid and fully formed
But all there is, is rarefied air.
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Senna Jawa said:
Yes, I remember. Somehow, the Chinese and the Skalds, and the folk poetry got to the very root of poetry, while most of the rest of the literary world, including Arnold's environment, got wrong ideas. However, you write also:

Maybe you are right about Su Wu and his time but I rather doubt it. I think that Su Wu was ahead of his time. Chinese needed time to develop their aesthetics and philosophy, it was not always like this. They peaked perhaps in the 8th century, about 800 years after Su Wu. They had marvelous poems earlier too, as the one by Su Wu, but those poems were the ones that have contributed to the progress rather than the ones which simply have represented the poetry level of their times. I am sure that they had some folk art on the highest level, quality wise, but the Chinese too had many poor texts. After centuries we are exposed only to the best texts hence we may get a wrong idea about the times in general, if we are not careful. Let me repeat that I am not sure. Possibly Chinese were mature poetically already around 100BC.

Certainly at one time Chinese already understood what is a good poetry and what is not, while today this understanding is missing in general but for a fractional version as represented by Ezra Pound views. Variations of the Ezra Pound rules/advices are taught today in the States at colleges. The problem is that where Pound and the college instructors have but some pragmatic suggestions (a lot), Chinese had a whole view on the man and universe, a whole philosophical system. They didn't pass their knowledge to the world because of their style. Greeks would make an explicit, general theory, while Chinese style is to explain by generic examples (it is the way of poetry too). That works very well when you are a part of the environment, but it does not work that well when you are distant from the teachers.

The case of Skalds is very interesting too, extremely so.

:)But it's worse than that. Let me get some sleep and then I will write more about the Matthew Arnold's poem (you guys are sooo lazy! :)).

You are right. And the final :))) version should appear on a separate page. However, despite of the impression from this forum, I am a social creature, thriving on the interaction. Also, on one hand I'd like to put down in writing what I have (I feel that it would be a pity to let it go to waste), while on the other hand somehow it's hard for me to actually do it. A friend of mine has directed me to a good server, where I already have started (just barely) to put mathematics:
I am thinking about opening another page there, at 50webs, for poetry, called "PoeBit". We will see.

Interesting, very much so.
What I would like to see is something that you consider your best in PDC, and an active defense of it.
~ I came to learn.